Format report in Microsoft WORD

Within T-Mobile it is our objective to report everything from BOARD. Herefor, we need to combine the individual BOARD reports in WORD to have one total report which we can easily share with the stakeholders. However, it is not possibility to have the same format of the report we have in BOARD to have it in WORD as well.

It is possible to add the Row template, but it does give the same effect. This because it still shows the WORD table flavour. Hopefully it will be possible in the future that the format which is in BOARD equals the format in WORD.

5 votes

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  • Yana McConaty
    Yana McConaty Active Partner
    5 Likes Fourth Anniversary First Comment Name Dropper

    Great suggestion. Essential functionality for financial reporting packages using Board World Add-in.

  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    First Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes Photogenic

    Thank you for sharing your insightful suggestion with us, @Yana McConaty. Your time and effort are genuinely valued.  
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    We're dedicated to offering the best user experience and prioritizing features and enhancements that significantly impact everyday usage of our software.  
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