Blue dot error messages - open a pop up window and allow the error message to be copied
While using Board, there maybe some error in a process. The error is captured in the main menu (three blue lines menu button next to the circle with your initials in it). To report this error, the user must click the menu, click Messages, hover over the message so it expands and can be seen, then they must take a screen…
Add folder organization to Broadcasting screen
We have a number of broadcasts that we manage within our business across different units and it can become inefficient to manage so many broadcasts in one list. It would be great if additional functionality can be brought into this page to allow us to create folders and subfolders to organize all our broadcasts.
Make subscriptions accessible from User menu
Dear, As our team is looking to implement subscription we are seing ways to improve the user experience on this topics. One our the main improvement is to give access to the subscription section (my subscription) directly from the user menu rather than asking the user to open a capsule then go to "my subscription" page.…
v12.1_Give the option to hide the dotted lines in dataviews ?
Hi Team, With v12,1, we've noted that in any dataviews, the selection of a cell makes "dotted lines" appearing (both horizontal & vertical), which could quickly turn to ugly display, depending on the background used / type of data you're showing (text for instance). We would be glad to be able to de-activate this new…
Add custom layout option to be available for dataflow in procedure
* What is your idea? In Board 10, we were able to directly add the dataflow layout during a breakpoint and check the values. Starting Board 12, we have to now manually copy the layout and paste that layout at a particular step. * What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this…
Row Totals(Grand Totals and also Sub totals) on top of Dataview
Row totals if we can get on top of dataview would have been great. With Summer release I see that there is a feature, which allows the user to see grand totals on top of the dataview, but the sub totals still remains at the bottom. Its an ask from a few customers I have been working with to get the sub totals at the top,…
Formating private subscription mails
Hello, is it possible for the administrator to format the mail body of the private subscriptions of the users and to change the text of the mail footer? At the moment all of our private subscriptions are signed with "BOARD Subscription Service".
Optimization of formatting functionalities
Hello community, here are a few points/functionalities that could improve formatting functionalities in board: * Allow text variables in block headers We would like to use text variables in block header (e.g. @Year). Currently we are using workarounds to solve this (@selection if possible (a specific refer-to in block is…
Optimization of the board administration
Hello community, here are a few points/functionalities that could improve the administration of board: * Monitoring / Logging: Integrate the logging directly into the application (getting away from the txt-logging). Especially when it comes to the execution of procedures it would be very helpful to get more details (last…
Export Data Model Structure to Excel
When we create the data model documentation or when is necessary to analyze the data model is very useful to export the Impact Analysis result or from the data model, would be very useful to have one action that exports the "cube/entities/data readers/procedures" list, therefore is very useful to create documents based on…
Filter by relevant entities in the capsules
hi, It would be really helpful if it were possible to filter the entities for each capsule. This means that within the select each capsule would only display entities that are relevant to that capsule.
Simplify DataFlow's - Remove Calculation Domains
It would be very useful if you define a dataflow which is e.g. c=a*b or any other algorithm that this dataflow always does the calculation described in the field for those combination that exist without having to think about to extend a calculation domain. The problem now is if you flag several dimension in the calculation…
Database name in ProcedureExecution_YYYYMM.log
1) What is your idea? Provide the database name for each procedure in the procedure execution log file. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? When the file C:\Board\Dataset\Log\ProcedureExecution_YYYYMM.log is populated we can see only the procedure name but not the name of the database. This is a problem…
Collapse unbalanced hierarchies entities in dataview
Hello, With unbalanced hierarchies entities, it is possible to collapse (more or less) in selectors, but not in dataviews directly. Would it be possible to add the collased functionnality in dataviews for the next releases please? Thanks
Totals on top of each group
Hello, currently checking the Dataview Option "View Total on Expanded Group" the totals are shown both on top and bottom of each group. It would be nice to choose where to show the totals (on top OR bottom of each group).
