treemap chart: colours seems incorrect (positive values only)

Hi everybody,


I try to setup a simple treemap chart, and i can't get a correct background colour of the single tiles, when i compare the colour with a dataview having the same layout as the treemap.

I guess I forgot something but i can't find out what.

Here is my current result:



the dataview shows that the colour depends on the counter. 1 = most dark and 5 = most bright.

you see that for entity member AA, the counter is 1, therefore it should be darker (in the treemap) than for example EE. The other members (BB to EE) are fine in the treemap.

On the opposite, the dataview shows AA as the darkest, which is correct for me.


here are some elements of the layout:

  • blocks
  • sorting options
  • treemap options
  • block d alerting options:
    to create these alerts, i only clicked on the + green sign. I haven't moved the >= or <= signs.


Can anyone explain

  1. why the treemap hasn't the same behaviour as the dataview has (for entity member AA)?
  2. how to fix the treemap ?


Many thanks,



  • Nicolas CHIGROS
    Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Up Votes 25 Likes 10 Comments
    edited March 2020



    I think the :


    is wrong, shoud be image


    As set by you :


    Swith with image :


  • Previous Member
    edited March 2020

    Thanks Nicolas CHIGROS for taking time to replicate my case.

    You answered the question 2, so the case works. Thank you. However, it was a simplified case. In reality I have more than 5 members in the entity, and I want to keep only 5 thresholds in the alert. I have loaded the descriptions of the entity members with their rank, to ease the reading of the treemap.


    If I set all thresholds signs to <= and define following threshold values, I expect

    • rank 1 to get the first colour
    • ranks 2 and 3 to get the second colour
    • ranks 4, 5 and 6 to get the third colour
    • ranks 7, 8 and 9 to get the fourth colour
    • and so on...



    then I see that rank #4 is darker than rank #2 in my treemap . I would expect the contrary.



    I am using these colours: #ff424242, #ff646464, #ff949494, #ffCDCDCD, #ffE8E8E8 (sorted from dark to light).

  • Nicolas CHIGROS
    Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Up Votes 25 Likes 10 Comments
    edited March 2020

    Treemap "fill" the gap between alert value by shading color !


    Example :



    BB isn't the same red as the bluebecause it isn't exactly 4 and is lighter than CC because it has a lower value.

    EE isn't the same red as the alert because it isn't exactly 7



    Solution : Add an algorithm to even out value in between boundaries :



    Result :


  • Previous Member
    edited March 2020

    I get your point:

    Nicolas CHIGROS wrote:

    Solution : Add an algorithm to even out value in between boundaries

    this produced a treemap where the colours are correct, however it is a "quality loss" because of the lost of shading between two boundaries.


    My issue was another one. The treemap posted on Aug 7, 2018 4:12 PM shows for example the rank #2 member should have a colour between those (as you said filling the gap) :
    image (#ff424242 and #ff646464)


    unlike my expectation, rank #2 has this colour, which is lighter:


    this is the issue i described and for which i had no nice solution. (evening out as you said would be a workaround here)

  • Nicolas CHIGROS
    Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Up Votes 25 Likes 10 Comments
    edited March 2020

    Yeah I miswritten this "filling the gap" thing in my reply as it isn't accurate from my experience. Treemap fade the color of the range you're in. It doesn't seems to do a gradient between 2 colors like color of the range of where the value at and color of the range before. So fading two gray value may overlap as  it seems.


    That why you may have thought that your "issue was another one" and that I misunderstand you. Just bad English on my part   


    This may be an idea however to submit

    I have think of a "deactivate shading options in treemap" idea but already submitted a few already...


    Test :  only change the blue to orange, Red color is fading but still remain unchange from previous example with blue


  • Thanks for testing.

    Actually the treemap has another behaviour as what i expected. It is shading around the threshold colour.

    In your case, the threshold =4 is orange and "DD rank =4", therefore the DD tile is very orange, and BB and CC tiles are lighter orange.

    I would have expected that BB and CC gets a colour within a gradiant from black (threshold =1) to orange (threshold =4).

    I wonder which use case made BOARD decide to have such a colour management for the treemap... Has anyone an idea ?


    Nicolas CHIGROS wrote:


    I have think of a "deactivate shading options in treemap" idea but already submitted a few already...

    Can you provide the link of the idea you mean ? I cannot find any idea regarding this treemap colouring topic.

  • Nicolas CHIGROS
    Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Up Votes 25 Likes 10 Comments

    Actually I didn't test it for you  I had already done the work for the customer I'm working for at the moment!  


    I knew my last example would help you understand


    In the end, I didn't create the idea, I thought about it and decided otherwise since I already posted 4 or 5 ideas, all more important to me than this one 

  • ok. let me create one then.

  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    500 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers



    did your treemap also have the sorting?

    Cause if not the counter wouldnt be the same (cause this is according to the standard sorting)




  • Hello,

    Yes it did have.



  • After discussing here (thanks Nicolas CHIGROS) i understood that the current colour behaviour of the treemap chart when alerts are used is not the one i need for my use case.


    Therefore i opened an idea to explain the behaviour i wish to have. Feel free to vote up if you have the same need.

