Show word document in Board

I have a formatted word document (can be saved as doc, docx,  html, etc) and i want to show this inside Board. the viewer on the installed client can show it (as long as the path is accessible at runtime). On the web I need to add this file to the web server somehow. 

How do i add a file to the web server so that the viewer can show this?


  • Unknown
    Unknown Active Partner

    Maybe this is an opportunity to add to the  Ideas section? It sounds like having an HTML5 viewer showing MSOffice objects on the web could allow blob data to display online and still enforce security. Maybe there is a third party viewer that could be incorporated?

  • There are several possible solutions .. depends on the requirements , number/size of documents and what you want to achieve:

    - Files can be imported into a blob cube. This solution is fully integrated with the product and security profiles, but could have a high cost in terms of performance if the number/size of documents is excessive.

    - Files can be saved externally and distributed through a secondary website, using an iframe. With this solution, the database will be lighter and efficient, but it will be necessary to adopt some tricks for security management.

    - Files can be saved and shared through a content management like Sharepoint. 


    Office 365 online allows to view and edit an Office document via web.

