Change Click-on-Selector behaviour in Development Mode

Currently when designing a screen and clicking on a selector object in order to move, alter or align it, the selection window is opened and has to be closed manually. During development it is more common to configure or move Selector Objects than actually setting up a selection using the Selector. Therefore it would be more user friendly and offer a better development flow if a click on a Selector Object would just put the focus on the object, allowing to configure or move it right away, instead of opening the selection window.

4 votes

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  • Samir Jones
    Samir Jones Active Partner, Community Captain
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Up Votes 5 Answers
    edited May 2023

    Hello @Daniel Borghs,

    If you mark the Selector by clicking on the border of the selector then it won't pop-up as a small window. As long as the cursor is an arrow you will be alright, but as soon as the cursor changes to a hand, then you will get the window.

    "No window":


    You can also "drag-select" it. This will mark the Selector without the window.

  • Hi Samir, thanks for the reply. Just one Remark: if you drag-select, you also select objects behind the Selector.

  • Samir Jones
    Samir Jones Active Partner, Community Captain
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Up Votes 5 Answers

    If it's not possible to drag-select without selecting other objects, then use the first option or you can also go to the Object list.

  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    250 Likes 500 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper

    Thank you for sharing your insightful suggestion with us, @Daniel Borghs. Your time and effort are genuinely valued.  
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