corporate identity: add custom color palette, custom chart color theme, pin recent color

Arnaud Villemain
Active Partner

My idea is to develop further the implementation of the corporate identity in Board capsules.
The screens' mask is already very helpful. The colors management could be improved. It is currently not possible to apply brand colors in charts for example.
Current color features
Currently, Board provides:
- a standard color palette (can be used in all displayed contents):
- 10 standard colors
- 6 variants for each standard color:
- for charts: a color themes collection (to date May 2024: 17 different themes). Each them is a sample of predefined colors. Here you can see a few themes as an example:
here four examples of these color themes:
idea: future colors features
A) color palette:
- provide the ability to create several custom palettes: an admin user can enter manually once for all times (or even better file-upload) custom colors palettes. Each color palette could contain many colors
- provide the ability to set one color palette as the default one. This palette will then be the one seen and used by all makers creating and maintaining Board screens.
- provide the ability to display the recent colors used by a given user for this user
B) Charts color themes
- Provide the ability to create several custom chart color themes to Board makers (or at least Board admins). The allowed user enter manually once for all times (or even better file-upload) custom colors' lists which together build one chart color themes.
- provide the ability to set one chart color theme as the default one.
Addendum: Collection of past ideas close to this one:
- Upload custom colour palette
- 16 votes
- Status Accepted
- created January 2021, Last Updated March 2021
- but i don't see this implemented in Board 14.1 🤔 (on-premises)
- Adding Colors to the Standard Color Palette
- 5 votes
- Status Archived
- Created August 2018, Last Updated July 2023
- according to the status, this has not been taken into the roadmap until now
- Recent Colors in Object Color Menu
- 10 votes
- Status Archived
- Created April 2023, Last Updated January 2024
- comment from product management team: we won't be moving forward with your suggestion, we want you to know that we value your input and appreciate your contribution
so, if you want to see the colors management improved in the future, you can vote for this idea.