Broadcasting improvement

Current limitations
- A broadcasting action cannot be set in a procedure to be scheduled (since it's a web aside action).
- in the broadcasting panel there's no possibility to set a condition to run or not an action
there could be cases where I would schedule a bradcasting based on a condition (e.g. send the email only if an error flag = 1) or some steps are needed before running the broadcast.
What I suggest is to:
- have the possibiliy to schedule a procedure containing brodcasting actions
and / or
2. add a feature in the brodcasting admin panel where I can set a condition; I imagine a penal like the If then else action.
Hi Daniele,
You can set up some limited rules when you broadcast from a layout (email tab within broadcast options). I know it's limited, but we achieved to not send out mails in case a cube has a certain treshold.
Kind regards,
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Thanks Niels, I also have obtained it in this way but it's is a workaround and limitations.
It would be great have these capabilities ready for use
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I think this would be a great way to expand functionality on Broadcasting in Board!
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Hi Daniele,
it will be also useful to be able to extract a screen or screen objects in PDF document from a database procedure.
In this case, i will be able to reload the pdf document in a blob cube.
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I agree, the ability to schedule procedures with broadcasting actions would be a great improvement.
Thanks Daniele for bringing this up.
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I confirm that this would be very useful to send a mail after procedure execution in order to keep track on scheduled tasks (Back Up, Feeding from accounting, etc…)