Include API Queries in Transporter Tool
We rely more and more on API Queries in database development. It is tedious and prone to error to be forced to recreate or update API Queries manually across all instances. Therefore it is indispensable to have API Queries included in the Transporter Tool
Rich text box, could the toolbar be docked please
Currently when using the rich text box there is a floating toolbar. The toolbar is nice, there's bold, underline, etc... but because it floats over the top of the text box, it can obscure the text while the user is typing. It is annoying to have to move it. To improve the user experience please dock the floating toolbar in…
Enhancing User experience with the Bubble Chart object
Hi all, apart from my idea of keeping the dimensional colours in the bubble chart object I would like to make a few suggestions on enhancing user experience with the bubble chart. 1. Give the developer the possibility to change not only the chart's background as a whole, but make it possible to change the colour/label for…
Load information about users config from sub hub, roles, folder security
currently from SubHub I can extract a .csv file with main users information. It would be helful have same function from panels Role, features and folder securities have also the capability to schedul an expot of such files (not only manual export) Or have the capabillity to collect all these information through an API…
Capsule Print Template
Hi all, I noticed that "Capsule Print Template" is not available in the last versions of Board. https://www.boardmanual.com/prev-man/Chapter_7_-_Capsules_files/Capsule_Design/Capsule_Print_Template.htm That was a very useful section. Now with "Export printable report" is not possible to:* Insert an image in the header (for…
Column Headers To display Year/Month/Quarter
Column Headers To display Year/Month/Quarter they point to when used with Previous Year or Period offset Dataview Functions Scenario Time entity is used on column axis and multiple Cube blocks are added to dataview. Some of them refer to previous or future periods. Often, dataview Functions are used to refer to other time…
Smart Import - Allow One Entity As Column
Hello, Topic: Smart Import BOARD Version: 12.4 The smart importer tool has been an awesome add, and has already become a staple within my solution. However, I am still having to make my users adjust data before they use the smart importer tool. In my experience across multiple organizations, placing the time entity across…
SubHub - Create a new Copy from an existing User
Add the new feature "Copy settings from existing account" to the Users page inside the subscription hub. It enables to create a new account copying an existing record and changing only key data (i.e. account name and email).
Allow Temporary Cubes to be used in If Then Else action
Quite often specific cubes are created to hold the results of a logical test that can be performed through dataflow. This cube would then be used in an If The Else procedure action to determine the actions to run based on the outcome of the test. Currently, the If Then Else action cannot use temporary cubes saved in the…
Update Localization/Unload/Reload as new procedure step
Idea : Add 3 new options as step in a procedure : Update Localization Apply current values in *_localized cubes Unload Database Same as "Unload" from the Data Model / Summary button Reload Database Same as "Unload" from the Data Model / Summary button but reload just after Context : Localization on entities are updated…
Allow developer to 'size' the pie, or take into consideration if Labels are on when setting size.
It would be good if the developer could control the pie size in the web like you could in the client, or if the size of the pie took into consideration if 'labels/outside' is set. Why? Because in the new web pie chart object labels don't necessarily show/appear as the sizing is incorrect..and it is impossible to make them…
An Extended version of the Board Substitution Formulas
Board offers a diverse array of functionalities and features, positioning it in a prominent and distinctive position within the competitive landscape that spans both Business Intelligence (BI) and Corporate Performance Management (CPM). One of the standout features that distinguishes Board is its Substitutions Formulas,…
Object names for Panel & Tab
In the Screens Object list, it would be helpful if you could see the name of the Panel & Tab. In this case, to figure out which Panel you want to work with, you would need to count the panels to figure out its position. Linking the Panel/Tab name would be helpful.
Add ability to multi-select columns in Block Format
Block formatting individual columns is a very time consuming job, and this would allow you to speed up the process a lot faster. You can currently multi select on the different rows, but it'd be very beneficial to CTRL+Left Click on the columns to format them together too. There are data views with over 100+ columns here…
Scheduled Capsule Backup to Z Drive
Hi All, I understood from support it is now possible to schedule snapshot of capsules in Board but still it is not possible to create scheduled capsule backups to the Azure Z drive. I would like to propose to have the possibility to create a procedure that performs capsule backups to the Z drive as this is the place where…
Allow for the naming of files downloaded from Board
When a user clicks the download button, the downloaded file has a filename based on the screen title (I think). But could you please allow for the downloaded filename to be configured with variables. This would allow for the filename to be more meaningful.
