Option to change storage drive in File Upload functionality in Cloud
1. What is your idea? Add option to change storage drive in File Upload functionality in Cloud or change storage drive C to Z for File Upload in Cloud 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? In current File Upload functionality, files are uploaded to C…
Option to remove blue box next to selector
1) What is your idea? To allow users to remove the blue colour band for selectors on a chart so the charts look cleaner and neater. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? Allow users to remove the blue colour band for selectors or to be able to define a different selector colour. The blue band doesn't add…
Option to display labels for axis
1) What is your idea? For Board to have the ability to add labels to the axis of charts so the reader knows what information is represented by the axis. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? To inform readers what values the various axis represent, especially if there are similar reports in the tab but some…
Upload custom colour palette
1) What is your idea? To have the ability in Board to upload a custom colour palette, such as a company or brand colour scheme, which then can be selected and automatically applied to charts. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? To make it easier to apply brand colours to reports. Also, by offering users a…
DataEntry Highlight
Hi all, When users have a layout with DataEntry, the table format is lost and sometimes is hard to find in which row you are doing the DataEntry. In order to help the users, it will be great to highlight the row and the column of the cell the user is doing the DataEntry. It would be great to have something like this:…
n:n Relationships
1. What is your idea? Currently it is only possible to have a 1:n relationship in the datamodel. I would like to be able to have n:n relationships. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Our problem is for example that we have various articles, that…
Mirror option for label pictures
When adding a picture / label. Board has now a standard set of Icons. Also "own" images can be uploaded into the capsule. Also we have the option to ROTATE these images/logos. However, I had a case in which I wanted to MIRROR my image. And instead of using PAINT skills and manipulating the picture, it would be a great…
Web brower usage statistics
It would be very useful if Board could track which web browsers are end-users using to access the application and display those statistics (e.g. 45% of the users are accessing via Chrome, 15% of the users are accessing via Edge, etc). Out of the box report, or even logs with this information would be great!
Embed display chart for users' logs
Hello, As an admin, it's very useful to get to know which users are connected in real-time, and how many they are. Could Board embed a chart that would display the connected users in almost real-time (let's say every minute). This would avoid the necessity to:* get to the server * seek for user'log file * paste it in Excel…
Customized Naming Convention
Naming convention: All our report labels are named as PY (Previous year), CY (current year), NY (Next year), etc. We want the data to represent actual dynamic labels such as 2019 for previous year, 2020 for current and 2021 for next year. It becomes difficult to read the data and compels us to put legends on the all the…
User Selection Management
Hi, an useful idea in order to manage in the best way the applications with a lot of user should be the possibility to retrieve from board user panel also the specific select set up on the single user. In this way from a customer point of view it should be possible to download a txt file where for each user will be…
Capability to stop big-queries
Currently it is not possible to check all Board Users actions (especially with hundreds of board users working with Board Win Client, Board Web, Board Office Add-in) and the "row upper limit" is not enough because - example - is not checking "how many blocks" the user is inseriting in the Board Layout. There is a very high…
URL in procedures and messages
1. What is your idea? Facilitate the redirection of the user to an external URL, within a procedure. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? I have a business case these days where we would like to direct the users to a specific URL (a feedback form in…
Allow parallel use of Board Web and Office AddIn
1. What is your idea? Allow parallel use of Board Web and the Board Office AddIn. If you try to do this in parallel (open up your browser and use Excel with other layouts), you will receive an error message ("logged in elsewhere"). 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would…
Improve debbuging/running of procedures from Procedure Editor
There is a very frustrating feature of the web interface when debugging procedures. There are some actions in procedures which error when debugging them (ie. 'running' them from the data model Procedure Editor) - even though they work when called from the capsule/screen. These actions break the procedure in debug mode and…
Allow Exports/Broadcasts in procedure to use selects
1. What is your idea? The idea is to create a broadcast or export in a procedure that uses the select logic in the procedure overriding the select saved on the screen or presentation. For example if I have a procedure which runs the following steps: 1. Select Oct2020 2. Export Printable Report (pdf) This .pdf will be based…
Row Totals at top of Data View option
1. What is your idea? Provide a data view option that will display the totals at the top of the view. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Improve scrolling and navigation features of dataviews. This option already exists to move total to the left…
Developer wants to set "Pie Chart color starting direction".
In default, we can't set Pie Chart color starting direction. It means pie chart painted from 3 o'clock direction. In general, we are familiar with Pie Chart painted from 0 o'clock. For example, Excel or other BI tool. My idea is we can change this setting depend on user because of avoiding misleading for graph.
Waterfall with "Switch row/column" option : allow to define a starting point / end point.
Hi team, when using the watefall chart, the "Switch row/column" is a very useful option to define each block of the waterfall through specific cubes/formulas. My typical use is a "margin bridge" with the split of price, mix, volume and exchange rates effects, a classic of business controlling :) When I build it, I miss the…
"My View" automatically applied on screen opening
It would be really helpful to add an option on My View feature that allows to automatically apply the last My View saved by the user to the screen for the next openings. In this way user does not have to always restore the view every time he opens the screen and from another option he can go back to the original view when…
Total display
I would appreciate it if I could choose whether to show or hide each of the total and grand total. Thank you.
Group rows background color of DataView
I would appreciate it if I could set the background color one by one when there are multiple groups of DataView. For example, set red for GroupA background and blue for GroupB background. Thank you.
The angle of the category label of chart
It would be great if I could set the angle of the category label of chart to only 45? and 90? to any angle. Or make the steps finer (30?, 45?, 60?, 90?, etc.). Thank you.
Restrict file upload size by users
Request to implement an (administrator-configurable) attachment filesize limit to prevent massive files (movies, films, executables) being uploaded into Board
Link Horizontal & Vertical Scroll Bars Independantly
It would be great if I could link the Vert & Horz scroll bars independently of two data views. For instance, I have two dataviews that share the same columns but different rows running down the page, but I don't want them to scroll vertically at the same time, but I do want them to keep the same column alignment.
[Cloud] Automated backup of capsules
Currently you can only manually backup capsule in Cloud! It's a mandatory feature since: * in production * in development, you can loose work in progress due to user mistake or lack of synchronization between developer . Also manually back up a project with more than 10 capsules every day is tedious and unrealistic to ask.
BUG FIX: After adding using drag&drop you can't sort or filter on this block.
After adding using drag&drop you can't sort or filter on this block. You are force to do a modification somewhere for the lists to refresh and be able to see the block in the list https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M13w34HWNYM
BUG FIX : Allow to Save comment in procedure editor without changing anything else
Everything is in the title but just in case : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tTJH2kaoMQ
Web Designer : Improved selection/deselection of object
1. After pasting object(s) make the object(s) already selected. Not the one you copied if they are from the same screen. 2. When using a mutli object selection in a screen : Allow the use of ctrl key+ click to deselect object(s) at least in the left "Screen Objects" panel, ideally also in the WYSIWYG too. Would help a lot…
Visibility Property enhancement: "gone" element
The idea involves enhancing visibility property of objects by allowing the user to hide an object (through a flag) nately shifting all following ones upwards, just like in a standard css "display:none" property. This need comes from several requests recieved in order to easily be able to edit a dashboard by choosing which…