No transfer of selections made in play mode into design mode without having been asked
Other than in the versions before, Board 14 transfers temporary selections done in the play mode automatically to design mode when switching to design mode. This very quickly leads to the screen being saved incorrectly (with the wrong standard selection) if you are not very careful. And this results in a lot of extra work…
Filter lists in same sequential order as PnL report rows
Our business IFRS format P&L has sequential row IDs. When new rows are created within the existing structure and slotted into the appropriate place within the P&L, the corresponding report filter just adds these new lines at bottom of filter list (highlighted below), so no longer a sequential list? This doesn't seem…
Chat: Small change to timestamp
Hi all, this is a small request, but something that would make the chat application easier for users to navigate. Currently the timestamp shows the last time and date when a message was sent in the chat. If the user is online, for some reason the timestamp always shows "now", even if the message has been sent in the past.…
Cube description
add the possibility to have a description for each cube in the Cube-Admin section. Description should also be visible to users.
search icon in capsule for screens
Would be great to have a "search for screens" button not only in the screen list on the left but also in the top right menu (e.g. next to "fit mode" or so) → see screen shot. Would make life of users easier to find certain screens within a capsule.
Return outcome of procedure execution from Procedure Status API
At the moment, the Procedure execution status public API only returns the outcomes "Completed" or "Running", and when it is completed there is no detail on whether it was completed successfully or not. It is a common ask for the client application's owners to be able to detect whenever the Board procedure completed with an…
API to see free space on Azure Storage
Hi, Today the only way to get the free space on Azure Storage is to use log file "C:\Board\Dataset\Log\SharedStorageZ.log" via Admin portal, or via a Data Reader. It would be great to make this information available via an API call. Moreover, it would be great to have detail of free space detailed by folders, subfolders…
Nexel disableling Drilldown should still work or at least show
If you have a dataview with a NEXEL block using the "Deepest Entity formula" setting this will disable the drilldown function of the entire dataveiw. However this is not reflected in anyway with greyed Drilldown oprtions or visible "Disabled drilldown by NEXEL" or similar. Preferrably the drilldown would of course still be…
[B14 Layout] duplicated blocks should be inserted after the source block
Small change to make it easier for developers. Most of the time you want the duplicated block right after the origin block or in the near vicinity.
"Exclude" mode in selectors and interactive selection
"exclude" mode is now available from main select panel only. It would be useful have this capability, such as other options like focus and dynamic selection, in Selectors also. And have the exclude option also in data view interactive selection thanks
Rich text box, could the toolbar be docked please
Currently when using the rich text box there is a floating toolbar. The toolbar is nice, there's bold, underline, etc... but because it floats over the top of the text box, it can obscure the text while the user is typing. It is annoying to have to move it. To improve the user experience please dock the floating toolbar in…
Preview SQL statement should also work with final data reader process
We are using B12 cloud version and are connected to several SQL databases (our data warehouse). I know, best idea and work is that the SQL database has tables and views organised, that fit the need of board - without the need to implement ETL etc. However, life is not alway such easy and to get this, I always need support…
Smart Import should accept the uploading of zero
Currently, in Excel if I enter a zero "0" as a value, when I upload using Smart Import, it says it is successful but no value appears in the app. It is as though Board (Smart Import) doesn't know the difference between a null and zero! This is a very big pain for us where users often need to upload zero as a valid…
B14 - Less clicks, less blocking popups
Board 14 requires in some parts too many clicks which slows down the process working with e.g. the data model. An example - Adding an entity: B12: +Entity (1st click), Save Changes (2nd click), Next Entity … B14: + (1st click), Entity (2nd click), Create (3rd click), Wait approx. 3,5s for Popup to disappear, Close (4th…
Text Cube (Rich Text format) rendering in data view - to include the formatting in the display
Issue Description: There is a text cube where the customer enters comments during the planning cycle and while entering the comments their requirement is to also format those comments like highlight some text in Bold, underline etc. So for now this is achieved by using the RTF type of cube. But then the issue with the RTF…
Add substitution formulas and cube values inside text or RTF cube
Use Case: Publishing Financial Reports and Budget Books with Narratives Using Board Presentations When preparing an annual financial report, customers often need to create narratives referencing fiscal years, specific financial figures, and business unit data. These narratives must be accurate, consistent, and easily…
Admin control panel for users' MyViews and Bookmarks
We request the addition of an administrative section where are reported the saved MyViews of the users. It should allow to Review the saved My Views, with reference of User, Capsule and Screen Detect if the saved My View contains data not available in the saved layout. Example Layout contains cubes A,B,C User saves MyView…
Entity recoding utility
We request to develop a utility dedicated to massive recoding of entities. The business case is: Database already built and used, with hundreds of cubes in data entry or not loadable from external sources Source system ERPs require a recoding on key dimensions that are used in Board Necessity to recode the existing Board…
Disable export of all layouts including the layouts for labels from Export data to Xlsx
Hi team, The "Export to xlsx" option at screen level export all layouts including the layouts behind a label. As this option is available to all users, it creates a security flaw where users can see all the cubes where they have been restricted using cube visibility. Can we either, Disable this feature for "User" licenses…
Rich Text (text formatting like Bold, Italics..) in Text Cube
Hi team, Can we please enable Text formatting in Text cube? Though we have RTF cubes for the same, they store the text as an object and will be visible only when the cursor is moved on it. It would be easier for users to format and highlight their comments if Text cube gets an option to store text formatting
Flex Grid configuration able to be saved by user/lite lienceses
Make possible for a user or lite licence to save the flex grid configuration. My view is not enough and users are complaining because they can't save their customization.
Presentations Modules - Make independant links to screens to the folders in which they are stored
Make independant links to screens to the folders in which they are stored. When we move a capsule in a sub-folder, the links to the screens changed and the users' presentations are broken, they need to rebuild their reports, because the name of the folder is in the URL of the screen, and in the presentation. This is very…
Option - Select Members On Code
IDEA Currently in Board the following object use internal member UIDs to memorized the member to use : Screen selection selection step procedure References in Layouts My idea is to have the options to memorized the code of the member instead. Ideally it should be an option enable by entities and a default set by database.…
Quick layout : option to include automatically all relevant dimensions
Pain point: currently, configuring the quick layout function requires activating it on the layout, then adding all relevant entities. When a new entity is added to the data model, we need to go in all relevant reports, and add it manually in the quick layout setup. It takes times and it means very often we have consistency…
Indexing for PDF and Excel Exports
The ability to quickly navigate large reports is essential for efficient data analysis and decision-making. In SAP BI, users can easily click through sections of a PDF report using the Group Tree, allowing for seamless navigation without excessive scrolling. Currently, Board does not offer a similar feature, making it…
Enhancement Request
Transporter package we are getting position changes also so the package creation takes lot of time and it is effecting to the user time. Please include the entity members in transporter to transport from source to destination it will reduce manual efforts.
PDF print improvements - page headers
Make the possibility to configure complex page headers with dataview and layout (similar to the configurations available in the Screen Masks section).
PDF print option orientation page
The request is to allow users to choose the orientation of each page during printing (between portrait and landscape)
Dataview - rows height
Make the rows height proportional to the information you are currently viewing on the screen and if you scroll slowly between columns make the screen update accordingly. At the moment the rows height is not changed when the user scroll slowly dataview.
Chart labels - define default color background
Make the default chart label background configurable for each current and future occurrence and not have to change it for each new occurrence entry.