Dynamic Decimals on report views
Hi team! We've recently had two customers and a partner reach out about the request to dynamically show or not show decimal places. Right now, it currently requires work arounds that involve layout adjustments or duplicated screens. We would like to request the ability to adjust the decimals we are viewing on a report…
Probably The Best Alternative to CSV Storage: Parquet Data
1. What is your idea? Board support a lot of datasources. Probably the most used are csv files. However, with ever increasing amounts of data, working with csv files becomes a pain. Parquet files can be an alternative. Head-to-head comparison CSV Parquet Row-based storage format. A hybrid of Row-based and column-based…
Administration: More management options for all users presentations
It would be good for us as administrators if we had more management options for all users' presentations. E.g. an overview page showing which presentations are available and with whom they were all shared, if necessary the possibility to change assignments here as well. As a current workaround, we register on behalf of the…
Possibility to schedule a task several time par day
Today the lowest level of recurrence for a scheduled task is the day, so it is quite hard and boring to schedule a task every hour, or every 15 minutes for ex. It would be great to have the possibility to schedule a task several time par day.
REST API call connection timeout
Currently REST API calls are using a "fixed" connection timeout of 100s. If connection to the endpoint is not established within this time limit, the call is ended. It would be great if the timeout could be extended/paramterized.
Share bookmarks with other users
it would be great if there is a possibility to share bookmarks with other users (similiar to share function in presentations)
Add option to set all 'Modes' in a Data Reader to 'Add New Item' automatically
Hi, I think it'd be useful and efficient a have a button to switch all the modes automatically from 'Discard New Item'/'Read' to 'Add New Item'/'Replace'. This would be very useful in new data models or when loading a new entity/hierarchy as you do not have to manually change the mode for each field area in the data…
Default Formatting for Dataviews and Other Objects
Hello, It would be great if we could set the default formatting for toolkit objects just like we used to have in the windows client with the corporate identity designer. Right now we have to copy/paste every single time which isn't centrally managed and leads to inconsistencies.
Add pop up button that directs to data reader steps in procedures
Hi, I was wondering if we could please add a button similar to the "call procedure" step which links to and directs the user to the procedure that is being called for the data reader steps. The proposed button would look something like this and would open a new page that links directly to the data reader that is being read…
"Others" Automatically Grouped When Using Keep Top Function
Hello Community, i like using TOP/FLOP analyses and in many Customers i have implemented BOARD solutions i have come across the following need * What is your idea? When defining the Keep Top option, we usually highlight the top or worst performers based on one or multiple factors. This usually leads to “hiding” the “rest”…
metadata-driven modeling with BAML (Board Application Markup Language)
This feature is inspired by BIML (Business Intelligence Markup Language). To develop a board-application you don’t need coding skills. That is really great for beginners! To develop a board-application is mostly to create or alter meta-data. For example create a new entity. Give them a name, group, id length, desc length…
Smart Import Enhancement
The last releases contained a lot of news about the Smart Import Object. The functions that the object now brings with it are great. Still, I would like to see two more features: moving columns (without having to rename and remap columns every time a new column is added in between. if rows are rejected, it would be great…
Audit/Record changes to procedures / lines
As an on-going maintenance task, we frequently have to modify procedures (add more lines, modify existing, disable lines, etc.) It would be nice if (upon saving) the username/timestamp and action is recorded against each line (e.g. added, disabled, modified, etc). This can be used, in part as a version control mechanism.…
Annotation of Entities, Cubes, Data Reader and other Database structures
I wish there was a way to annotate entities, cubes, data readers, and other database structures as there is for procedure steps. This would enrich the in-system documentation for developers and could eliminate the need for out-of-system technical documentation. Documentation would thus be made faster and more efficient.