Card object - Align text
We request the possibility to align (to the left, right, center, top, bottom, middle) and format the text inside the card object. In our use case, we would like to use the card to display a log that track changes to the initiatives that we manage in Board. Each time a field is changed for a specific entity, a log is…
Allow the use of Temporary Cubes on Smart Import objects
The idea is simple: Allow the use of Temporary Cubes on Smart Import objects as we do for Data Readers. It should be possible to type the Temporary Cube name and load data into it. The Temporary Cube should be configured in the Trigger Procedure launched after a Data entry action. Today, for the Smart Import object, we…
Time Based Hierarchies
Publicly traded companies face the requirement of being able to report their historical data based on the hierarchy from that current time when asked to. Currently in Board, there is no way to do this cleanly. If we could create alternate hierarchies that dynamically link to the time tree instead of existing independently…
Disablin/Enabling Layout in Excel Add in
Hello Team, Excel Add In is a very interesting feature however it allows users to have full control of the layout design etc. It would be great if we could have control to disable / enable the excel layout design such that Business users cannot play around with them. Rgds
Transporter improvements: ability to edit transporter packages, display physical names of DB objects
Hi! I have recently migrated the changes from sandbox to production on Board Version14.1 Revision 0.0.208107. I would like to suggest some improvements to the transporter functionality that should make the migration easier: Add the ability to edit the transporter package, whether it's a data model package or a capsule…
Data model panels - multidb view
For some of data model panels (entities, cubes, data read, securities) it would be useful to view items of all data models in a unique page. Through an added column "data model" I can filter of sort rows. Could be very useful for customers with several databases
Broadcasting improvements - image on email body
In a broadcasting action I can attach a pdf or other format it would be nice to have the capability to add a picture or some objects directly in the email body example I have a distribution a dashboard; 1st page contains cockpits and diagrams and next page more detailed tables. I would see the 1st page directly in the…
Scheduled procedure for Board Engine and Webserver Restart
Hello, It would be great to have the ability to set a schedule for restarting the board engine and web server. This would provide the board with a more automated approach to system optimization by maintaining scheduled restarts of both the board engine and the web server.
Screen Access Security
Hello Folks One feature which would be of great help to developers is to have the Screen Security similar to folder security. Users usually have access to specific screens. Today we need to go a long way to restrict users from seeing what they are not eligible to see. At the end of day, it all drills down to a mapping that…
Hide screen in presentations
would be great if you could hide/unhide screens in a presentation. Currently, you always need to delete a screen and re-add it if required, just hiding/unhiding would be much more comfortable…
Dataview/FlexGrid – Make Bookmarks from a dragged selection
When: In a screen there are no selectors The "deny selection editor" is enabled in the profile settings and disabled in the screen options You cannot save bookmarks by dragging a selection on the rows of a dataview/flexgrid If the "deny selection editor" is disabled in the profile settings and enabled in the screen options…
FlexGrid – Sorting of column labels representing time
In a FlexGrid, column labels that represents time series can be shown in chronological order only if those information are entered as entites by row in the layout. Entity blocks or algorithms (numeric/text) can be used as column labels but will not be shown properly sorted. It would be great to extend this property to all…
FlexGrid – Chart visualization enhancement
In a FlexGrid if: the 'multiple' group display mode is selected you have at least 2 entities in grouping you select a data area of a group with its subgroup and values The graph displays categories without description or empty areas: This is the view in Single Column mode instead: Today this is a known limitation due to…
Directly load unbalenced hierarchy (UBH) datareader via datasphere (DSP) connection
Dear all, the last months we have a big project to switch from SQL to Datasphere (DSP) as a data source for our transactional and master data. At this point there is only a workaround available to load unbalanced hierarchies (UBH) via datasphere (DSP) connections. As we have many unbalanced hierarchies (UBH) in use, we…
Add in "Layout settings" an option for the user to select how to display entity members.
