(UPDATED) Board 2023 Summer Release - 12.6 Patch Release is Here!

Product Management Team
Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
500 Comments 100 Likes First Anniversary Name Dropper
edited November 2023 in Blog

We are pleased to share that the Board 2023 Summer Release is here!

For the latest Patch Release notes and a link to the release, please see the first comment below this post.

This release includes significant improvements for all types of users, but its main new features are focused on Makers and Admin & Ops. 

  • Makers can now use the new ALM section (Integrated Application Lifecycle Management) under System Administration to safely compare and transport key Board resources between different Platforms.   
    Makers also received important updates regarding the "REST API call" Procedure step, which has been greatly enhanced to provide more flexibility and to easily adapt to additional common business scenarios.  
    Other enhancements for Makers include extending the use of Temporary Cubes to all Procedures steps and, in the Database security area, the ability to configure a security selection based on a Cube and the support of Unbalanced Hierarchies in the Custom selection script field.  
  • Admins & Ops, the Board 2023 Summer release includes the official support of SCIM APIs, which have been integrated into Board's Subscription Hub.  
  • Citizen End-users are getting new scrollbars that have been greatly improved in terms of usability.  
    To learn about other new functionalities and improvements, see to the "Other enhancements" page and the "Minor changes" page.

Board 2023 Summer release also marks the introduction of the new Enterprise security concept, that officially replaces the previous Enterprise security feature (also known as ~Database_name & ~Security) for new installations. 

The new approach provides Cloud customers with greater flexibility and many more options for managing their data, while at the same time improving usability by reducing the implementation effort. 

The revamped Enterprise security concept makes use of three powerful features included in this Board release:  

  • Cube visibility - This feature, released in Board 2022 summer release, provides enhanced visibility into the customers' data by allowing them to view and analyze the relevant functional combinations on the reports. This enables them to make more informed decisions and gain deeper insights into their business operations. Learn more about the Cube visibility feature 
  • "Select Entity based on Cube" feature for Database security profiles and Roles - This feature allows for a more granular and flexible approach to security management, where access permissions can be based on individual data Cubes rather than be applied on the entire Data model. This provides greater control over data access and ensures that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized personnel 
  • Board SCIM API service. The System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) protocol is now officially integrated into Board's Subscription Hub, which now offers a new area dedicated to Permission Groups and supports SCIM attributes in the User Metadata section, thus enabling the use of security selection scripts in the Database security area.

Learn more about the Board 2023 Summer release and its new features and enhancements. 

The main features of this release include:  

  • Integrated ALM - Transporter improvements - The Transporter section of the System Administration area has been renamed into ALM to reflect the new approach of Board towards an Integrated Lifecycle management system that allows Makers to easily and securely create and maintain Data models and Applications (Capsules) across different Board Platforms. 
    The new area includes the Data model snapshot and Data model package tools for Data models, which have been improved to transport also custom API queries, and the following two new tools: 
    • The Capsule snapshot tool: Like the Data model snapshot, this tool allows you to create a snapshot of the entire Capsules area of the Platform, including folders 
    • The Capsule package tool: Like the Data model package, this tool allows you to create a package based on two different Capsule snapshots, define the structure of the Capsule area once the package is run, compare the two snapshots and map the structure of the source snapshot to the structure of the target snapshot. 

The CLI automation area has been updated accordingly to support the execution of Capsule packages.

The improvements above unlock the following key benefits:  

  1. Unified management of back-end and front-end  
  2. Comparison and impact analysis available also for Capsules  
  3. Complete automation of transport and backup, including front-end  

Learn more about the new Integrated ALM section  

  • REST API call Procedure step enhancements - The "REST API call" Procedure step is now able to handle pagination (adding order to the query result) and supports visualization of returned data in a dialog (like what happens with the Drill-through). The @Selection_Ex substitution formula and the Data picker tool are now supported in the parameters table and in the "API path" field, to also dynamically pass values to the API call itself. The Procedure Debugger has also been improved to help troubleshoot potential issues with the step.  

