Use of Rules in Layouts

The limitation by using rules in layouts should be elimiated since it limits the use of quick layout massively. In our case we calculate a %-KPI which can not be safed in a cube and must be calculated on the fly. Using the quick layout and having the rule set on the cube not only leads to not calclulated KPI´s but also leads to totally wrong numbers if requirements described in manually are not 100% met.

Since this is nothing you can easily train your users but on the other hand can lead to wrong figures if not treated correctly, the limitiation should be eliminated.

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  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    500 Comments 100 Likes First Anniversary Name Dropper

    Thank you for sharing your idea, @Lorenz Hartmann. We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion.

    Great news, the use of rules you described above will be improved in the B14.1 version. The Flex Grid object implemented in version B14 will solve this problem bas rules are calculated on the maximum level of detail of the dataset at execution time. Furthermore, users can use the pivoting features without breaking the execution of the already executed rule.

    Please have a look and test it and if you continue experiencing the same behavior let us know.