Data Model object comments

For Data Model objects it would be informative to have to possibility to add comments and notes.
For example a Procedure, under “Options” or a new tab, give the developer the possibility to write comments i.e. the purpose of the procedure, when it was last updated, who created/updated it. It could either be one big free-text-box or several boxes where each box represents different topics (last updated, creator etc).
A bonus would be if you can control the topic for each box.
Hi Samir,
agree with your idea.
I think that could be even better to have this pieces of information saved somewhere: I mean, creating an automatic way to let the developer know when the procedure (and all the other Data Model objects) has been updated and by whom - in addition to the comments that you are suggesting in order to keep track of the purpose (and maybe where it is used/launched).2 -
Dear Samir,
I agree!
It could be very useful for Entities, Cubes, Data Reader (?), and at most: Procedures.
Indeed, the comments fields are too short to leave enough explanations.
(in order to explain the content/role of the object and if there were any specific information to get known)0 -
It seems to reach the same kind of idea posted here:
You may vote for both in order to increase luck to have it in next BOARD release…1 -
Hope this idea gets considered for the backlog soon!
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Hi @Samir Jones, thank you for sharing your idea! We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion, and we understand the need of this solution. We have accepted this Idea to be part of our backlog and we are evaluating the feasibility of adding it to the development roadmap.
We are committed to delivering the best possible experience to our customers, and we must prioritize the features and enhancements that will have the most significant impact on your daily use of our software.1