In Layout edit : Make block appear as an entity in the Axis Settings
Hi everyone, The Idea : The list of blocks in the layout should be manage like an entity in the layout editor. These would enable to do report as shown below very easily : Example of configuration in the layout editor : These would be especially useful when comparing 2 set of data (like version) in 2 different cube or in…
Keep file name of uploaded files
1) What is your idea? Keep the original file name of the file being uploaded into Board. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? When the file is uploaded into Board, the file name is lost and the file gets a generic name. We would like to keep the file names of files uploaded to Board (as BLOB cube). 3) What…
Block Reference - Dynamic Selection on
It would be great if dynamic selections would be available at block references (for used cubes in data views/charts) --> this would probably make currently necessary count/selection-cubes irrelevant and enable more flexibility - especially regarding time selections or time related columns.
Export to XLSX - Overcome limitations of layout export with huge datasets
Idea: We use the export functionality of Board intensively. For the layout export (procedure layout export or export to excel) it is annoying that we have to decide for the row entities whether we just want to see the code OR the description OR both concatenated when the default settings doesn’t match to our needs for the…
Event-driven Subscribe and SendTo functions
Hi all, We are currently analyzing the usefulness of the Subscribe and SendTo functionalities for our users, but the same question comes back every time regarding scheduling. Indeed our data is published monthly (e.g. Sales at D+2, OPEX at D+8, Allocation results at D+10) but in practice it is not a fixed day in the month.…
Chart to Chart Drill-Down in pop-up window
It would be great having Chart to Chart drill-downs in a pop-up window like having it in dataviews --> the drilldown from chart-bars (stack) currently opens a table in a pop-up --> but we would need again a chart showing within the relationship tree a more detailed entity to the initially shown dimension. Currently this is…
XLSX-export --> selection export with one dimension
It would be great if the option "export selections" when exporting a dataview to Excel, would be already available when having one dimension in the dataview --> currently it's only possible when two dimensions are used in the dataview
It would be very helpful/useful having the data and rows & columns functionality also for charts - not only for dataviews. These would enable much more flexibility for the user.
Integrate authorizations / DB Profiles in Impact analysis
Hi, the "Impact analysis" is a really useful tool. However one item is missing from the analysis regarding the authorizations, it's the database profile. For example, if I need for technical reasons to clear an entity, I would need to double check if that entity is used as a select in a database profile. Integrating this…
The option to hide and show containers in realtime
Hi, It would be nice to have the option to show and hide containers without a screen refresh. This way you can add for example your selectors in a container and with a small button on your screen you can show or hide the container. This would give you more screen space because your navigation and filters can be hidden. See…
Better integration between Board web-client and Office Add-in
The current office add-in offers a good integration between Board and Microsoft office products, however the current add-in his design to work better with the windows version than the wed version of Board. It can be improved with the following: 1.Allowing copy/paste of Dataview layout(design) from the Web client to the…
Interactive selection - Option to display Code/Description or both
Hi, Currently, the "interactive selection" procedure step displays code and description on the pop-up window. It would be nice to have the option to choose (at procedure level) to display either Code, Description or both (similarly to how the Selectors work).
Refresh partially instead of full screen
When we have a lot of data views/charts/etc. on a screen, refreshing the full screen from the procedure (Refresh Screen) can take some time. And in some cases full screen refresh is not necessary. There are certain scenarios when the procedure is executed, it's only impacting certain sections e.g. data views/charts. I…
Option to change storage drive in File Upload functionality in Cloud
1. What is your idea? Add option to change storage drive in File Upload functionality in Cloud or change storage drive C to Z for File Upload in Cloud 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? In current File Upload functionality, files are uploaded to C…
Upload custom colour palette
1) What is your idea? To have the ability in Board to upload a custom colour palette, such as a company or brand colour scheme, which then can be selected and automatically applied to charts. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? To make it easier to apply brand colours to reports. Also, by offering users a…