User import by csv file on IDP: Check if Boolean values are valid before importing them

Lucas Charello
Lucas Charello Active Partner, Community Captain
25 Likes 10 Comments 25 Up Votes Board Advanced Developer
edited February 2024 in Idea Exchange

We had to mass-modify the User roles on the User management screen (Sub Hub IDP) using the csv file import. Excel made a translation of Boolean values from "TRUE" and "FALSE" to "VRAI" and "FAUX". All Boolean values where loaded in FRENCH, which caused major problems.

Board accepted to load those wrong values, but couldn't read them afterwards. It blocked all access to the application during 1 full day.

The idea: It would be good if Board checks the validity of Boolean values and stop file import if any of those values is invalid + An error message to inform the user in case of invalid values.

Also, but less important: A message in the import pop-up to tell the user that all Booleans should be in English or make it possible to load booleans in other languages supported by Board.

The whole explanation of the case can be found in the forum.

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