Additional functionality for any 'Apply Data Selection' options. Specifically allowing you to define what selections to be carried through and any you may want ignore.
Screen 1 has selections on Month 202401 and Accounts 200, 210 and 220.
Screen 2 has selections on Month 202401 and Accounts 300 and 310.
User experience
A user goes into Screen 1 and changes the month selection to Month 202402
They click a button that navigates to screen 2 where ideally the selection would update to;
Month 202402 and Accounts 300 and 310
There is no ability to easily carry the Month through without overriding the other selections.
Using Apply Data Selection would overwrite all the selections in Screen 2 with what was present in Screen 1.
Not Using Apply Data Selection would mean the month is not updated and the user would have to reselect Month 202402 every time they change screens.
This is similar in principle to another idea that would allow for more robust dynamic selections located here.
Having an option like this would simplify navigation through screens that have many different selections and enhance the user journey.