Add a way to maintain Master Layout selection after procedure ran and refreshed data in the screen
Currently, when you have a Master Layout in your screen and the have data entry enable in either the master dataview or a slave dataview, you will only keep the Master Layout selection if you use a default "Save data entry". If any procedure is required to do some calculation and therefor you need to refresh some…
Ability to pass selection as variables to SQL data readers to optimise query performance
What is your idea? Ability to pass the selection as variables to SQL data readers to optimise query performance What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? When using SQL data readers, we usually write SQL queries that cover all members of entities in the…
Option to prevent saturation of an entity and corrupted data
Add an option to prevent datareader from loading data into a saturated entity and a second option to stop if creating an member would result in a saturated entity. PS : If this should be separated options fromi"On Error Stop" since we might want all rejected data logged into .log file and not stop at the 1st one, yet not…
Keep filenames within BLOB cubes
If a file is loaded within a BLOB cube, at the time of extraction it is renamed with a meaningless name. It would be nice not to rename the file. Especially for applications where several files are uploaded on BLOB cubes by multiple users.
'Continue on Error' checkbox for Rest API Calls
Hi, with Rest API Calls getting more and more important and part of our solutions, an option to enable a procedure to continue on error would be appreciated. Right now, if the API Call fails (e.g. if if the call limit is exceeded or there are too many parellel calls), the procedure simply aborts and everything after is not…
"Analysis" For Data Readers and Procedures
I would find it helpful if there was an option for Data Readers and Procedures to have a similar setting that Entities have, the Analysis view. I am referring to the sections that appear when you click on an entity in the data model, that shows Cubes, Sparsity, Data Flow, Screens, Procedures, Rules. Something similar for…
Hidden Cubes visible for Developer
To hide Cubes for User's is a great function to limit the visible Cubes in Data view layout and Office Add-in. But unfortunately, the Cubes are also hidden for the Developer. Suggestion Make it possible to hide Cube's for different Roles. Add another column (green area) to control visibility for the Admin/Developer.
Ability to type in Row number to view in Data Reader ETL
Hi, I was creating a Data Reader with an ETL in the Validation Condition and wanted to scan across the file to view another row that had a different "Stock Source" to confirm that my formula was working correctly, but I had to manually flick between the rows. It'd be nice to, e.g., input row "200" as a text field in the…
Dynamic and Cube-based Layout Selections
On searching the Idea Exchange there is an old suggestion: "Dynamic Selection within Layout" from 2018 by an Unknown contributor. The Idea received 47 votes - as follows: "A good improvement would be the chance to set up a dynamic selection within Board Layout. This way you should be able to create different infromation…
Display Add-in version in the Office Add-in settings
Currently, the board office Add-in does not show the version of the add-in right in the tool (for example in Excel). Once the add-in is installed, in the Board ‘Add-in Settings’ where it says, ‘Board Office Add-in Setting’ (see the screenshot below) can it say, for example, ‘Board Office Add-in Setting (12.5.xxxx)’ or a…
Use of Rules in Layouts
The limitation by using rules in layouts should be elimiated since it limits the use of quick layout massively. In our case we calculate a %-KPI which can not be safed in a cube and must be calculated on the fly. Using the quick layout and having the rule set on the cube not only leads to not calclulated KPI´s but also…
Ability to mask descriptions in a demo mode
It would be great if we had a way to hide descriptions or have an alternate description that we could use to hide customer names, etc if we are demoing a model to outside groups. We have external reps we want to demo to and potentially at meetings of peers and conferences, but don't want to show customers names, group…
Copy/Paste Individual blocks from a layout
Hi, It'd be useful to copy and paste individual blocks from one object's layout to another, carrying forward any block references/functions applied to that particular block. This would remove the need to duplicate the same work across multiple objects requiring that same cube; making it more efficient to develop objects…
Allow data entry with selection on layout
Hi Community Members, although I am quite aware of certain "known limitations", there is one huge wish for future versions: It is not so uncommon that layouts with data entry enabled should be restricted to certain entity members, while the rest of the screen should still show all of them. In order to achieve this, a…
selection box - enter multiple search values
As it' already working in the data view search function, it would be really great if it's also possible to enter multiple search values in the selection boxes —> e.g. Country Selection and I want to enter AT;DE;CH in search for not needing to do it for each country separated.
