Platform Q&A
This forum is dedicated to Board platform questions, generally applicable to all members.
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Data Flow with Different Value
Hi All, Does anyone know how to process data flow but the contents of the values are different still in one entity. For more details, I will give illustrations like the picture below. So, how to do data flow, for example from item code W4EE14AO10 to FK14W11001 even though the item code is still in one entity. Data flow…
Hover effects? Why were these removed?
Buttons, nagivation menus (collapsed ones), the calendar --- but mostly buttons, they used to have hover effects when you hovered over them. This made for a more intuitive, interactive feeling screens. Heck, Board's own buttons (the in-line menu at the top) that can't be configured have hover effects. These were removed in…
Data flow: How to distribute a value on different entities
Hi everyone, I have to distribute one value per customer and month on a cube per customer, month, item and agent, based on the turnover cube, also with customer, month, item and agent. On these 2 last cubes, "customer", "article" and "agent" are in sparsity. I made a dataflow with the following steps: a: value per customer…
ODBC & Bord mismatch
Hello everyone, I have an issue connecting my Data Reader on a local Excel File. There's a Server error "Database empty or unavailable" and looking in details, the error is like : "Error IM014, message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application"…
Assignment a*b with Text Cube
Hi, I have a cube with the following entities: • Day • Vehicle (SPARSE) • StartDate (time format 00: 00: 00 => MaxItemNumber = 86400) (SPARSE) I have a cube of assignment of vehicles per employee of form: • Day • Vehicle (SPARSE) • Employee (SPARSE) I just want to have a cube • Day • Vehicle (SPARSE) • Employee (SPARSE) •…
Load data from MsSql 2016 database
Hi, i need to read data from mssql 2016 /mysql / As400 database, i have create a new connection via Odbc and Olap, but board return this message: The check connection is ok... I have a demo full licenze for 60 days.#
Print Screen action not available in web - replacement?
What is the replacement for the 'Print Screen' procedure action that is not available in the web? We have clients producing shareholder certificates, transfer forms, annual tax statements and invoices using multiple objects inside a panel printed as a single object and then capsule procedures to print/save to pdf. I'm…
Horizontal percentage
Hello, how is it possible to have a percentage (yellow cell) which is the value of the row related to the total of the row (green cells)? It should be the same we have in the block configuration but working on rows. Best regards, Gabriele
Count days
Hello, everyone, I need your help. In order to calculate indicators, I need to count the number of days of the current month. I determine my current month of work via a screen input. I would also like to know how to determine the first and last day of that month. I thought of an input screen to manually fill in every…
Screens are not visible in open screens object
I have a list of screens,which are not visible from the open screen object search bar,but if i click the list all the screen are visible and i can select 1.How to get back all the screen visibility in the open Screen object. 2.What are the cautionary steps to prevent this error in future.
Hierarchy doesn't get updated
I have noticed that enough a hierarchy (in this instance a Cost Centre Mapping) update is uploaded, they don't get reflected or at least not all of them get reflected. * There were no rejected rows * Most (out of the 600+) of the Cost Centre mapping updates get applied but a few don't * I tried normalising the tree *…
Dependent Drop-down List
Hello! Is it possible to create a dependent drop-down list? I have two text cubes (Contry and City) structured by a dummy entity (a counter) and with data-entry option enabled. For the first cube the suggested value is the entity country, for the second one the suggested value is the entity city. If I insert one value in…
How to Activate Data entry log by DB ?
Hi everyone, everything is in the title, I'm wondering if it is possible to activate the Data Entry log for one specific database only ? We have an app that would require a precise follow-up of who enters what, but I fear it would impact significantly all other apps if we activate the data entry log for all the server. Any…
Web client: Chart show label
Dear all, I have a difference between Web and Win Client. I would like to show labels in a chart, which means that my chart should show the values. Win client is showing the values when I select "Show Label" in the legend setting. But the Web client not. Is there any way to show the labels in web? Regards, Jörn
Total Column appearing when it shouldn't
I've just encountered an issue in a dataview where the total column appears even though 'row totals' is un-selected on the block (appearing in 10.3 and 10.5) The ORANGE column below should not be appearing. The cube/block it relates to is dimensioned by an entity called 'Column Header Hours', and the block is set to data…
Column with percentages
Hello, I would like to insert a column with the percentages of the Profit and Loss statement related to Net Sales (see example below). How can I do it? The cells in blue are calculated using Rules. Best regards, Gabriele
Screen Security
Hello Board, I wanted to know how to define the security of some screens located in a single capsule, so that not every users can access that screen. For example: I have the screen "Purchase" and the screen "Sells" and also two users: "Purchase users" and "Sells users". I want that the Purchase users can only access the…
Rolling Forecast
Hello, i want to build up a rolling Forecast modell for monthly data entry and adjustments. I have 2 Cubes. One with actuals and one with forecast (incl. Version). Now i want to select a time-frame for the past month (like 01-03) and a Forecast-Version (like April) an fill the Forecast-Cube with actuals from the previous…
Data reader error - table is empty
Hi all, I have a stranger thing case with the data read and the ODBC connections. The thing is that when I try to configure a data reader, I can use all the tables in the RDB area but one: the "User" table. The error message says: Table 'User' is empty. The table is not empty and if I try to select the other tables there…
Multiple Master Layouts
Hello community, Is there any way to create multiple Master Layouts with different scopes (e.g.: Master layout applied only to the container)? masterlayout