Unload Database procedure step

Hi Team,
with our Customer we are facing the following challenge:
We are implementing the multi language feature across several Databases. Everytime we receive new description texts, an unload of the database is necessary for the new descriptions to come into effect.
Currently there is no structured approach to do this in an nightly load.
Possible workarounds include
1) A user has to unload database manually (during the working hours) the reload of the respective database results in Board beeing unavailable for several minutes for large databases
2) Nightly server restart - this is possible but not preferred b the customer. Also some action needs to be scheduled to trigger reload of databases before the start of the working day
3) Force unload database by performing a backup/restore nightly - also possible but kind of a sledghammer method.
So our preferred solution would be the addition of a dedicated procedure step to perform an unload/reload database.
This way it could be performed in a well organized way as part of our nightly load routine.
Kind regards
What a wonderful idea ! 😂
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thanks for wish, we at Mueller Group having the same issues.
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Such step in procedures would be great to have for very large staging databases.