Dataflow common mistakes and best practices Pt. 2
1. Abstract The dataflow is the main action to perform calculations between cubes, it is used in all the processes of the application, therefore it is very important to know how to set up a dataflow in the best possible way, to obtain the correct results with the best performances. 2. Context In this article, we will first…
Entity Definition - Concatenation or not
1. Abstract In complex applications, we often face a situation where we have too many dimensions structuring the cubes. In such cases, it is necessary to evaluate the impacts on the usability of the application, and to measure the risks on the overall performance. In case of performance issues, one of the possible…
Calculate data flows on GPU (ILGPU)
With machine learning, for example Tensorflow, it is possible to perform calculations on a CPU or GPU. Powerful GPUs are often used for this in order to achieve a significant performance gain. Idea: Calculating data flows in Board using a GPU. I could imagine that this is possible using ILGPU. ILGPU is a new JIT…
Prevent Objects from loading without ATO
Dear Community I have a screen with 3 Data views. First two dataviews show aggregated values. Users can click on these values and afterwards in data view 3 there is a detailed data. Now I want the third dataview only load when an entity has a number that is small enough. Has anyone any Idea how to set it up without ATO? I…
Multiple Down/Sub Total Rows in a single Data View
Dear Community, I would like to propose the addition of multiple sub/down total rows in a single data view. It would allow for not only a sum row at the bottom of each data set but also an Average row or other analytical calculations that summarize the data. This would give users a more detailed and versatile summary of…
How to manage three different rules in the same layout
Hi, I'm in the situation described by the title. The rules are based on the same entity, but I want to use them in the same layout due to the type of calculation the user selects. Have you got any tips?
Debugging training
Hi all, In many occasions new BOARD developers/consultants don't start a project from scratch, they start from an already built solution and they need to solve issues or to evolve it. From my point of view, the "debugging" is as important as the construction, so I ask for an specific training in the academy with the…
Partitioned cubes and sparsity
When performance problems occur, one bottleneck is backing up the data on the hard drive. We can counter this by setting the saving policy. Depending on the selected setting, it is a trade-off between performance and security. With my suggestion I would like to defuse this tension. With the SQL-Server from Microsoft it is…
SubHub : Sync To Data Model : 3 improvements
Ability to have different mappings per server. If you are developing changes in the security as require by a new organisation in the company and you already had metadata sync to entities in your datamodel : current solution can be a pain to develop the changes. To do so, you may want to keep using the same targeted entity…
Reporting Layer: Optimize a report
1. Abstract Users are more and more demanding and are looking for the right balance between the correctness of the result and the scalability of the solution at the same time. Improving response time has always been a top priority, therefore the purpose of this document would be to explain the main best practices to apply…