Monthly Customer News Update - September 2024

Talking customer-centric strategies with Missoni and streamlined reporting with Euromaster
We hope you had a relaxing summer—it went by too fast! As we nowturn our collective heads to the second half of the year, we’re eager to sharesome exciting news from Board. Highlights today include:
- Missoni's customer centric approach to planning
- A Euromaster webinar on local and group data integration
- PWC and Board's FP&A transformation playbook for CFOs and finance leaders
- Another chance to compile Advocacy Points with our LinkedIn competition in September
Get started today!
Sandra from Customer Marketing
Redesigned planning processes to fulfill customer demand
Fashion house Missoni has utilized Board toreshape and enhance its allocation and replenishment model:
- automated replenishment processes
- improved stock management both in warehouses and stores
- accelerated the replenishment of goods
- customized replenishment strategies across different sales channels
Webinar: How Euromaster mastered local and group data integration for optimal reporting
Join us for a dynamic 30-minutes webinar where you'll dive into the successful transformation journey of Euromaster Group. Learn how they streamlined reporting, achieved precision in forecasting, and crafted strategic budgets seamlessly within the Board Solution.
Integrated FP&A: Your Path to Analytical Excellence
The journey towards integrated FP&A needs to begin without delay to ensure that companies are setting the pace rather than simply keeping pace in their respective industries. Read this post to learn more and discover the six key elements that are essential for a successful transition to Integrated FP&A.
A new GCR version is available
Discover the latest release of our Group Consolidation and Reporting solution that includes validation rules enhancements and report, automatic adjustments, a new Equity Schedule Reports, and much more and learn how to install it.
FP&A transformation playbook for CFOs and finance leaders
Join experts from Board and PwC UK for thiswebinar series to look at how the finance line of business is changing (fast!)and how your organization can, too.
Session 1: Finance & beyond: integrated planning
Session 2: The future of planning with AI/ML
Session 3: Building a foundation of effective planning with analytics
Session 4: Recalibrating your operating model toward long-term value
Elevating MFP through customer-centric strategies and scenario planning
The right merchandise financial planning (MFP) strategy is the cornerstone of optimizing profitability, aligning with customer needs, and navigating the ever-changing market. But traditional MFP often prioritizes margins over the very customers it aims to serve. Learn why you should prioritize a customer-centric approach in our latest blog post.
Known limitations of Board
Did you know that there is a "Board Known Limitations" page where we document the known limitations and the appropriate solutions for them? This page contains a table of contents of all the articles published, categorized by topic. Please note that you need to be logged in in order to read the articles.
How to migrate to Subscription Hub
Moving to the Subscription Hub all the User management of a live application such as user information, roles, licenses, metadata and custom selects might be challenging. This article guides you step by step through the transition avoiding any potential inconveniences.
September Linkedin competition: Board AI
Our new LinkedIn competition is on for all Board Advocates and those that want to become one! Get started and quickly collect and compile Board Advocacy Points by sharing and commenting on the new Board AI videos.