"Save as"-option for cubes
Procedures, Data Reader, Screens can easily be duplicate by using the "Save as"-option. This functionality would be helpful for the creation of cubes as well.
Increased flexibility when using dynamic selections
Hi, it would be helpful to be able to use one or more conditions when using dynamic selections. This means, after having selected a cube, to have the option to create a condition with regard to the values in the cube, for example "=1" or ">2" or "and(>2,<5)".
Clear cubes selectively
In addition to clear an entire cube it would be convenient to be able to clear a cube selectively, for example: select one or more elements of an entity or select elements of more than one entity before clearing the cube.
BCUBE capabilities for calculating values for different time periods (i.e. YTD, Prior YTD, TTM, etc.
The BCUBE Board Excel Function is valuable for retrieving monthly/annual values, but it would be great if it had the capability to calculate values for different periods. As an example, many of our reports show MTD actual vs budget, YTD actual vs budget, YTD actual versus Prior YTD, etc. It would also be valuable to be…
Add extract button in profile Security TAB & Automatize user & profile extract
Need: 1- Button to extract information from profile security tab as user tab already has 2- Automatize this information (ie: perform the extract inside a procedure, from a .bat or similar) Uses: This would be helpfull when searching information about user's information/loggings to find candidates to be deleted in order to…
Avoir un profil uniquement technique pour gérer les utilisateurs On Premise
Bonjour, il existe dans le Cloud Board un composant "Subscription Hub" qui permet de gérer les utilisateurs (profil de droits, licence, nom, prénom, …) mais sans pouvoir s'assigner de nouveaux droits limitant ainsi la possibilité à ce gestionnaire des utilisateurs d'aller voir des informations confidentielles dans les…
Highlight not used temporary cubes (created in procedures)
Hi all, it would be great if temporary cubes, which are not in use (dataflow, select etc.) are highlighted. It would help to easily identify the ones which can be deleted. Kind regards, Atilla
Default setting for Relationship
Hello, When there's a parent missing to a child, the Default button becomes visible. But if there are no errors, you won't see the button. It would be ideal if the Default button would be visible at all times, or maybe have an overview window (like the Normalize window), where you could set up the default mapping. In the…
Temporary DataReader in Procedures
Hello together, to reduce the number of DataReaders, it would be helpful if DataReaders can be created temporarily in a procedure. This would also significantly increase flexibility in combination with temporary cubes. Best regards Christoph S.
Procedure - DataFlow - Algorithm of dataflow (c=a*b) should show the headings of source blocks
When editing the blocks of a DataFlow LayOut, it's possible to set headings to each blocks. When saving the DataFlow, the heading of the target is displayed in the algorithm / detail, but not the heading of the sources. It could be usefull to have the headings set in LayOut for sources as well.
GCR related Query
What are Tech Acct for Select? And why we need to tag our Accounts to it?
Broadcasting - Formating Orientation
it would be great if there are more formatting options when presentations are getting sent out via broadcasting —> similiar to the options when exporting a screen to PDF (Header and Footer, Orientation (landscape or portrait) etc.
Ability to keep notes visible in a presentation
Currently the notes display for a few seconds and then remove unless you manually click the notes icon. The ability to extend the display time or keep displayed on the presentation. This has come up with a customer that queried how they could keep the notes on show :)
Scorrimento con Tab
Scorrendo col tab della tastiera per muoversi verso destra o verso sinistra in un dataview contenente molteplici colonne, il tool ha problemi. L'ordine delle colonne fa salti in avanti e indietro, non seguendo l'ordine corretto. So che per effettuare lo scorrimento è più opportuno utilizzare le frecce laterali e verticali,…
Salvare larghezza colonne in Myview
Buongiorno, il cliente ha richiesto la possibilità di salvare la larghezza delle colonne nella schermata my view. Allego word per spiegare meglio il caso descritto. Grazie Buona giornata Erica