Label subtitution formulas to view a layout selection on a specific entity
using substitution formulas I can highlight in a label the selection for a specific entity.
e.g. @Year returns the selected year.
But, as far as I understand, if I want to show a layout selection I can only use
without the capability to choose one entity
Is there any way to obtain this? thanks
You can add the parameter- Entity= " " along with the layout title parameter to the substitution formula to view the layout selection on a specific entity.
FORMULA SYNTAX: @Selection_Ex(Layout="Layout_Title",Entity="Entity_Name")
For example: @Selection_Ex(Layout="DV1",Entity="SKU")
The above should return only the layout selection on the Entity "SKU" for the layout "DV1" even though there are layout selections on other entities.
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thank you
I tested this syntax but is not working
with @Selection_Ex(Layout="FY_TOT") it returns the layout selection indicating the entity with active selection. But I don't want to see it, I want to see the related year.
Typing @Selection_Ex(Layout="FY_TOT", Entity="Year") it's not resolved.
Anyway, in the meantine I find this workaround: I set a layout in the label with same layout select and set a block to see the year involved.
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Hi Daniele,
Thanks for the workaround.
You might be aware of this but just wanted to point out that the @Selection_Ex(Layout="FY_TOT", Entity="Year") will work only if you have the time entity "Year" selected in the layout. It won't work when you have the selection on the other time entities other than year.
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ok, clear
yes, this is the reason
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