Board Theme: Header Picture Scaling
Hi all!
This is a rather minor wish:
When scaling windows or changing screen resolutions, the Board Theme "Header background picture" should also do so accordingly.
Alternatively (or in a first step), the option to align the "Header background picture" left or center, in addition to the implicit default (right), would be super helpful.
Appendix (Current Implementation):
- Appropriate window size
2. Smaller window size
3. Bigger window size
Thank you for sharing your insightful suggestion with us, @Filip Rankovic. Your time and effort are genuinely valued.
As of April 2023, we have implemented a thoughtful archiving process for Ideas that have received fewer than 5 votes and are more than 6 months old. This approach ensures that our Idea Exchange remains well-organized, highlighting the most sought-after suggestions and streamlining their accessibility for both our community and team (details in our Idea Exchange FAQs).
We're dedicated to offering the best user experience and prioritizing features and enhancements that significantly impact everyday usage of our software.
Please keep those creative ideas and feedback coming – we always look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you again for your understanding and continued support.0
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