Board Platform Logs: Other Logs (1 of 2)

Other LOGs
3.1 Diagnostic Log
Filenames: diagnosticYYYYMM.log
Updated every: Exception
Log Rotation: Log files are rolled at the end of each month or when they reach a file size of 50 Mb, whichever comes first. Year and month appended in the file name.
Accessibility: Starting from the Board 2021 Winter Edition
Header: No
Each log line will always include the following information: timestamp, error level, action, TaskId, user, CorrelationId, additional details specific for each action.
File structure (example):
[2023-03-23 20:14:31.624 +08:00] INFO { } Starting application. AssemblyVersion:, AssemblyInformationalVersion:
[2023-03-24 10:03:02.698 +08:00] ERROR { "Username": "Administrator", "TaskId": "a83b5eaf-c943-4701-ab08-bd3fa788f34f", "Action": "DTB_OpenByName", "ControlFlow": "true", "BoardErrorCode": "DatabaseAccessDenied" } Action failed.
at BEng.BEng_DB.BDB_SessionOpen_Init(oStmType oStm, String DbNam, Boolean IsCapsuling, DbModeEnum HereDbMode, Boolean KeepUserCache)
at BEng.Z_Users.PreStreamIN(oStmType& oStm, ClientRequest& Request, DbModeEnum HereDbMode, Boolean IsCapsuling, Boolean AvoidDbOpen, Boolean SecRunning, String ServerSideProcedureUserName, String ProcedureName, Boolean IsATO, CoreLayout cliLay, Boolean oLaysAvoidSavingDone, Boolean AvoidSelect, Boolean CheckRunAsAdmin, Boolean TransportCalling, Boolean ValetCalling, Boolean ForceUserReset, Guid cliLayGuid, Activity_enum Activity)
at BEng.Net_Database.DTB_OpenByName(ClientRequest Request)
at BoardSharedStructures.BengProxyUtils.CallCustomMethod[T](MethodBase methodBase, Object[] methodParams, Func`2 bengFunc)
3.2 New Diagnostic Log
Filenames: diagnosticYYYYMM_tsv.log
Updated every: User action
Log Rotation: Log files are rolled at the end of each month or when they reach a file size of 50 Mb, whichever comes first. Year and month appended in the file name.
Accessibility: Starting from the Board 2023 Spring Edition
Header: Yes
Each log line will always include the following information: timestamp, error level, action, TaskId, user, CorrelationId, additional details specific for each action.
Date | Level | UserName | CorrelationID | Procedure | TaskID | Action | Datamodel | CapsulePath | Screen | Context | Data | Exception | Message | Elapsed (ms) |
2022-12-02 12:12:21.954 | INFO | Administrator | 3a43b5b9-a022-4a8a-b29a-268ccce078d9 | NET_LayoutToSpread | Echo | Log.bcps | Home | {"Rows":9, "Columns":20, "Quota":180} | Layout completed | |||||
2022-12-02 12:12:21.954 | INFO | Administrator | 3a43b5b9-a022-4a8a-b29a-268ccce078d9 | Dataflow with Refer | 3d1daa94-8e62-489b-a8af-c8b0eafc4bef | Data flow | Echo | Log.bcps | Home | Starting action. | ||||
2022-12-02 12:12:21.954 | INFO | Administrator | 3a43b5b9-a022-4a8a-b29a-268ccce078d9 | 725b8863-571b-4634-a5ff-a56e94843394 | CPS_GetScreen | Log.bcps | Home | Action completed. | 16 | |||||
2022-12-02 12:12:21.954 | INFO | Administrator | 3a43b5b9-a022-4a8a-b29a-268ccce078d9 | DR with Append | 65e9516b-1207-497c-9875-bc05c154dd85 | SQL Data Read | Echo | Log.bcps | Home | {"Sparsity":"SP0002 D011D012#"} | Start to open ddj. | |||
Fields Description:
Date: Time of the action
Level: Logging verbosity levels for each event
UserName: The user who performed the action
CorrelationID: The correlation ID groups sign-ins from the same sign-in session.
Procedure: Procedure name
TaskID: The Task ID field contains an ID that a procedure assigns to each step execution.
Action: action events
Datamodel: Database on which action is executed
CapsulePath: Capsule in use by the user
Screen: Screen in use by the user
Context: context in which the action took place
Data: Details of the layout performed
Exception: Detail of the error exception
Message: Message indicating the status of the action
Elapsed (ms): Elapsed time for the action
3.3 In-Memory Log
Filenames: HBMP_*DataBaseName*_InMemory.log
Updated every: Database loaded in-memory
Accessibility: Available up to Board 10.xx
Log Rotation: None
Header: Yes
This log contains the information on the loading into RAM of a HBMP database.
It is a fixed-width log, which is outputted in a readable format to allow quick reading and use of the information contained in it. It displays the usage of RAM of the cubes, ram to disk ration, and loading time of the database.
