Troubleshooting the Board Procedure Launcher

The Board Procedure Launcher is a tool available for On-Premise installations of Board.
The Board Procedure Launcher allows a Board Database Procedure to be executed from a Windows command line. Details about this functionality are available in the article Board Procedure Launcher.
When you run the Board Procedure Launcher, something might go wrong at two points:
- The call to Board due to a syntax error or other issues
- The configuration of the Scheduled Task
To rule out that the issue is related to the Scheduled Task, you might want to trigger the batch instruction directly. To check for a potential issue with the batch instruction or BOARD, you can copy the script calling the Procedure Launcher into a Command Window and launch it from there. Depending on the outcome of the operation, the following codes will be returned. For each of them, the corresponding meaning is provided.
Code | Meaning | Subject | |
1001 | EmptyUsername | Security | |
1002 | UnknownUsername | Security | |
1003 | WrongPassword | Security | |
1004 | UnknownWinUser | Security | |
1005 | UsersFileNotReadable | Security | |
1006 | NoProfile | Security | |
1007 | UnknownIdentity | Security | |
1008 | UserIsNull | Security | |
1009 | WrongUserType | Security | |
1010 | BlankPassword | Security | |
1011 | GroupNotFound | Security | |
1012 | UserLocked | Security | |
1013 | CannotAuthenticate | Security | |
1014 | UndefinedError | Security | |
1015 | ProcedureOwnerNotFound | Security | |
1016 | ProfilesFileNotReadable | Security | |
1017 | OldPasswordIncorrect | Security | |
1018 | NewPasswordInvalid | Security | |
1019 | MustBeAdmin | Security | |
1020 | PasswordTooShort | Security | |
1021 | UsersAlreadyConfigured | Security | |
1022 | NotAPasswordUser | Security | |
1023 | UserNotRegistered | Security | |
1024 | PermissionDenied | Security | |
1025 | CubeChangesNotAllowed | Security | |
1026 | CannotSaveUsers | Security | |
1027 | CannotSaveProfiles | Security | |
1028 | CannotWriteDbProfilesBinFile | Security | |
1029 | CannotConvertDbProfilesBinToXml | Security | |
1030 | CannotReadDbProfilesBinFile | Security | |
1031 | ClientNotCompatible | Security | |
2001 | LicenseNotAvailable | License | |
2002 | LicenseIsStandalone | License | |
2003 | LicenseCurrentlyNotAvailable | License | |
2004 | LicenseTypeUnknown | License | |
2005 | KeyFileNotFound | License | |
2006 | UserAlreadyLogged | License | |
2007 | OfficeLicenseNotFound | License | |
2008 | LicenseIsMaster | License | |
2009 | UserRegisteredAsVisitor | License | |
2010 | WebServicesNotAllowed | License | |
3001 | TrafficLightRed | Layout / Data Entry | |
3002 | ExceedsRowsLimitation | Layout / Data Entry | |
3003 | SplitSplatOnZeroNotAllowed | Layout / Data Entry | |
3004 | ValuesChangedInMeanwhile | Layout / Data Entry | |
3005 | NoEntitiesByRow | Layout / Data Entry | |
3006 | EntityByRowEmpty | Layout / Data Entry | |
3007 | NoRowsOrColumns | Layout / Data Entry | |
3008 | PivotNoEntitiesByRow | Layout / Data Entry | |
3009 | ConnectionIsMissing | Layout / Data Entry | |
3010 | MoreThan32Dimensions | Layout / Data Entry | |
3011 | UnableToRunAnalysis | Layout / Data Entry | |
3012 | CannotApplyFunctionToTarget | Layout / Data Entry | |
4001 | DatabaseAccessDenied | Database | |
4002 | UnableToOpenDatabase | Database | |
4003 | DatabaseDoesNotExist | Database | |
4004 | UnableToBrowseTable | Database | |
4005 | ConnectionToRdbFailed | Database | |
4006 | CodeAlreadyExists | Database | |
4007 | DatabaseCurrentlyLocked | Database | |
4008 | DatabaseCurrentlyUnderModification | Database | |
4009 | DatabaseSecurityCorrupted | Database | |
4010 | CannotUpdateRelationships | Database | |
4011 | CannotWriteConnections | Database | |
4012 | QueryDataError | Database | |
4013 | QueryDataDownError | Database | |
4014 | NoMoreQueriesAllowed | Database | |
5001 | ProfileIsNull | Capsule | |
5002 | CannotAccessMainFolder | Capsule | |
5003 | CannotAccessResource | Capsule | |
5004 | ProcedureNotFound | Capsule | |
5005 | NoRightsToSaveSecureCritical | Capsule | |
5006 | NoValidLicense | Capsule | |
5007 | PathIsNull | Capsule | |
5008 | InvalidPath | Capsule | |
5009 | GenericError | Capsule | |
5010 | ResourceIsLocked | Capsule | |
5011 | InvalidCapsuleExtension | Capsule | |
5012 | CapsuleAlreadyExists | Capsule | |
5013 | CapsuleDoesNotExist | Capsule | |
5014 | DirectoryDoesNotExist | Capsule | |
5015 | DirectoryAlreadyExist | Capsule | |
5016 | InvalidCapsuleFile | Capsule | |
5017 | ConnectionStringIsEmpty | Capsule | |
5018 | DatabaseIsReadOnly | Capsule | |
5019 | UnknownProtocolType | Capsule | |
5020 | UnableToReadDatareadBinFile | Capsule | |
6001 | CPU64BitNotAllowed | KeyFileController | |
6002 | InvalidOrAbsentKey | KeyFileController | |
6003 | WrongValidationFile | KeyFileController | |
6004 | ContractCodeExpired | KeyFileController | |
6005 | BoardUninstalled | KeyFileController | |
6006 | TemporaryLicenseExpired | KeyFileController | |
9001 | FullMethodNameIsEmpty | Miscellaneous | |
9002 | DrillThroghNotYetImplemented | Miscellaneous | |
9003 | UnableToConvertXMLToBin | Miscellaneous | |
9004 | UnableToReadConnectionsBinFile | Miscellaneous | |
9005 | PathNotFound | Miscellaneous | |
9006 | AutomatedBypassingError | Miscellaneous | |
9007 | OutOfMemory | Miscellaneous | |
9008 | DbCorrupted | Miscellaneous | |
9009 | DataReaderUndefinedError | Miscellaneous | |
9010 | CannotReadFile | Miscellaneous | |
9011 | CannotSetMainSettings | Miscellaneous | |
9012 | CannotInitDbList | Miscellaneous | |
9013 | CrawlerCurrentlyScanning | Miscellaneous | |
9014 | CrawlerScanRequired | Miscellaneous | |
9015 | DatabaseNotSelected | Miscellaneous | |
9016 | CrawlerScanFailed |
If the direct trigger of the batch instruction is successful, the issue lies with the Scheduled Task. In this case, open the Windows Task Scheduler, select the task calling the batch file, and verify the following:
- User running the task: make sure they have access to the batch file
- Security Options: set it to "Run whether user is logged or not"
- Run with highest privileges: should be flagged