Welcome to the new Board Community experience!

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Then, let us know what you think! Share your comments below.
Board release downloads are not working.
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@Nitish Subramanian Thank you for letting us know! We are working on fixing links now and will correct this issue as soon as possible.
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@Nitish Subramanian Please go ahead and try again at your convenience. Select the link that appears after you select your item and the download will automatically complete.
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Regarding the following tech article - BOARD LOGs in detail — Board Community , below sections are missing from the content. Can this be checked please, if there was a problem in migrating this one from the old community platform. Thanks
- 3. Other LOGs3.1 In-Memory Log
- 3.2 Database Changes Detail Log
- 3.3 Dataentry Log
- 3.4 Entity Item Visualization Log
- 3.5 SQL Error Log
- 3.6 Web Log
- 3.7 Datareader Log
- 3.8 Transport Log
- 3.9 Connector Log
- 3.10 Client Error Log
- 4 Log Encryption
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@Rishabh Shahi Thank you for letting us know! We are researching now.
Update: We've located the missing content and will be updating it today.
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Hey, it looks good now. thanks a lot. :)
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Some images in this tech note are missing on my end. Could this issue be looked into if it's happening when others access it as well?
How to setup Microsoft IIS with Board 10 Web Server (HTML 5) — Board Community
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Hi @Rishabh Shahi, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We'll look into it right away and let you know as soon as we resolve it!
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Thanks @Miran Saric ! Not sure if this problem is being observed by all other users as well, but when I click on that image to open it, I'm redirected to the following link: fyr.
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Hello @Holly Rieke
I am looking for the function “set my question/discussion as answered”. Does it exist?
I tried to look into
- some community rules https://community.board.com/kb/articles/1006-community-house-rules but the link shows Article not found.
- some community guideline https://community.board.com/kb/community-guidelines but i get this "Permission Problem: You need one of knowledge.kb.view, knowledge.articles.add permissions to do that."
Could you provide me some hints please?
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@Arnaud Villemain Apologies for the delayed response!
The original poster of the question can use the ‘Did this answer the question?’ Yes/No function to indicate if a response to their question answered their question. However, it is not mandatory for the OP to select a yes/no. Let me know if this helps!0 -
Thank you @Holly Rieke
i cannot see where the ‘Did this answer the question?’ is.
could you provide e.g. a screenshot? This would help and clarify.
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The original poster should see this option to select the appropriate option for a potential answer provided.
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Thank you @Holly Rieke
It is strange. I am the original poster of this: https://community.board.com/discussion/16362/rolap-cubes-and-writeback-data-from-board-cube-to-sap-4-hana-database#latest. This is discussion Nr 16362 (according to web link)
and i don't see this “did this answer the question” above “Flag, Quote, Like” below the answer of Daniele Santandrea (just as an example, indeed i would set another answer as the one which answered the question)
I have tried used several web browsers (Chromium, Firefox, Edge, Brave). All show no text “did this answer the question” above “Flag, Quote, Like”.
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@Arnaud Villemain Thanks for your patience as I researched this unique issue! It seems that your specific post was added as a ‘discussion’ rather than a ‘question’—which is why you are unable to see the screenshot that I shared. This is a bug and seems to be limited to this post, but I have opened a ticket with our platform vendor for awareness and to see if we can update it. If you continue to experience this issue on new forum posts, please let me know.
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@Arnaud Villemain Your post has now been updated, and you should see the ‘Did this answer the question?’ option for selection at this time. Thanks!
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Many thanks @Holly Rieke for having let my post updated.
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I asked a question last week in the Platform Forum. After finishing my post and sending it out, I got a message telling me it will be posted once it has been approved.
How can I make sure that it has arrived successfully for approval? I cannot find the post in "my discussions", "drafts", or any other location. Of course I understand that it might take a little longer to approve a message, I am more interested in just confirming that it has arrived at your side. (For example, seeing it under "my discussions" with a tag telling me it's "under review" would be great)
Thank you,
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Hello Team,
We've observed that the backward slash character ‘\’ is wiped out from articles which is creating some confusions when a user accesses those tech notes.
For example: the document states the path to be C:inetpubwwwrootBWEB10in .... which is actually C:\inetpub\wwwroot\BWEB10\bin (see attached image)
Please let me know if this could be updated appropriately.
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Your post wasn't showing up because your account wasn't yet verified. We've gone ahead and verified it for you and you should now be able to view your post in the location where you posted it. Please let me know if there is anything else we can help with - thanks!
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Hi @Rishabh Shahi,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we're investigating this issue and will look to resolve it as soon as possible!
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Thank you very much, and sorry for the trouble!
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Is it true that i need to post something here so that my account gets verified and then that this makes my post on the Platform-forum show up?
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Isn't working
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Permission ProblemYou need one of knowledge.kb.view, knowledge.articles.add permissions to do that.
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@Gustavo Camacho Thanks for posting your question in Community! I have gone ahead and verified your account, so you should have full access to Community at this time. Remember to sign in first, and then try your actions mentioned above again. If you still have issues, please let us know.
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Unfortunately, neither of the links in the following article works for me:
Please see the error messages below:
I am logged in while I try to access them.
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Hi @Krisztina Zappert, my apologies for this error. It has been resolved and you should now be able to access both links. Please let me know if you're still having access problems. Thanks!
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I need your support in updating the link to a community article in "Board 12 Installation Prerequisites" article in the highlighted box.
Please use the below post instead as we have an updated article for this purpose. The link I highlighted in screenshot doesn't work anymore.
Rishabh Shahi
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Hi @Rishabh Shahi, we've made the edit you requested. Please let me know if there is anything else we can help with.