Repeat by Cube Feature
The "Repeat by Cube" feature is a transformative tool that addresses the challenges of report bursting when exporting data. By organizing and pairing related entities within a cube, it enables users to manage and analyze data more effectively, significantly enhancing the efficiency of report generation. This innovative…
UBH - Using dependancies in Procedures
Dear all, Since the integration of UnBalanced Hierarchies, a world opened to us! Including the dependancies selections (Leaf, Descendants, children, etc…) of the UBH in a DataView. However, these dependancies can NOT be used in Procedures. It could be usefull to easily calculate the weight of a member Vs its direct parent.…
REST API - Execute Procedure with Selection
Selections are an elementary concept for controlling procedures in Board. When starting a procedure from a screen, a start selection is usually passed with it. We need this possibility also, if we start a procedure over the rest Api. The selection could be passed in the body as JSON. Currently only the database name and…
Selector : Add Exclude option in pop-up mode
Currently, with a selector in vertical mode users have the choice to change the "selection mode" from Include to Exclude : However, for a selector in pop-up the Exclude option isn't available : Unlike in the screen selector : It would be nice to have the Exclude option added to Selector in pop-up mode as in screen…
Mandatory dimensions / consistency checks in quick layout
Context - When designing data entry screens, we are often in the situation where we want to give a maximum flexibility to the end user to choose the most relevant axis. Quick layout is great for that. Issue - However we often have the situation where at least one dimension is mandatory, otherwise figures don't make sense.…
"Run as administrator" option for "Advanced broadcast rule"
From my point of you it would make sense if there would also be a "Run as administrator" option for the broadcast function "Advanced broadcast rule" so that the developer can explicitly run the broadcast function without (previously removed) security selections. Right now there is no such option so the broadcast function/…
Order of filtering in Layout Selection window overrides Custom Sort order ranking on Entities
Hi, I noticed that my custom sort for this entity was not being followed on the data view the way I ranked it in the data model (image 1). It took me a while to realise, but I wanted to make it aware that the order of ranking in the layout selection window overrides the Custom Sort. This is misleading. I believe the Custom…
How to dynamically display the user selected value when a data view is set as master object
On the left I have a P&L hierarchy driven report set as master object. When I click on a row, the charts on the page change. I would like to display the current row that was click on in the master object. Trying this, no luck: @Selection_Ex(Layout="P&L", Block=" ") Version 12.6 Thanks! Matt
Drill Anywhere Options: "Drill To" vs "Go To"
1 . Abstract The Drill Functions provide several interactive options, which are: Drill anywhere, Drill-down, Drill-to screen, Drill-procedure. In design mode, interacting with the ‘Drill-to screen’ feature, either in a Data View or in a Chart, there are some notable differences regarding ‘Drill-to screen’ and ‘Go-to…
Adding "Apply entity selection to screen"
Hey, when e.g. using "fake" selectors on screens to add different selections based on cube like currency on a country selection etc. you always have to use the "Apply selection to screen" option. This "apply selection to screen" then always overwrites the "default" selection when resetting selections on different entites…
Add setting to allow horizontal display of "@Selection" substitution formula
In the image below, I'd like to display all of the selections horizontally on the grey banner, which is not possible using the substitution formula "@selection". Current workaround is to create multiple labels for each entity selected (8 in this example) and individually place them side by side on the banner which can be…
Option of restricting elements for selectors
Up to now, for a selector, there was only the possibility to display all elements or only the active elements. However, I had the requirement in many projects that the selectable elements should be restricted depending on other filtering. Reasons could be for example: Elements of entities are no longer valid, but should…
Show "Entity used in selection"
1. What is your idea? The Idea is, to show in the Entity list of the database a hint, if this entity is used in a selection (like “in use in a cube”). In addition, there should be information on which elements the selection are based on. Also where the selection is set (which Screen, Layout, etc.) 2. What specific problem…