Four tips to maximize value from the Board Community
Author: Helmut Helmann, Community Captain.
The Board Community exists to support members in their platform journey. As an active member myself, today I’m sharing four tips to maximize your Community experience.
Active participation maximizes the benefits of the Community
The value of Community increases as we all participate.
- Ask your questions, adding as many tags as possible to maximize the search capabilities.
- Participate in the forums by answering the questions of others. Even if you’re not right, your potential solutions might help someone achieve resolutions on their own.
- Learn from the answers given by others. There’s so much valuable information already out there!
- Use the documentation you can find here, like Best Practices, How-to Guides, and Support Articles.
- Network, build relationships, and support the ecosystem. Recommend the Community to your peers.
Don’t reinvent the wheel
It’s rarely necessary to reinvent the wheel as there is usually someone who has already faced the same, or a similar, problem. Then, it is also often the case that these difficulties cannot be solved in just five minutes, but, rather, require some thought. Because the Community has existed for a long time, the chance of finding an answer here is also relatively high.
There are many Best Practices and How-to Guides that describe basic and sometimes somewhat unusual scenarios. It is always worth taking a look here. A general search with the relevant keywords will give you quick technical guide results and relevant forum discussions as well.
Try it out
Build sample applications from the Best Practices and How-to Guides and extend them with your own ideas. Learn as you develop and document what you have done to achieve a specific goal. Remember, anything you have done yourself will be better remembered than something you have only read about.
Share key learnings
Share what you have learnt by writing your own article or participating in the Platform Forum answering questions. Together, we can all help each other out and make this Community a great place to be!
What tips do you have to share with the Community? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
what a great content @Helmut Heimann.
Thank you for your contribution !
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Appreciate my fellow captain ;-)
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Hi Helmut,
happy to give feedback.
- in the email the picture is HUGE, you need to scroll a lot before see the text. maybe something to review.
- all these how to's should be included in the various screen in Board in my opinion. Just had an example over the weekend. In short: I deleted a member of an entity with a fixed number of items and wondered why the saturation was still 100% and I couldn't and a new item to that entity. Zayaan from premium support shared with me a Community Article - - it wouldn't have crossed my mind to look into that. Being in the Entity screen and seeing the related articles would have been much easier.
- In the how to guides - I think videos from a - z would be much more intuitive, especially for new users. Some of the guides miss pictures or have pictures but miss some important ones. Which makes it sometimes difficult to follow. I still think it is a pity that you can not access or have a recording from the exercises from the instructor led trainings.
BR, Maik
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@Maik Burghardt Hello! Thanks for your feedback. As part of the Community team here at Board, I will take your feedback into consideration as we continuously look for ways to improve the overall experience for members. Your input is much appreciated!
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