Hello @Product Management Team , I would like to share an idea from a customer that could be helpful for dataviews. I don't think I found another article with the same precise request. Functional requirement and known limitation : Let the "User" visualize the entity members "by row" (or "by column") with a different…
Capsule Summary Info
Just like we have a Summary in each data model, can we have a Summary in each Capsule? I was recently tasked to evaluate a very large application (9 data models, 37 capsules) for the purpose of streamlining and estimating complexity of the application. The data model summary helped to identify the most complex model, but I…
Broadcasting improvements - customizable dates format
It would be nice to have the capability to choose the culture related to a broadcasting action. Example I have a diagram with a daily trend; it's distributed with a broadcasting action set in the sys panel; the date format in the pdf inherit the culture of the server, that is for example EU format (dd/mm/yyyy) But the…
Pre-set date cubes for Dynamic Selection
Hi BOARD Team, BOARD pre-set Date Entities with couple of custom date entities. This is very handy. We always need to create new date cubes to achieve dynamic selections. Could we also pre-set some DATE cubes based on those pre-set date entities? For example, cubes for next (last) 3, 6 12 months. next 26 weeks etc. Thanks
Lock Data Entry Total Only and Valid Entry Before Click Save
Hi Team, When we have Data Entry and show row/column total, the total cell will be open for data entry as well. Can we have selection to disable data entry for total ONLY, so force user to enter at detailed level? Can we also have a condition to valid the data entry before click save? For example, all the entry needs add…
Line by Line comparison of Procedures (Capsule and Data Model) across servers
Currently there is no way to compare if the procedures line by line in our development system and production system are the same or what has changed. The only thing that capsule snapshot or data model snapshot comparison does is it tells us there is a difference but does not tell what specifically is different. This is…
Export Flexgrid as flat table
Hello, I would like to suggest enabling an extract option as a flat table for flexgrid, in the same way it is currently available in dataview. When extracting from a dataview, it looks like this: However, this option is not available for flexgrid, and the only available extract may take a very long time due to exporting…
Direct move to screen with security setting via URL.
Hi team, I know it is difficult to realize what user can move directly to screen which has security setting via URL in technical point of view. However, in business operation, user would like to move each screen not though home screen for their convenience. I would like to discuss with you how we can manage this idea. If…
Drill Functionality on the Flexgrid Object
Request the ability perform Drill down (entity) and Drill anywhere functionality within the Flexgrid object. This would allow my organization to potentially replace Dataviews with Flexgrids without losing the crucial capability to drill into detail.
Screen Password setup
Hello It would be great have the possibility to set a password at screen level, and any way a user want to access there, the psw will be required (except in design mode) Now, to restrict the access to a screen I have to use a single button. with this option the screen can be simply added to a menu and access will be…
Saturated Entity Alert: Boards 12 and Board 14
Good morning, I am gently writing to report an issue on Board 12 and Board 14: when an entity is saturated, Board does not give me notice about it, not even a message error like in Board 10 or former versions, and therefore all data in all Board reports are loaded just partially. To be more specific, if an entity is…
Enhancing "Screen Subscriptions" & "Presentation's Send To"
This idea suggests enhancing the "Subscriptions" and "Send To" features to provide more flexibility and customization when emailing dashboards as attachments. Proposed Enhancements: Custom Email Addresses: Allow users to directly input email addresses, making it easier to share dashboards with external recipients or…
Enhancing the Running Tasks Page
To improve the Running Tasks page, we propose adding features that provide developers with more detailed insights into running processes. Suggested Features: Current Step Progress: For tasks triggered by procedures, display the current step being executed alongside the total number of steps. This would give developers a…
Unbalanced Hierarchies - Allowing "selection mode" configuration in dataflow and export
Hello everyone, Yes, this is my first post on the community. Following internal advices and multiple external feedbacks I'm sharing this Idea that seems to never been raised. My idea is to allow a developer to configure the default behavior expected on an unbalanced entity selection, only by configurating option mode to…
Deactivate the mouse over of the cartesian graphic of the category axis
Hello everybody, I would like to deactivate the mouse over in a Cartesian Bar graphic. I only found the possibility that the value of the Series won't be shown (deactivate the option Separator in the primary axis). It should be also possible to deactivate the category axis. Best wishes Thomas Schend.
Enable "Cut" for Procedure Steps
Hi, when you create a procedure with a lot of steps and you want to move a larger amount of steps within the procedure (for example into different groups), you currently have to copy&paste and then manually delete the old steps at the initial position. It would be very helpful if you simply have to option to cut&paste.