No transfer of selections made in play mode into design mode without having been asked
Other than in the versions before, Board 14 transfers temporary selections done in the play mode automatically to design mode when switching to design mode. This very quickly leads to the screen being saved incorrectly (with the wrong standard selection) if you are not very careful. And this results in a lot of extra work…
Selection on screen
Hi everyone, I need to display data for different months on my screen. Specifically, I want the current month to be selected in the screen selection, and I also need a graph that shows data for the 12 months prior to the current month. Can anyone guide me on how to achieve this?
Data Entry with a Select in Layout
Hello, Is there a workaround on the issue of enabling Data Entry when Select is used in layout (see picture)? I wanted to select only specific members of an Entity for users to enter data. I don't want to show all the members of the Entity as they are many and we are only expecting input against a specific number of Entity…
Security Settings do not apply with "Refer to"
Hi everybody, in our Board 14.1 (0.1.244711) we have a cost center dimension, that is used for the database security. The cost center dimension aggregates to three different hierarchies (legal entity, business unit and technology). Furthermore, we have a dimension for P&L lines. We have created a dataview which has the P&L…
Excel - Export multiple selection
When we select more than 12 members in an axis, these are not displayed , only the selected number out of the total number. This may make sense in the application (as space would quickly run out to display them all), but could we have the entire selection exported in Excel ? There is more space to display all of them in…
Dynamic select for Fiscal Year to date
Currently within Board functionality you can dynamically select based on calendar year to date. Numerous customers like to report based on fiscal year and not just calendar year so the option to have the fiscal year to date would be a much more efficient way to create fiscal year to date reporting satisfying both customers…
Multiple data model option for selectors
Hi Everyone, It would be incredibly useful to have a multidata model selection option within the selector object (similar to the option currently available for screens), allowing us to filter and select elements or members across multiple data models. This feature would enhance flexibility and efficiency by enabling more…
"Select All" Button in Selector Object
It would be great to have a "Select All" button or option within the selector object to streamline the process of managing elements or members, especially when dealing with large lists. This feature would allow us to quickly select all items with a single click, saving time and reducing repetitive tasks. Additionally, it…
Options for Apply Data Selection
Additional functionality for any 'Apply Data Selection' options. Specifically allowing you to define what selections to be carried through and any you may want ignore. Example Screen 1 has selections on Month 202401 and Accounts 200, 210 and 220. Screen 2 has selections on Month 202401 and Accounts 300 and 310. User…
Month Selection in the Drill To Screen
Hi BOARD Team, I created a drill to screen If I double click Jan.24 column in the graph, then it will take me to a new screen with the same selection. In the new screen, it will only show Jan.24 which is the same month as I drilled through. But I want to show two month before and two month after Jan.24 to provide some…
Configuring Entity Selections to Apply Only to Charts, Not Data View Grid
Hello Team, I have a page with entity selectors, corresponding charts, and a data view. However, I need these selections to apply only to the charts, not to the data view grid. In other words, they should not sync with the grid. How can I implement this?
Link Selectors/Pagers to Objects on the Screen to increase flexibility
1. What is your idea? Currently there is the possibility to have selections for all objects on the screen. In addition, only directly in the Layout can be done a selection for this one object. The Idea is, to give the end user of a screen the possibility to do different selections to different objects on the screen using…
Is it possible to select the years shown in the columns via selection in a Gantt Chart?
I have two date cube dimensioned by task that I need to visualise as a Gantt Chart. Now, I want to not show all the years but restrict it to only a few, however when I select years in the time dimension it does not restrict the shown years in the Gantt Chart. Is there a way to select the years I want to show?
Use Procedure to dynamic select value for LAYOUT
Hi BOARD Team, I understand we can use procedure to achieve dynamic selection for Data Block reference. Can I do the same to make a selection to LAYOUT? Thanks
Smart Import trigger procedure - how to select based on the items present in the import ?
Hi all, I'm faced with an interesting issue when using Smart Import. We have setup an object so that users can import values from an Excel file. This is in addition to a screen where they can enter manually the values. In the basic data entry screen (based on layout then), there is a trigger which executes a currency…
Paste a selection from e.g. excel
Hi, a possibility where I can select e.g. several customers by simply posting a list of customer numbers from an excel into the selector would be amazing. Checking a number of, lets say, 100 customers currently forces you to search and select them one by one (for an enduser). Therefore a copy paste solution from an…
Selector : members keep showing on top when making a search
Hello, For now, when you use a Selector with the option "Grouped at the top" for the "Show active members", when you make a search, members already selected does not keep shown at the top, as shown in the capture. I think it would be convenient to have an option that allows memers to be kept at te top even when we make a…
Add Bookmark on Interactive Selection
Hello, We think it can be helpful to add a "+ Bookmark" button on Interactive Selection from a procedure as it already exists on the Selector object. Selector object : Interactive Selection :
Error On-screen selection (cont.)
We're facing the same problem as this issue, but I have not been able to solve it with the same workaround. I am having trouble because even though I have narrowed down the entities displayed by screen selection, entities that are not selected in the data view are also displayed. I have certainly created paent-child…
Error On-screen selection
Hello, I am having trouble because even though I have narrowed down the entities displayed by screen selection, entities that are not selected in the data view are also displayed. There is more than one user experiencing this phenomenon, and even within the same capsule there are DataViews with and without this phenomenon.…
Extension of dynamic selection
At the moment, the dynamic selection is based on one cube. So an element of an entity is selected if there is a value for this element in the cube and vice versa. In my opinion this functionality could be improved by: the user is able to create the condition (referring to one cube) himself, for example: if(x>3,1,0) the…
Comparison between different versions or scenarios in the same report
1. Abstract During the implementation of any application, a typical request is to combine multi-scenario or multi-version information in the same view to promote delta analysis and quick data comparison. Board plays an important role due to its flexibility and allows a solution to be achieved in several ways to provide the…
Dynamic and Cube-based Layout Selections
On searching the Idea Exchange there is an old suggestion: "Dynamic Selection within Layout" from 2018 by an Unknown contributor. The Idea received 47 votes - as follows: "A good improvement would be the chance to set up a dynamic selection within Board Layout. This way you should be able to create different infromation…
Enhancing Data Entry: Refer-To & Layout Selections
We suggest adding the ability to modify data entry cubes in a data view when refer-to and/or layout selections are present. This would allow for: Simplifying the design of data entry templates Reducing the size of the data model as it would require fewer cubes. Implementing this feature would not only enhance user…
Label subtitution formulas to view a layout selection on a specific entity
Hello using substitution formulas I can highlight in a label the selection for a specific entity. e.g. @Year returns the selected year. But, as far as I understand, if I want to show a layout selection I can only use @Selection_Ex(Layout="Layout_Title") without the capability to choose one entity Is there any way to obtain…
Enable "@[entityname]" for the file path/file name in Data Readers and Extract Steps
1. What is your idea? Enable "@[entityname]" for the file path in Data Readers and Extract Steps also. For the new REST API call step this is already possible. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? If a procedure is used for the export and subsequent…
Increased flexibility when using dynamic selections
Hi, it would be helpful to be able to use one or more conditions when using dynamic selections. This means, after having selected a cube, to have the option to create a condition with regard to the values in the cube, for example "=1" or ">2" or "and(>2,<5)".
Repeat by Cube Feature
The "Repeat by Cube" feature is a transformative tool that addresses the challenges of report bursting when exporting data. By organizing and pairing related entities within a cube, it enables users to manage and analyze data more effectively, significantly enhancing the efficiency of report generation. This innovative…