Board 14: Please bring back the possibility to change the screen fit mode in design mode
With Board 14 the possibilty is vanished to adjust the applied fit mode in design mode. You can only change the screen fitting when you are in play mode. In our opinion working in an actual size mode is not always the most efficient way, especially when arranging screen elements or when the enviroment background with an…
B14: Enhance Debugger options
Hi Team, I was used to work with layouts in the debugger the same way as in a DataView Layout on the screen - adjusting column widths, exporting to XLS, searching for cubes to add as block into the layout… This is the behaviour in B12 whereas B14 behaves pretty differently in those cases: You can't export, you can't edit…
Improvement in Font Configuration in the section MODELS in case of Unbalanced Hierarchy
Hi everybody, I would like to share with you this strange situation that happened to me. I set my first unbalanced hierarchy and i'm trying to create a good report for the client. The report that i did before was with a normal hierarchy about income statement. I would like that also the unbalanced hierarchy could be bold…
Impact Analysis scope to include Capsule procedures
At the moment, impact analysis only reports on the objects and their dependencies that are present in the data model. This excludes the capsule-level procedures. For example, If we search for a procedure and identify which other procedures make a call to it, it only lists the procedures at the data model level while there…
Calculate data flows on GPU (ILGPU)
With machine learning, for example Tensorflow, it is possible to perform calculations on a CPU or GPU. Powerful GPUs are often used for this in order to achieve a significant performance gain. Idea: Calculating data flows in Board using a GPU. I could imagine that this is possible using ILGPU. ILGPU is a new JIT…
FlexGrid - Pivot column collapse function enhancement
In FlexGrid, in pivot mode with at least 2 column labels, when just one block is used as a value is not possible to collapse the most detailed column label: This is a standard behavior The request is to change this behavior introducing the possibility to collapse column labels even if we have only one value block.…
Paste a selection from e.g. excel
Hi, a possibility where I can select e.g. several customers by simply posting a list of customer numbers from an excel into the selector would be amazing. Checking a number of, lets say, 100 customers currently forces you to search and select them one by one (for an enduser). Therefore a copy paste solution from an…
Raise the limit of Custom Time Entities on Time Range
Main Idea: Today, the number of Custom Time Entities is limited to 4. My idea would be to raise this limit number to at least 10. It would be great to have no limit, if possible. The last project I worked on lasted 40 days. If I had a free custom time entity, I could have saved around 3 to 4 days of work, which is a…
Flexibility in licenses activation / deactivation and type mix
I think that moving from a "buy license" to a "rent license" and from “On Premise” to “SaaS” means a significant change of paradigm in terms of flexibility. As most of the SaaS providers, the licenses configuration should be customizable during the contract validity among different aspects. The first aspect would be having…
Sequential order of page numbers starting on a number other than "1"
Currently in Board, we are unable to start the page (when printing to PDF) on any number other than “Page 1” while having the remaining pages follow in sequential order. It would be helpful if we could specify for the page to start on '5' (for example) and the remainder automatically follow in sequential order (5,6,7,8).
Enhanced Password Policy Configurations for Board 14 On-Premise Installations
With the release of the latest version of Board (, I noticed the new feature allowing users to change their own passwords on On-Premise installations. While this is a positive step toward enhancing user autonomy, it also introduces potential security concerns. Problem: In previous versions, password…
Blocks vertically aligned : color alert
Hi, The customer need would be to have the color alert functionality working while the blocks are vertically aligned in the dataview. Example enclosed, the color alert is working well with blocks horizontally aligned. The idea here was to differenciate past and future data. Thanks
Capsule Print Template
Hi all, I noticed that "Capsule Print Template" is not available in the last versions of Board. https://www.boardmanual.com/prev-man/Chapter_7_-_Capsules_files/Capsule_Design/Capsule_Print_Template.htm That was a very useful section. Now with "Export printable report" is not possible to:* Insert an image in the header (for…
Support x-www-form-urlencoded body type for POST API Calls
At the moment, in REST API Calls if I have to set up a POST request with a body, the body type can only be in json format, which means that the only value supported for header Content-Type is "application/json". In some cases, especially API endpoints that return tokens but they are not standard OAuth2 flows (like in some…
Filter Indicator
We would love to have the ability to have selected filters highlighted, color coded, or another indicator showing which filters are selected.
