Drill down in the web with flattened layout

Hi all,
For excel export reasons (see Export Data to Excel in Flattening mode for Web client ) I built a layout using the flattened presentation, with 2 entities by row (Legal Entity then Material).
Before using the flattened option, I could drill down by clicking on my Material entity.
Now that it's flattened, I can drill down by clicking on the Legal Entity, but clicking on the Material does nothing.
Is there a workaround for that ? Since the drill leads to a detailed screen for the material it's not very intuitive. Besides the users already have the habit to drill by clicking on the material, so I would like to avoid any change in the ergonomics.
Hello Etienne,
You can drill down using the first column of the dataview.
I understand that you prefer to drill using the cell containing the Material code.
You can make the material column very narrow and hide it, then use an entity block material and put it in first position.
In the layout options set a drill action for the entity block.
Now you can drill using the material column.
The negative effect of this is that, when you will export to excel you will see the material column twice.
I think you should open a wish for expanding the drill area also to the second column if the dataview is flattened.
Hope this is clear enough,
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Hi Antonio Speca,
I thought about your solution but I'm afraid this will impact the performance, and since the layout is already big (can be more than 300 000 lines depending on the profile / filters) I would prefer to keep it simple. Besides it is indeed designed for excel export so having twice the material columns would be a bit ugly.
Also if I remember correctly you cannot setup an entity column first, you need to add a hidden cube before (which again adds to complexity).
I will do some performance testing but I will open the wish anyway.
Speaking of that, is it better to add an Idea here ? or open the wish through the support ? Or both ?0 -
I agree with you about performance and ugliness of the workaround.
I think that posing in Ideas would be the best option.