How to extract entities in code with cube extraction
Hello. I'm currently failing to reload the data because the input data in the cube is extracted with the description rather than the code. I think the problem could be solved if the data could be output in code. I would like some advice as I am currently facing this issue and don't know how to resolve it. I'm sorry that…
An unhandled error occurred (cod_ref: 1695366869500)
Hi, I found abnormals numbers in some input cells (see screenshot). And when I try to type a normal number I get this error message: An unhandled error occurred (cod_ref: 1695366869500) Does anybody know what does this mean? And how to correct the input? Thanks in advance
How to store data in cube structure:Microsoft PowerPoint
How to store data in cube structure:Microsoft PowerPoint I was able to create a cube, but I don't know how to input the data. If anyone knows how to do this, could you please tell me? Also, if you know how to use cube structure: Microsoft Excel, please let me know.
Mapping between entities
Is there any way we can map an entity member to two or more different categories within a separate entity? If so, what would be some methods to achieve this? Thank you.
Columns width on a dataview
Hi everyone, I have a problem on a table: my "cost center" indicator is not wide enough (I can't see all of the code and wording). but even if I increase the width size (here 265 pixels), Board does not take it into account. An idea? (Board V12.3) Thank you for your help. Nicolas
How to hide screen objects that can't show data?
Hello, I have created a screen with several graphic-objects. Depending on the screen selection, some of them can't show data. Which leads to the picture shown in this screenshot. The most right grapic shows an error-message. Is there a possibility to hide this error message? If the object can't show data, I want it to be…
Smart Import using excel with formulas on cells
I have a question, When I have an excel sheet which uses formulas on cells (ex. XLOOKUP…) and I want to import it to Board using SmartImport, Is there a way to import it except change the formula to value (on excel) then do SmartImport? Thanks for some ideas,
Presenting LMA data to non-admin users
I'm trying to share some simple logging information with my company based on the LMA data that's being captured. I built a couple of screens in one of our main capsules that use a different data model and I referenced the LMA data model on those screens. However any user who is not set up with view all access gets an…
How to show the "%" simbol in Excel Board Add in once exported from the reports?
Hi we are currently exportign reports from Board into excel with the "Microsoft Excel Workbook for BOARD Add-in" option selected. Because this setting does not allow the template to export as well, we cannot see the % signs on spesific rows in the report as we had to add them in using the template functionality. Is there a…
Substitution Formulas in destination file path
Hi there, Can I use substitution formulas in the Destination File path?
Change order Day and Day of week
Hi there, any idea how i can change the order of Day and Day of week in a data view? at the moment it is sorting the data alphabetical since day of week is the first dimension It doesn't work with drag and drop since day is the lower level than day of week.
Output Screens
Can I please get some suggestions on how to develop interactive and eye-catching persona wise and budget workflow output screens in board.
How to hide / show a row based on cell condition?
Hi BOARD Team, Is it possible for me to hide the row where all cells are in green? Basically I only want to show rows where there is Orange or Red. The logic for the color alert is If a/b < 0, then it is red. If a/b < 4, then it is Orange. Others are green. I am struggling to come up with a way to only show the row where…
Prevent Objects from loading without ATO
Dear Community I have a screen with 3 Data views. First two dataviews show aggregated values. Users can click on these values and afterwards in data view 3 there is a detailed data. Now I want the third dataview only load when an entity has a number that is small enough. Has anyone any Idea how to set it up without ATO? I…
can't setup Microsoft IIS with Board 14 Web Server until the end
Hello, I have installed Board 14 (Server + IIS WebHTML5) last version on a virtual machine hosted in an Azure subscription. I would like to publish Board under IIS WebHTML5 Website to allow users to access to the Board applications hosted in this virtual machine. I followed the tutorial (last update May…
Cube Structure extension
Hi there, is there a documentation which steps have to be taken to change / add other cube dimensions?
How to apply the pervious quarter average to current quarter months?
Hi Is it possible to do the following calculation? The average of market price of the previous quarter will be set as agreed price of each month of current quarter.
Error On-screen selection (cont.)
We're facing the same problem as this issue, but I have not been able to solve it with the same workaround. I am having trouble because even though I have narrowed down the entities displayed by screen selection, entities that are not selected in the data view are also displayed. I have certainly created paent-child…
Input by Dropdown issue
Hi, I have set a dropdown input in a cube but I'm not allowed to save the data. Once I've done the input the new selections is displayed but the text is not displayed in red and I can not see the Save check box icon on the Context menu, although it is abilitated. If I click F5 I get the previous value. What I'm missing?…
Transporter Tool
Can we use the transporter tool for transferring the metadata between data models in same server?
how to trigger a procedure from dataview cell based on another datablock
Hello, I know from the Board manual https://www.boardmanual.com/board14/capsules/screens/objects/data-view/using-a-dataview.htm#data-view-drill-anywhere that i can trigger a procedure from a dataview single cell. Drill-Procedure If a Drill-Procedure has been configured on the Data View, select a cell and click the Drill…
Board server cannot start because the user storage is corrupted or not readable.
The question is related to the Board Engine - however it may possibly be related to the User folder. Unfortunately, we are unable to diagnose and can use assistance at this point. Three business days ago, the system administrator freed up 80 gb of data on the server because it was full. He removed old database backups.…
dataflow with factor cube having less dimensions than target is not considered in text algorithm
Hello, I try to transfer text comments (no rich text) from one cube to the next one "filtered" by some matrix cube. This picture shows the dataflow factors (two factor cubes, one target cube): The target cube has 8 dimensions. These 8 dimensions are partly present in the factor cubes: cube a: 7 out of 8 dimensions cube b:…
Error that table borders are not displayed
Hello. I have a problem where some of the borders on the left side of the data view I am creating are not visible. Please see the attached image for details. The left border is not displayed for industries colored in yellow. In another data view with the same template and settings, the borders are displayed correctly. For…
Font Selection
Hi, how can I adjust Board to use font Arial instead of Open Sans by default? Thanks Maik
Show all values in chart labels
Hey, is there any chance, that we can tell the chart to show all the values of each series regardless of its size? Here is an example:
About block type
If not a single column is displayed, the header color set in the block expression is not applied. Note that the header rules set in block style are applied. I want to apply the header color that is set in the block formula even when not a single column is displayed. The red frame in the image below reflects the green color…
Need to compute percentiles. How to do this in Board?
Hello, For a given set of values we need to know the percentile which corresponds to each value. Cumulated Vertical % does not seem to help but I could be missing something. Say I want to know whether a given cube value is in 75th percentile or better? Thank you
Is there an ETL function for counting row?
Hi, I've got a cube that requires a line reference number as a dimension (from the load table) - I'd like to add a row counter to the ETL in the data reader where this cube is populated, but I'm not sure what the function would be (or if one exists). Does anyone know what the function is or a workaround? Thanks!
Yearly Cumulated Value + Detail by Year in block
Version 12.6 We have a MTD cube, with a selector of generic fiscal period (1-Jul, 2-Aug, 3-Sep…12-Jun). I have a block with MTD value with "detail by fiscal year" set and "Tme function>Yearly Cumulated Value (fiscal years checked)". No time entity in rows or columns. The MTD cube contains 6 years - all years are 0 amount…