Scope: Logs the size in memory of each cube, entity or sparsity of each db, it is generated at every in memory load of the dbAccessibility: The log is active by default on the Board Server machine. The log file is located in the following path: ‘’Board_Path\Dataset\Log\’HBMP_Inmemory.log’. Available up to Board 10.xx
Usability: The log is unique per each Board Database. It contains information of the last db load in memory, if you want to keep track of the db loads in time you need to copy this log
Highlights: It contains also the time each object needed to load in memory, this time is more accurate if the «multicore on loading cube» option is not enabled
File structure (example):
Log |
Echo---------------------------------Process-----Available-------Virtual---ElapsedTime---------Files-------RAM/DSK--------sec/Gb--------sec/Gb Starting Values {20/09/2017} 0,1 4,1 131072,0 {19:50} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BeDD_Load 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 |
3.4 Database Changes Detail Log
Filenames: DBChangesDetail.log
Location: In every BoardPath\Database\*DatabaseName*.hbmp\Common folder
Updated every: Modification to the database structure.
Log Rotation: None
Header: Yes
This log contains the list of modifications executed on a database. The type of modification, datetime and the user which performs the modification are logged.
This log is very useful to understand eventual not-comparable errors when using the “Transporter” tool to migrate database structure from development to production.
Scope: It logs the changes made to a db (adding/removing/editing a cube a relation, an entity, a datareader or defining the time range.
Accessibility: The log is in the databasename.hbmp\common folder and it’s named dbchanges.log
Usability: The log can be used to determine which changes have been done on a database
File structure (example):
Date | Time | User | Original Value |
20170623 | 15:16:54 | Cubes | Administrator |
20170623 | 15:18:35 | Enitites | Administrator |
20170624 | 12:50:00 | DataReader | Administrator |
20170624 | 13:08:57 | Expressions | Administrator |
3.5 Dataentry Log
Filenames: Dataentry.log
Location: In every Board_Path\Dataset\Log\ folder
Updated every: Modification to the cube cell element or value.
Log Rotation: None
Header: Yes
Scope: It logs the value of a dataentry, the value that the dataentry had before the edit, the layout on which the dataentry has been done and the coordinates (row, column) on which it has been performed
This log should be activated on demand, as it can be high resource-consuming.
How to activate the Dataentry Log :
- Open the folder \\...Program Files\Board\Board Server
- Edit the file Adulaparams.xml
- Edit the following parameter/setting to "true"
Accessibility: The dataentry.log file is located in the following path: ‘’Board_Path\Dataset\Log\dataEntry.log’’.
Usability: The log is unique per each Board environment. The Dataentry.log file size could potentially increase.
Highlights: It does not keep track of the selections and pagers
Current Limitation: it does not keep track of the active selections and pagers
File structure (example):
Date | Time | User | Original Value | New Value | Cube | Coordinates |
2017-09-20 | 17:28:25 | Administrator | 680579199, 226807 | 700000000 | Gross Sales (V001 - Gross Sales) | 2011, France |
2014-09-09 | 17:29:25 | Administrator | 3143175, 60001147 | 2800000 | Sales Packs (V002 - Sales Packs) | 2011, Italy |
3.6 Smart Import Log
Filenames: SmartImportYYYYMM.log
Location: In every Board_Path\Dataset\Log\ folder
Updated every: Modification to the cube cell element or value by smart Import Object.
Log Rotation: Log files are rolled at the end of each month or when they reach a file size of 50 Mb, whichever comes first. Log files are never deleted.
Header: Yes
Board collects Smart Import data entry events (every single row processed) in the Smart Import log. This new log is enabled by default and can be disabled in the "Log settings" page under the System Administration section.
File structure (example):
Timestamp | Username | DataModel | CapsulePath | Screen | Records | Status |
2023-02-24 11:20:09.861 | Administrator | Echo | SmartImport.bcps | Home | 02/02/2022,P01,1234,P,1235 | OK |
2023-02-24 11:20:09.861 | Administrator | Echo | SmartImport.bcps | Home | 03/02/2022,P01,5678,S,5679 | OK |
2023-02-24 11:21:46.072 | Administrator | Echo | SmartImport.bcps | Home | 02/02/2022,P01,1234,P,1234 | OK |
3.7 Entity Item Visualization Log
Filenames: DbTrace_yyyymmdd.log
Location: In every BoardPath\Database\*DatabaseName*.hbmp\Common folder
Updated every: Visualization of a specific entity by an user, in a Capsule screen / drill / drill through.
Log Rotation: Daily ( year, month, day in the filename)
Header: Yes
The log reports the username, the timestamp and the list (tab separator) of the entity items plus the info-cube of layout and/or screen under investigation. This log should be activated on demand, as it can be high resource-consuming.
How to activate the Log Tracker :
- Open the folder \\...Board\Database\db_name\Common
- Create the file DbOptions.txt
- Edit the file as following : Trace: entity_name
Since the Log file is in the Database Folder it is suggested to remove it regularly to avoid any impact on the Database Back-Up process (its size can become significant).