Automatic Profile Security Update When Renaming Folders in Board
We propose that profile security should automatically update when changes are made to the platform. Specifically, when a capsule folder is renamed using the "Rename" option in Board, the system should reassign the folder's permissions to the new name across all user profiles that previously had access to it. This way,…
Custom Links - allow variables to launch a different URL depending on the screen you are on
Next to the logo, on the top bar, you can have a custom link, as explained here We have this pointing to a single page on our intranet. We call this button "Support". The user can click it to get to the intranet support page on our Board application. To provide a more context based approach, for the custom link, allow a…
Save FlexGrid user filter selection
For the user, when working on a FlexGrid, they might create a nice data view that they want to use again another day. Can you please add a way for the user to save the FlexGrid view. Maybe if you made say 3 slots, allowing them to save three different views, that would be ok. This would mean that when they open the screen,…
Base Smart Import suggested values in several dimensions
Hello, We just noticed that the Suggested Values Based on Cube feature has a limitation and it could be a good thing to improve its behavior. Currently, when the column is mapped with a text cube where the data expected is an entity value, it is possible to restrict the available suggested values using a cube. However, it…
Enhance capsule log with Cube physical name
Currently, the capsule log only exports the cube name: In order to import and better analyse this log it would be very helpful if also the physical cube name would be exported (same as for instance in the data-entry log).
B14: Make better use of whitespace in procedure editor--adjust column width
Hi Team, whenever you're editing a procedure in B14—there's so much whitespace in between the columns "Action", "Detail" and "Note" which could be used better. One option would be to make the column widths adjustable (actions usually don't need that much space, but notes do for documentation reasons). Have a look at this…
Improve SQL error log
Hi all, Board has SQL error log like "SQLError_YYYYMMDD.log". We cannot easy to load this log into cube. However, in many cases, customer would like to know what kind of error they have in daily batch. Could you improve to data format of the log as normalized? I have tested it on B14.1. However, it is still same format as…
Allow multiple screens to be exported into a single excel
Hi, When we have multiple dataviews under Tab object and run export into excel, they all gets exported into a single excel with multple tabs. Customer is looking for similar functionality but when the export is done for multiple screens. As of now a multiple screen export create individual excel sheets, however they want…
FlexGrid - Reset filters (single / all)
Hi all, some of our customers are requesting to add 2 functions on FlexGrid related to filtering: Reset single filter with 1 click: appears on a column or side menu when a filter is applied) Reset all filters at once with 1 click appears on contextual menu when one or more filters are applied on different columns This…
Ability to use javascript or Ajax or any scripting language to customize visuals
Ajax or javascript (or similar) scripting languages have evolved over a while and have been used to add dynamicity to visuals or show how screen objects behave when certain actions are performed. In the same context, if we can have the ability to put in some scripting capabilities, we can enhance the screen object and how…
ASCII Flat File DataReader - Move data file after reading
Dear all, I really appreciated the new "Delete file after reading" checkbox in procedures. I guess that, like most of you, our customer(s) require to move the flat file from its folder to another folder after its data was integrated into Board. However, most of the time, keeping the file in order to control the data loaded…
Entity 'Copy' feature should be made available, apart from the 'Replicate' feature.
Hi, I hope this IDEA finds you all good and helpful. This IDEA concerns a simple feature that is currently not available in the Board application and making this available can help solving many issues related to the Incorrect reports and data. Cause of IDEA: Many users use the 'Replicate' feature, thinking that they are…
Method for Organization Bookmarks
Users in our organization have the potential to have a large number of bookmarks. It would be beneficial for users to have some sort of folder structure to enable them to organize their bookmarks to make navigation of the bookmarks easier.
Unbalanced hierarchies - Lock cells and Data Entry
Hello Team, We noticed a limitation about "Unbalanced hierarchies" and "Cell lock" data entry. Let's say we have : An unbalanced entity (Account) An “A” cube structured by (Month x Account) In fact, when we display a layout containing our A cube (with data entry enabled), and axis by row: Account (which is unbalanced) and…
Add the option to vertically align column headers
Hi Team, whenever we build screens for presentation purposes (this applies to other screens as well, but the setting is of much higher value in presentations), we notice the behaviour that column headers for blocks using "detail by" or where the block's heading is set to "@selection" are not vertically centered but rather…