Opening a Capsule from a Command Line

The following article, describes a common approach for deploying BOARD Client applications to non-experienced users.
You might want to have a look at the BOARD Procedure Launcher synthax as well to read how to automatically schedule BOARD procedures or to run BOARD procedures using a command line
To open a Capsule from a command line, run
with the following optional parameters
Specify the host to connect to
/host "server_ip_addr:port"
Specify a host and port number which are not defined in the list of connections of your Board Client. In this case you specify the logon account either using the switch /sso which uses single sign-on (therefore it will use the Windows current user account) or using the switches /user and /password described hereafter.
Specify the user credentials
/username "myname" /password "mypassword"
Allows to type a given username and password
Specify the capsule to open
/capsule "FolderMyCapsule.cpsx"
To open a capsule located on the server, where Folder is the path starting from BoardCapsules.
Specify a screen to open
/screen "MyScreen"
The "home" screen will be opened by default
Force the Board Client program to close immediately after triggering a procedure
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with the /capsule parameter. This parameter must be used only with server side actions.
Examples of commands
BoardWinClient.exe" /host "" /username "admin" /password "admin" /capsule "UpdateProcedure.cpsx" /unattended
BoardWinClient.exe" /host "" /username "admin" /password "admin" /capsule "folder rigger.cpsx" /screen "screen1"
using a command line you can create an icon on a user’s desktop that opens BOARC Client, then automatically connects to the server and opens the specified Capsule.