The Log is triggered under the following conditions:
- The Entity “under” tracking must be in the Layout Axes (by row or column) or it must be in a Pager
- All the active selected items are reported independently from Layout Filters or Hide Zero options
- The Selector Object does not trigger the Tracker
- If you need to track multiple Entities the DbOptions.txt file must edited like
- Trace: entity_name_1
- Trace: entity_name_2
- Trace: entity_name_n
3.8 SQL Error Log
Scope: It logs all the exceptions and error that odbc and ole-db drivers are throwing when using SQL datareader, Rolap cubes, Fast track, drill trough.
Accessibility: The log is active by default on the Board Server machine. The log file is located in the following path: ‘’Board_Path\Dataset\Log\SQLerror.log’’.
Usability: The log is unique per each Board environment. The SQLerror.log file size could potentially increase.
Highlights: You might use this when a board connection is not working throwing a generic «Database empty or unavailable», you will get the specific exception in this log.
File structure (example):
Log |
2023-04-24 11:29:13.923 +02:00 |
Administrator |
ERROR [42000] SQL compilation error:?syntax error line 1 at position 47 unexpected '['.?syntax error line 1 at position 103 unexpected 'VALUES'. |
======================================================================================= |
2023-04-24 11:56:08.120 +02:00 |
Administrator |
ERROR [42000] SQL compilation error:?syntax error line 1 at position 47 unexpected '['.?syntax error line 1 at position 103 unexpected 'VALUES'. |
======================================================================================= |
2023-04-24 11:58:57.221 +02:00 |
Administrator |
ERROR [42000] SQL compilation error:?syntax error line 1 at position 46 unexpected '['.?syntax error line 1 at position 102 unexpected 'VALUES'. |
======================================================================================= |
3.9 Web Log
Scope: It logs all the events of the web HTML5 engine, by default it only tracks the exceptions. Usually when there is an exception on the webapi engine the user gets a red error message with a code, this code is a timestamp that you can use to find the exception in this log. The log can have also higher detail level, tracking all the actions of the web engine (recommended only in debug). The log level can be set into the following file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Board\Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config\diagnostic.config. The value can be set from 0 to 4: 0-Off 1-tracks the errors 2-tracks error and warnings (yellow messages) 3-tracks error warnings and information (blue messages) 4 – tracks the full activity of the web engine in a verbose mode
Accessibility: The log is active by default on the Board web Server machine. The log file is located in the following path: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Board\Board WebApi Server\App_Data\logBoarWeb.log”
Usability: The log is unique per each Board environment. The BoardWeb.log file size could potentially increase.
Highlights: If you run the HTML5 engine under IIS ensure that the IIS has privileges to write this log in the IIS path. The log is in this case under a different location (according to your IIS settings)
File structure (example):
Log |
BoardWebAPIEngine.exe Warning: 0 : 09/21/2017 10:20:01, IDServer, , AuthorizationCodeStore not configured - falling back to InMemory BoardWebAPIEngine.exe Information: 0 : 09/21/2017 10:20:12, IDServer, , User is not authenticated. Redirecting to login. 6dd5e51afeeb4cd2806d7a99b6e3f9ff\",\"ClientId\":\"boardwebapplication\",\"AcrValues\":[],\"Created\":636415788118968467}" 6dd5e51afeeb4cd2806d7a99b6e3f9ff\", |
3.10 Datareader Log
Scope: Logs the rejected rows of a datareader
Accessibility: The log must be activated next to every datareader (if the datareader is triggered manually), otherwise you need to specify it in the datareader procedure step. It will be placed in the dataset folder with the datareder serial number if we trigger a sql datareader, or in the file folder if we run an ascii datareader
Usability: The log Contains the rejected record and the reason why it has been rejected.
Highlights: It is calculated at every datareader execution, so if you run a datareader you lose the previous log
File structure (example):
3Chartreuse verte | 1Beverages | 1 | Alltag | [Rec.01] Error : RBT1825 New Item Found on column 1 [3] |
2Chang | 1Beverages | 1 | Alltag | [Rec.02] Error : RBT1825 New Item Found on column 1 [2] |
2Guaraná Fantástica | 2Condiments | 2 | Feinkost | [Rec.03] Error : RBT1825 New Item Found on column 1 [2] |
3Sasquatch Ale | 3Confections | 1 | Alltag | [Rec.04] Error : RBT1825 New Item Found on column 1 [3] |
3.11 Transport Log
Scope: It logs the changes made to a database with the transporter tool
Accessibility: The log is in the databasename.hbmp\common folder and it’s named transport.log
Usability: The log can be used to determine which changes have been done on a database using the transporter tool
File structure (example):
Log |
DB_BACKUP Done Transporter |
Continue: Board Platform Logs: Other Logs (2 of 2) and Log Encryption