Home Screen by User

I think it would help a lot with solution design if we could set a home screen against the user profile, so that we can design different home screens for different people within an organization and have them taken directly there upon entering a capsule.

6 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated


  • Samir Jones
    Samir Jones Active Partner, Community Captain
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Up Votes 5 Answers

    Hello @Edward Ervin,

    You should be able to accomplish this by having a Screen trigger on the Home Screen that runs a Procedure.

    The Procedure selects Current User (if you haven't set it up automatically in Database Security) and then checks towards, for example, a Checkbox cube which Start Screen should apply to which User.
    In the Procedure you have Groups with "Go To Screen". The Checkbox Cube is applied to "if then else" steps. When the Procedure has a hit on the "If then else", it will jump to the relevant Procedure Group and follow the "Go To Screen" directives.

  • Samir Jones
    Samir Jones Active Partner, Community Captain
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Up Votes 5 Answers

    @Bettina Clausen, thanks for catching that. Didn't know.

    @Edward Ervin, never mind my suggestion. :-)

  • Erin Myers
    Erin Myers Customer, Employee
    Fifth Anniversary 25 Up Votes Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board

    @Edward Ervin There are two options to accomplish this currently, either of which would be easier to maintain at an aggregate "Role" level rather than individual user.

    1. Home screen within existing capsule with visibility features on menu objects driven by Role
    2. A separate capsule per Role, each with a custom home screen. Navigation would have to be driven by Labels and Go to Screen steps in procedures to navigate to outside capsules

    Let me know if you need any clarification, hope this helps 🙂

  • @Samir Jones thanks, I had already considered this which I should have mentioned in my original post but yes unfortunately it doesn't work, thanks for the reply though!

    I still think it would be beneficial to set it as a default to a user profile alongside a lot of other user dependent functionality even if the above method worked.

  • @Erin Myers Option 1 is essentially what we have done, but it's something that we'd like to avoid having to do as a 'workaround'.

    Ideally if a user logs in under a specific role say HR they would land on a dashboard showing KPIs that are key to someone from HR and someone from Finance would land on a page showing KPIs relevant to them as opposed to a menu that they would then navigate from.

    Option 2 can cause a lot of extra work to be done in maintaining the solution as capsules have separate capsule procedures, masks etc. that would need to be doubled up on if there was any duplicated functionality.

    Appreciate the help though!

  • @Erin Myers

    Option1 is something that we have used so far and have observed two drawbacks

    1. After a user moves from the home screen to subsequent screens, there is no easy way to provide them the option to directly switch to another screen unless they go back to the home screen
    2. If we provide a menu, we cannot control the visibility of screens the way we control via Home screen or any landing screen