Datareader - SQL Connection
Hi All! We are currently implementing a new Data Warehouse with a direct connection to Board. Now, my problem is that the DataReader does not always show the available tables and views from the Data Warehouse. Within the Cloud Portal, I have set up the access correctly, and the test was successful. Sometimes, it works—I…
Sap Analytic Cloud data import suggestion
hi, client migrated old bw database into a new sac platform. wondering if is possible in board14 to read data from SAC using other interface instead of the old theobald sap connector. any similar experience/suggestion to share? API? thanks
An important SAP Note update
Important Notification from Board Board International would like to raise awareness of the recent SAP Note 3255746 that states using SAP | ODP RFC API with third-party applications is now unpermitted by SAP. SAP no longer permits usage of ODP Data Replication APIs with third-party apps Read more about the SAP Note 3255746…
Support x-www-form-urlencoded body type for POST API Calls
At the moment, in REST API Calls if I have to set up a POST request with a body, the body type can only be in json format, which means that the only value supported for header Content-Type is "application/json". In some cases, especially API endpoints that return tokens but they are not standard OAuth2 flows (like in some…
How to: Integration with Dynamics 365 OData APIs
1. Abstract This document illustrates two different methods of connecting Board to Dynamics 365 OData APIs and all aspects related to these configurations, such as authentication, testing and pagination. 2. Context Integrating Board with Microsoft SaaS products is becoming an increasingly frequent ask. One of the most…
Data Sources list (latest version)
We are talking with a client who is curious with the data source connectors for Board. All what I know is the picture in attached article(Data Pipeline section) as we can't access to data pipeline due to current license we are using right now. Is there any place or any way that I can find the latest list? Thank you.
New Datasource: SAP Data Lake
Customers in DACH-Region are mainly driven by SAP. SAP Cloud is increasingly being used by customers. SAP data and non-SAP data is stored there. It is necessary to read and write data from SAP Data Lake. Connect to Data Lake Relational Engine Using the .NET Driver
How to set parametric WHERE clause for SAP
1. Abstract With the Theobald Board Connector, a SAP-certified middleware is available to load data from SAP systems (ERP/BW) to Board if the database of the system cannot or may not be addressed directly (e.g. HANA via ODBC). More information can be found here: In the simplest case, data is read from SAP tables, i.e. the…
Probably The Best Alternative to CSV Storage: Parquet Data
1. What is your idea? Board support a lot of datasources. Probably the most used are csv files. However, with ever increasing amounts of data, working with csv files becomes a pain. Parquet files can be an alternative. Head-to-head comparison CSV Parquet Row-based storage format. A hybrid of Row-based and column-based…
Dynamic Filter Parameter in Sap Connector
the idea is to make more parametrical the theobald sap connector. right know is not possible to link a selection made at screen level (example with a selector) to the data reader allowing to reduce the dataset to be loaded. so for example if we are loading large dataset the loading process will take a lot. the parameter…
Is anyone able to direct me to the Dynamics 365 documentation?
Hi all, I anticipate that I'll need to make use of the Dynamics 365 connector and the only documentation I've been able to find in the manual relates to this 2022 release: Is anyone able to direct me to the formal documentation? Ideally, I'd like something that covers the Board app for Dynamics 365. Cheers,
Sending data between data models.
Hi Board, We have two different data models and we need to sedn data from the one data model to the other and vice versa. Currently what we have tried is the following: Extract the data from data model A, call a procedure in data model B that would import the extract through Azure using a data reader and paste the data…