Enterprise Ready - Active Directory Check vor AD-Users from AD Groups
Hi guys, in big organisations I often have the issue, that the whole user Management is done via Active Directory. It's great how to easily add users to BOARD via a Windows AD Group. But as time goes on, People Switch the Departments, and also move on in the AD-Groups. I know it might be an issue to "just" delete the…
Enhanced presentation functionality
Hi! I am perhaps a less advanced user, but with power user license. We are exploring ways to use presentations for various purposes, and haven't found good workarounds yet. The enhanced functionalities we think will improve the board experience are as follows: * Being able to write comments directly into presentations…
Enhance the management of the security
When the profile assigned to a group is changed, the revised profile should be propagated to all the members of this group. Several profiles could be assigned to one group of users or to one user. We have to be able to build one or several profiles per capsule. Groups would help to build "Business profiles" by assigning…
End user Error Message Visibility for Administrator
The Idea. To give Admin visibility of the individual error messages that can appear on the end-users screen (bottom right corner in client), this could be via a simple log file recording the time of message, the message, and the end user. Why. We have solutions developed for clients and at times they get an error message…
Ease capsule renaming
Dear team, We would like to rename our capsules but it seems that it is almost impossible without loosing what we have already built in BOARD as we have feeds, presentations, go to screen, screen procedures in place. It would be great if we could link the capsule to anything without putting the name of the capulse but…
Dynamic selection in dataview selection and refer to
Hello, In some complex report wold be extremely useful to have dynamic selecion on cubes and on reports exactly with the same features of the main selection "Current date", "Based on cube", "Options", etc. Otherwise we have to create and mantain lot of parents to group items, ad-hoc cubes to store selected figures through…
Dynamic Database Time Range
I would like to have the possibility of having a dynamic time range setting i the database. For example, saying that your model should always contain 2 years of history and future months and that it is updated automatically. This way we could avoid unnecessary maintenance work of the databases.
Drill through subtotal
I would like drill through windows to add up and provide a subtotal of the $ amounts listed in the report output.
define position of horizontal scrollbars
It would be great if there is an option defining the place of horizontal scrollbars at data views --> on top or at the bottom. Currently it's always on the bottom - but combined with a vertical scrollbar in the browser it's not easy to reach or at least good visible for users. Therefore it would be great if the scrollbar…
Hi community I've identified some areas that in my opinion could be slighly improved to make development more efficient. here they are: 1. When a new ascii data reader is being created, the dafult path is always C:\Board\... even if the default server path is e.g. D: \Board...It would be nice if the sugegsted path in data…
Default option resize
Currently the screen resize option when opening a new screen is "fit width" as default. This however is not really valid for all models / capsules / devices. If you use any of the other options and navigate, you have to constantly change the screen resize option afterwords. It would be great if one of these options could…
Data view - Display time entity with Code and description
Hi, Currently in Board, if a time entity is used in a data view you can display it by: code or description. If you choose the "Both" option, it will be displayed by code only. Evolution: allow time entities to be displayed by both code and description. [The current behavior was confirmed by the support to be working as…
Data entry by copy&paste in html Client
Within desktop client it´s possible to enter data by "copy & paste" i.e. from excel. In html client this is currently only working for maximum 50 rows and 100 lines. I think copy & paste is used by many users so elimination of this restriction would be helpful. Additional information from BOARD support: restriction is…
Customise text on 'action' block in dataview
I don't believe this is currently possible (but correct me if I'm wrong) so I will raise it as an idea. When a procedure is added as an action on a block in a dataview layout it defaults to displaying the name of the procedure when the user hovers/clicks on it (as below) with the word 'Run' at the beginning. Often the name…
Provide several security / DB profiles per user
Context See Improving security management through easier maintenance of profiles Issue In a newly integrated company we have a specific organization when the same team is responsible for both a worldwide perimeter on a product category, and a country perimeter for all products. They want all the team to have access to the…
Cube text in a chart
Hi community! In client version, it's possible to show a cube text in a chart, useful for comments and so on: But this doesn't work in web, the cube is not shown. Do you have any workaround without using a dataview? Thanks! Ana
Creation Date, Creator Info for Cubes, Entities, Procedures etc.
It would be very helpful if there is somewhere information at cubes, entities, procedures, data reader etc. when they have been created and by whom.
Create an overview for all available presentations
Hi all, It would be very helpful if there was an option to view all current presentations on the Board Server and who are the users of this presentation. We are preparing to enable SSO login for all users in combination with the subscription hub. But because we need to create new users, they lose their access to the…
Contact all online users - pop up
Current situation: In Board Windows version there was a useful option to support administration: Send message to online user This function was useful to inform all online users, through a popup windows, of any important action done in the server. (i.e: informing maintenance). In Board Web this is replaced with the chat…
Column Size for Entities, Cubes, Data readers is too small
Hello, I'm a developer and have only experience with the cloud versions. As a developer I do this many many times a day, namely making the columns of entities, cubes and data readers bigger to see the whole name whereas there other columns that are shown which are almost never used but nevertheless using screen space. Is…
CHAT & SHARE User Groups
Please could I ask the community to consider this idea and vote accordingly? I would like to suggest that BOARD implement the ability to create CHAT and SHARE user groups and for the developer to have the ability to restrict what users, or groups, each user can see. This proposal would, in practice, see the ability for the…
Bullet Chart Axis Label Position
Currently bullet chart axis labels can only be placed above the plot, I suggest the ability to place the labels below the plot as well.
Board API Query Output JSON format
Ask is to update the json output format of the REST API queries so as to get column header and data in a single block, as opposed to headers in the columns block and data in a separate data block. This will make it easier for Customer's application to consume the query output. Attached images of current vs expected query…
Backup Timestamp
Actual situation: When a backup is performed manually, in the Data Model menu or in a procedure without setting expiration days, the timestamp of the backup is not available. The reply form the support is that it is a behavior by design since the timestamp is only used by Board to clear old backup when expiration days is…
Apply selection to block works for dataviews withing containers
Currently board throws an error when we try to do this, but if we could give the container a physical name could we built this functionality whereby we could apply a selection to block in a dataview that in turn is placed inside a container on a screen? Thanks
Apply Selection to Block on multiple blocks at once
Instead of having to select Screen-Dataview-Block for each block in a separate "Apply Selection to Block"-action, it would save a lot of time if it was possible to multi-select all needed blocks from all dataviews on the screen.
Always display list members in the same order
Hello, Lists displaying screens, procedures, etc., are not always sorted in the same way. One time it is by alphabetical order, another time it is by order of creation. Example: Action call procedure --> by order of creation Button calling a procedure --> alphabetical order. Please choose a type of display because it is a…
allow 2 descriptions/ names by entity name
Actually its only possible to create 1 description of an entity. And the same name will be displayed for the user for example in the selector (there are a few other examples like this) In this case we have to use a workaround and "hide" the name of the selector with a label Most of the entities an especially hierarchies…
Admin Page Password Reset Should Unlock User Account
We are cloud users for board and the admin page has really come a long way to synchronize capsules, stop and start services, etc. However, the login password expires way too quickly. I would recommend changing that requirement. I have used the admin page for a little over a year and have had around 20 admin passwords…
Add Folder properties / Formatting
It would be very useful to have an option to change the properties of the folders (same way as we can with capsules). The option to change the background and give an icon, creates a better welcome for our users. In the way we designed the folder/capsule structure they only see a lot of white folder blocks.