Does B12.6 or following versions allow to refer to on descendants of an Unbalanced Hierarchy?


I'm currently working with B12.4 and we cannot select descendants for an unbalance hierachy in the refer to option of a block. Does anybody know if this has been fixed in B12.6 or subsequent versions?


  • Yanis Bouayad

    Hello Alberto,

    If you mean a refer to in a layout or in a dataflow then no. It's not possible to select descendants in a reference block.

    Reference Block is only capable of referencing 1 and only member on an entity (you can reference multiple entities but once only), it's not cumulative if you select multiple items in one entity. So based on this I would find it natural to not select "all descendants" of an entity.

    I tested this on :

    I wish you a nice day !

    Kind regards,

    Yanis BOUAYAD

  • Anish Sharma

    This would be a great feature to have especially when running extracts based of dataviews. Seeing an aggregated value of of all the sum parts of an entity makes sense rather than just seeing the value of the parent itself, in a lot of cases this would be 0 as it is aggregating its child nodes.

    It also allows flexibility for users to perform ad hoc analysis on the application, please can this be pushed forward as a suggestion?

  • Zachary Turner

    Hi! It's my understanding that as of 12.6, this is not possible in Board. We encourage you to add this as an idea to the Idea Exchange to be considered in a future release.

  • Zachary Turner

    Actually, I believe it's listed as an idea already. Here's the link to vote on it!