Quick Layout : Add Flatten Option
Hello, It would be nice to be able to enable or disable flatten directly in the Quick Layout like in the screenshot below :
Idea: Add an object called “Advanced Time Selector”. This object is composed by 3 parts: the “standard selector”, the “dynamic selector” and the “calendar”, offering to user a flexible way to apply selections on time entities. Optionally the developer can choose to activate desired part. It appears like a normal selector,…
separated area for "in ram databases" and "pending changes" lists
ciao, sometimes the Board Administrator need to check whihc are the databases currently uploaded in RAM and/or the list of the "pending changes" for a specific database. currently these informations are in the "Logs" section BUT in big environments, with a lot of users/actions, you could have a lot of logs for the standard…
Rest API call manual script
With the new 'Rest API call' action, it is possible to connect and download data from a public or authorized API into a CSV/JSON file through a list of mapped parameters. Even though, you have the possibility to see how the query has been structured in the 12.6 release, you cannot edit it. It could be useful to interact…
Notify if max item number reached
In desktop client, there used to be a pop-up message appearing in case a max item number was reached and that the Administrator was to be contacted. It would be great if some kind of notification would show up also in web (without the need to access the proper Relationships page), because if noone accesses the…
Column sorting and filtering for the end user
Hi, it is often the case that Board replaces a previous Excel solution. In Excel there is the useful function that a filter can be placed over the columns with the help of which the user can sort in ascending or descending order. He or she can also set value filters there, for example, that only rows larger > or smaller <…
Sorting Rows - Keep Top setting for more than one dimension
We have several requirements with keep top setting AND showing more that one dimension in the dataview. It seems like this function only works as long as there is only one dimension in the rows. E.g. I'd like to have the Top 25 Materials sorted on Sales-Cube desc. on a material level - and as second information I would…
change table/dataview from pivot to flat list
We are regularly getting the question from users if it's possible to change the standard BOARD pivoted table to a flat list. I know this functionality also from other BI-Tools and it would be great if the user can decide via dataview-menu if he wants to have a flat list shown. Default can be still the pivoted view, but the…
Include Version Number in Release Notes
Hello, Currently, on patch release notes the only reference within them is "Summer Release 2023", "Spring Release 2022", etc. However, within the product itself - we only have version numbers. Ie 12.4. Would it be possible to include the version number in the announcement title of the BOARD Manual? Example: never mentions…
Enhance user experience by adding search functionality
Sometimes, when working with databases providing more than just a couple cubes or entities, finding the cube or entity you're looking for in the drop-down lists can be pretty cumbersome when no search function is available. Consider this example from the action library for calling a procedure If, however, developers would…
New Time Function "Year End-" and "Year Start Value"
1. What is your idea? The Idea is, to have additional time functions to easily get the values for year end and year start, also for previos years. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Independent from the current time selection, I want to display…
Close Message Option
It would be great if the option existed to close the informative Board messages that appear on the screen (example below). Although they only appear for 3-4 seconds, it can be frustrating when trying to work quickly as sometimes the next button you want to click is behind this message. It would be helpful to be able to…
Improve Board in Spanish language
Hello, Current Board in Spanish (especially anything for power users and admins) has some very low quality translations and some very confusing terms. We have some important clients that use Board in Spanish and request an improvement of the translations.
New screen object: Multi-Selector
Hi All, during a presentation of a process mining tool I saw a pretty neat object and thought that maybe this could be replicated in Board: A selector that allows you to choose the entity you want use in a drop-down. What could this look like? The object would be divided into an upper and a lower part. In the upper part…
Entity format with multiple entities within a dataview
There are situations when the customer asks for entity format to be applied when there are multiple entities by rows (for example parents of an entity or groupings of different ones). As we all know, the entity formatting works only when we have a single entity by row, and the moment another entity is added there is a…
Enhanced presentation functionality
Hi! I am perhaps a less advanced user, but with power user license. We are exploring ways to use presentations for various purposes, and haven't found good workarounds yet. The enhanced functionalities we think will improve the board experience are as follows: * Being able to write comments directly into presentations…
Hi community I've identified some areas that in my opinion could be slighly improved to make development more efficient. here they are: 1. When a new ascii data reader is being created, the dafult path is always C:\Board\... even if the default server path is e.g. D: \Board...It would be nice if the sugegsted path in data…
Default option resize
Currently the screen resize option when opening a new screen is "fit width" as default. This however is not really valid for all models / capsules / devices. If you use any of the other options and navigate, you have to constantly change the screen resize option afterwords. It would be great if one of these options could…
Create an overview for all available presentations
Hi all, It would be very helpful if there was an option to view all current presentations on the Board Server and who are the users of this presentation. We are preparing to enable SSO login for all users in combination with the subscription hub. But because we need to create new users, they lose their access to the…
Column Size for Entities, Cubes, Data readers is too small
Hello, I'm a developer and have only experience with the cloud versions. As a developer I do this many many times a day, namely making the columns of entities, cubes and data readers bigger to see the whole name whereas there other columns that are shown which are almost never used but nevertheless using screen space. Is…
Always display list members in the same order
Hello, Lists displaying screens, procedures, etc., are not always sorted in the same way. One time it is by alphabetical order, another time it is by order of creation. Example: Action call procedure --> by order of creation Button calling a procedure --> alphabetical order. Please choose a type of display because it is a…
[Datareader] Show the filename of the possible files in the DataReader tabs of the database.
Self explanatory, but do not shorten with "..."
Turn off automatic search in name search in Entities/Cubes list
1. What is your idea? Currently when you search name in entities/cubes screen, if you start to type name in the search field, Board search name and filter the list immediately. It would be good if we can turn off this automatic search and search will be triiger after pushing enter key. 2. What specific problem are you…
WEB configure Layout : authorize copy of block and change of cube
Hi all, Maybe somebody else mentioned this already but just to be sure... we are currently testing and explaining to some key users the benefits of version 10.5 for the configure layout in the web version. Two key features of the client are missing : * the possibility to copy a block to a new block; * the possibility to…
Using both rules and a hierarchy in a presentation by row
Hi all, Very often in our design choices we face a choice between a hierarchy model and a "flat" model, as explained in the knowledge base article Alternative approaches to modelling Finance Reporting in BOARD Most of the time we can manage with one approach or the other, but in some cases it leads to something more…
Improvement of layout configuration - structure defintion for rows and columns
Hello community, in our reporting process we are usually - in a "standard data view setup" - using the "Key-Figure-Entity" that is displayed by row. The column structure is basically defined by the block definitions, no additional "by column" entities are used. In this context the row structure is always very dynamic,…
FREE TEXT FIELD in Entities/Cubes/DR panels
Dear all I would find useful have available a free text field in entities/cubes/data reader panels. Just to add some notes, that can help the developer in further developments and maintenance activities of the database, especially in large and complex projects. thanks
Entity Search
When using a "selector" or "detailed by" in a layout there is no real search function for the entities. Also, the drop down field showing the entities is very small showing only around 6 entities. It would be much more user friendly if everywhere the "search" function is used as in the procedure.
Enhance the DataView Layout SORT function
Currently DataView layouts can only sort by ONE block/entity. It would be helpful to be able to apply a sort using several blocks. For example, where a client's data has 3 levels - eg Site, Floor, and Work Area and you wish the report to sort by Site, then Floor then Work Area descriptions, and the date the Work Area was…
Hierarchy of entities in the select tab
Hi all, I highly suggest to change the views of the select (by screen). Now it is by design so users can’t see the hierarchy of entities like in relationships section. It would be great to open the select in the screen and see the real hierarchy and not seeing entity by design. Thanks! Valentina