Order with detailed by Selection

Hi there,

In a data view i have 2 cubes and right after it a algorithm. All are detailed by an Entity.

In the display of the report I can see by status RN / REV for the first status and then comes the next status. However the ADR is shown at the end not grouped into the statuses as with RN and REV.

Any idea how to show RN / Rev / ADR for Room Status 1 and the same grouping for Room Status 2?

Thanks, maik

Accepted Answer

  • Filip Rankovic
    Filip Rankovic Employee
    5 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Up Votes 10 Comments
    Answer ✓

    Hi Maik

    If possible with the rest of the Layout, it is best to use the "Room Status" in the "By Column" axis definition. This would give the desired outcome, directly:

    Otherwise, the algorithm with "Detail by" within subsequent blocks with "Detail by" activated behaves differently when it is the first block among those using it.

    As an example, with the downside being that "ADR" is now first within the groupings:

    Hope this helps!

    Best regards,