The improvements above unlock the following key benefits:  

  1. Flexibility: REST API step is now able to adapt to a much wider range of external systems and architectures;   
  2. Improved performance and reliability: unlock better performances and more reliable data exchange processes;  

Learn more about the enhancements to the REST API call Procedure step  

  • Board SCIM API - Board 2023 Summer release now officially supports the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) protocol, which enables organizations to manage user identities and access to Board resources across multiple systems and domains. Using SCIM RESTful API calls, you can automate the process of creating, updating, and deleting user accounts and permissions on Board's Subscription Hub, and to keep these accounts and permissions in sync across different systems.  
    This new implementation reduces the need for manual intervention and ensures that user information is always accurate and up to date.  

Key benefits achieved:   

  1. Standardization & Integration: accessibility and full operability with identity management systems already used by customers;   
  2. Automation: Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations for Board users can be automated;  

Learn more about how the SCIM protocol has been implemented into Board

Release Notes

You may review the full release notes now on the Board Manual here: Board 2023 Summer Release Notes

Install Files

To download the latest installer files, please visit Downloads. You must sign in to view and download the files.

Upgrade Instructions

Visit the Upgrade instructions page of the Board Manual to learn about the upgrade process.


  • Hi @Product Management Team and Board world,

    Been getting a repeated question related to the patch change for the below so figured I'd post it for all.
    "Dataflow. The JOIN function is not supported anymore and should not be used in the Dataflow configurations. If you have Dataflows using the JOIN function, it will be ignored and requires no further action"

    Is there a recommended best way to 'find' all the JOINs used in an application that is in 12 today? In version 10, it will be simple to find the steps as they will be within the log. In 12, is there a clean way to identify which procedures and steps are using a join today?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    500 Comments 100 Likes First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited August 2023

    Hi Taylor,

    Since the JOIN function will be ignored, Board will automatically apply the appropriate algorithm to the formulas proceeding the ignored function. There is no need to find and change existing formulas with the JOIN function. For example: a formula with the following syntax JOIN(a+b) is now considered as simply a+b

    The bug fix has been updated:
    The JOIN function, not to be confused with the JOIN algorithm, is not considered by the Dataflow anymore, and if you use the JOIN function in a Dataflow, it will be ignored because Board automatically defines which algorithms to use in calculations. If you have existing Dataflows using the JOIN function, no further action is required. For example: a formula with the following syntax JOIN(a+b) is now considered as simply a+b

    Please don't hesitate to reach out for further information regarding the topic!

    The Board Product Management Team

  • Hi board team

    i experience it differently. Dataflows with a join will not be calculated. I had to change all formulas when updateing from 12.3 to 12.6.

    I can show you if you doubt untill 1st of september :-).

    Best regards


  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    500 Comments 100 Likes First Anniversary Name Dropper

    Hi Manuela,

    Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, this was the case in the first version of 12.6 which is why it was fixed in the recent update which was released on August 14, 2023.

    If you still have issues, please reach out to our Support Team.

    Kind Regards,

    Board Product Management Team

  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    500 Comments 100 Likes First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited November 2023

    The latest 12.6 Patch Release notes are at the top of the first comment, directly underneath the original post.

  • Nicolas CHIGROS
    Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 250 Up Votes 25 Likes 10 Comments


    Thank you for the lasted patch, but the wording on the following fix is quite vague, can you elaborate on which issue it does fix?

    User permissions. A restricted user permission allowed access when it shouldn't have. This bug has been fixed.

  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    500 Comments 100 Likes First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited January 5

    Hi @Nicolas CHIGROS,

    Thank you for your comment. Let us explain this in more detail:

    Admin users who have Sub Hub authorization permission can be restricted from or to specific Platform areas; the bug fixed pertained to the very specific use case when an admin with a User license was only allowed to edit and access Collaboration functionalities. Within Sub Hub, they were able to access generic Platform options. This restricted permission group no longer has access to these options. This only affected admin users who already had authorization to access the Sub Hub.

    With any further questions, please ask.


    The Product Management Team

  • Yana McConaty
    Yana McConaty Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board Name Dropper

    Could you please update the release notes for the 18 June 2024 Patch? Thanks

  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    500 Comments 100 Likes First Anniversary Name Dropper

    Hi @Yana McConaty, the release notes are up to date.