[UPDATED] Board 14.2 release - a new 14.2 patch update is here!
We are pleased to announce that the Board 14.2 release is here! 🚀 For the latest update Release notes and a link to the release, please see the first comment below this post. The new Board 14.2 release includes significant improvements to performance, general usability, and the Layout parameters. Find the installer links…
A new GCR version (1.1.0) is here!
A new GCR version (1.1.0) is here! We are happy to announce that a new GCR version (1.1.0) is now available for customers and partners! New Material available: IFRS Starter Kit A pre-packaged Starter Kit with pre-configured Group Accounts, Reporting Structures, cash flows and much more is now available! New features…
Improved Release Notes section is coming soon!
We are proud to announce that a new and improved, dedicated Release Notes section will be launched on Community by the end of this year! Why a new Release Notes section? The new Release Note section is an improved version of the section we have today, designed to facilitate a better user experience by creating easier…
(UPDATED) Board 2023 Summer Release - 12.6 Patch Release is Here!
We are pleased to share that the Board 2023 Summer Release is here! For the latest Patch Release notes and a link to the release, please see the first comment below this post. This release includes significant improvements for all types of users, but its main new features are focused on Makers and Admin & Ops. Makers can…
UPDATED: Board 14 release - a new 14.1 patch update is here!
We are pleased to announce that the Board 14 release is here! 🚀 For the latest update Release notes and a link to the release, please see the first comment below this post. The new Board 14.1 release includes significant improvements for both developers, administrators, and end users in addition to a completely new,…
How to Setup Microsoft IIS with Board 14 Web Server
Functionality Board 14 Web Server includes its own HTTP Server, but for multiple reasons, you might want to publish Board under IIS. Publishing Board under IIS may be convenient in these cases: Need to use a certificate and publish the site through HTTPS. Need to publish the same Board Engine through multiple sites with…
Board 14.1 FAQs
With the release of Board 14.1, you may have some questions about the newest version, its features, and how to upgrade. We have consolidated the most common questions and their answers here. 1. Will my Screens change after the upgrade? No, Screens and Object positions will not change or need to be adjusted. 2. Will I need…
Google Maps Object Update: Action Needed
A Google Maps security content update is causing all the Google Maps Objects configured in a Board environment to fail execution. Further details on the Google Maps update can be found here. This issue is affecting all Board versions. The issue will be fixed in the upcoming 12.6 Patch release version and will be available…
Important Update: Changes to Board Cloud Security and Connection Settings
What’s changing? At Board, we prioritize safeguarding your data, information, and other assets managed through our platform. To ensure robust protection, we continuously enhance our cloud security policies. Starting June 30, 2023, we will close the port range 9700-9710 for incoming TCP connections. This change supports new…
The Board 2023 Spring Release Is Now Available
We are pleased to announce the Board 2023 Spring Release is live. This release delivers numerous improvements for all users of Board across a wide variety of business scenarios, including: Citizen End Users can easily tweak the format of values displayed in Data views and show or hide columns on the fly to customize the…
The Board 2023 Spring release webinar is now available
In case you missed it, we've put together a handy webinar overview of all the latest updates to our platform! The full webinar introducing the Spring release has been released and can be viewed below. To learn more about the release, please click here.
The Board 2022 Spring Release Is Now Available
This update introduces the ability to perform data entry actions on Data Views associated with Layout whose Blocks are vertically aligned, a much more efficient asynchronous Layout execution on folders of the Tab Container , and the ability to export data from the Impact Analysis section of Data models to Excel. Board 2022…
The Board 2022 Summer Release Is Now Available
The Board 2022 Summer Release is now available!. This update introduces various significant enhancements and new features for every type of Board user, from Developers to End Users. Take a quick look at what's new in the videos below, and then access the detailed release notes, installer files, and more further down the…
The Board 2021 Winter Release Is Now Available
This update introduces a new, much more flexible Waterfall chart Object, new Procedure steps for extracting data from Board, significant Subscription Hub enhancements and additional performance improvements to further increase Board speed, stability and reliability. MAIN NEW FEATURES OF THIS UPDATE New Waterfall chart…
The Board 2021 Summer Release Is Now Available
This update introduces new Collaboration features, new options for popular Screen Objects, significant global enhancements and dramatic performance improvements. MAIN NEW FEATURES OF THIS UPDATE Collaboration services: allow users to publish content within Board, leave contextual comments about Screens and Capsules, and…
[FAQ] Most common questions about Board Spring 2021 release
Presentation of the new Board Spring 2021 release generated an impressive number of questions, discussions, and inquiries about the various aspects of the new version. We have consolidated the most common ones in the FAQ format and hope this summary will be useful to the wider community. Q: Is the effort to upgrade from…
[Slides] Board Spring 2021 Release Webinar
Supporting slides for the introductory webinar about the Board Spring 2021 Release.
[Webinar Recording] Board Spring 2021 Release
The Board Spring 2021 Release represents a milestone in the evolution of Board technology. It drives a new era of decision-making and helps enterprises succeed in a constantly changing reality through greater planning agility and more accurate insights. The release combines supercharged performance and unmatched…