Broadcasting Error Message
Hi BOARD community When a user is trying to save the Broadcasting functionality, an error message sometimes appears: Does that mean that a user needs to have admin rights to adjust this file? This config file contains some critical information about the BOARD server for which we don't want a regular user to give access to.…
Count Distinct Customers
Hi all, I'm sure this is possible, I'm just struggling to find a way to do it! I've got a transaction volume cube that is dimensioned by day & customer which counts the number of transactions per day. The data feeding this is: Transaction_ID Customer_ID Date Value 1000000001 8000000001 20180101 1 1000000002 8000000002…
Link Website from Board WebClient
In an application I have included a link to a website that includes training material. I have used a procedure with a client command: start https://..... for that. This does work perfectly fine in the WinClient, however it does not seem to work in the WebClient. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to solve this?
Capsule Translation - Board Web Client
Hi Guys, Does somebody know if capsule translation for the Web Client will be available in a future release ? And if so, which one ? In the meantime, what would you recommend (best practice) for multi-language applications that are used through the Web client ? Should we create a capsule per language ? Thanks in advance…
Enabling Lite + Users to Save Changes
Hello, I need to see if there is a way to allow our Lite + End Users to save changes to Capsules, DataView Layouts, etc. Is there a way to update this in the security profiles for our assigned users? Thank you, Ford Reid
OnOpenTrigger not working
Hello there! I configured a OnOpenTrigger Procedure which works fine on one of my screens. The problem is, that the OnOpenScreen Trigger is not working on my other screens. If I start the procedure via buttons etc it works fine. So is there some setting blocking my OnOpenTrigger ? Thanks for your help !
user picture
Hello everyone, i would like to know if there is way to attribute to every user in BOARD his personal picture and to show it up in Screens! Thank you!
Week start set as Monday but picking Sunday
Hi experts, I've kept following settings for Week in Board. Since the beginning on is set as Monday so I expect weeks to be from Monday to Sunday but when I pull Week --> Day in a layout, it picks date from Sunday to Monday. Could you please have a look and suggest a fix?
Extract Users List in Procedure
I'm looking to build a procedure that clears down an entity which holds the users of our platform, programatically extracts the current user list and then loads it back into the entity. I've been able to do this manually by using the 'Export User List' function in the security screen, but I would really like this to be a…
View to show a webpage
I'm trying to put a viewer into a Board screen to show a webpage based on a URL that is in a cube. This works perfectly in the Client (see client view) but is completely blank in the Web (see Web view). (I've set it to point at a BBC news story to demonstrate). Anyone got any ideas why it might not be working?
Dataview block with Numbers & Text
Hi Guys, I've a formatting issue with a dataview for a accounting report. In one block, I need to have a percentage resulting from a calculation of 2 other blocks when a condition is fulfilled. Otherwise I need "N/A" to be displayed. So far, I did the follow in my dataview : - created 1 algo block for the percentage…
Issues when using the new webclient version 10.3.
Hi all Having some issues when using the new webclient version 10.3. It seems as when using an "Interactive selection" after a "Select Entity based on cube" it does not really apply the interactive selection but instead uses all entities from the based on cube? When using the BoardWinClient it works as expected. Anyone…
Has anyone seen this error message?  I'm the only one in board currently so not sure why I got
The error message is "the requested database is currently being modified by another user. Please try again later.
Error - The requested database is currently being modified by another user. please try again later.
The message appeared yesterday afternoon on some screens in the capsule other screens in the same capsule work without the error message. I have restarted the service but this did not resolve the issue. What can we do to resolve this?
Usage Statistics Dashboard
Hi Guys I would like to create a Board dashboard that displays usage statistics for Board dashboards. At a high level, I would like to know who is using which reports and when, but I would also like to gather figures that can inform future report and dashboard development. For example, I would like to be able to tell how…
Creating a History Cube
I have a temp cube which calculates an average usage over a dynamic rolling period. This is recalculated daily. For reporting purposes, I now need to write this entry into a history cube by day, so that I can trend the results. The temp cube is dimensioned purely by "device code" which is the entity it is calculating the…
Creating a dataview (help) ?
Is it possible to make a table as such in BOARD (image attached) Could someone guide me in terms of what I should lookout for the in the development of the dataview. I will have data for the manager, employees, employee targets, current revenue, % target ( which is a column algorithm current revenue / employee target *100)…
Go to screen and apply selection
Hello, I try to do a go to screen either by using a go to screen (drill down on a line) or with a procedure. The point is that when the destination screen is reached I would like to apply a dynamic selection on one entity based on a matrix. If I use the go to screen (drill down option go to screen on the line) the dynamic…
dataflow hbmp+ or CellBased+
Hello, I create a dataflow to divide the planed article sales on the customers. First cube (ZW2_Umsatz) has the dimensions month and Produktmodell (article). Second cube (percent per customer) has only dimension customer . If I calculate this two cubes to a new target cube (ZW3_Umsatz) with the dimension month,…
Erroneous dataflow from text to single type
Dear all, While doing some tests, I came across a problem with a dataflow from text to single type in BOARD 10.3 (Didn't try in older versions). Let me explain the whole business case. 1) I pull in a "creation date" column from an Excel file and apply an ETL function on it during the data reader. The ETL function is…
how to add a new screen
This might seem super basic but how to I add a new screen to a capsule in Board? A consultant set-up the cubes and I attended the training (over a year ago) so I'm very rusty. Once I have a blank screen I think I'll be ok to start using the cubes but I just can't remember how to get there and I also can't find anything in…
Last value function
Hello, Somebody can explain the behavior of this Last value function? Thank you and best regards Marcel
Syntax to filter on a date block
Hello BOARDVille, What is the syntax to filter a block that is based on a date cube? I would like to filter for dates >=20160101? Thank you and best regards Marcel
How can I limit the x-axis display (of time) in a line chart to the latest 8 quarters?
Hi All, I have simple cube that has a single time dimension in Quarters. It stores discrete values for every quarter. It currently has 4 years of data up to the current month (quarter). I have this data displayed in a line chart. How can I dynamically limit the x-axis display of the data points to the latest 8 quarters?…
Demand Planning using TOC (theory of constraints)
Has anybody implemented / developed a solution with Board for demand planning using TOC (theory of constraints)? Thanks
How to block access to a screen when it is already opened by another user?
How to block a screen when it is already opened by another user? I would like to block the Access to a certain screen when it is already opene by another user. I made the following steps: - create a cube with the Entity screen - the screen gets an open trigger which checks if the cube already contains a value >= 1, if not…
Is there an option to choose whether negative values are bracketed or have '-' prefix?
How, in Web or Desktop, can we as developers choose how to display negative values? I've found that in a DataView layout using an entity in Axis 'By Column', the negative values appear in BRACKETS. Elsewhere, where a DataView layout is using an entity in Axis 'By Row', the negative values appear with '-' prefix. It would…
Relative Cycle Using a Cube
Hello Everybody, Does anyone here knows how to use the cycle in time functions tab but using a cube? Relative offset can be done via data flow with relative offset in the advanced tab. But how about cycle? Thank you. Regards, William
Adjust Relationship data by procedure
Hi, I have the following case: I have an Employee/HR dashboard containing the entities subsidiary (A & B) and sales office (1 & 2). After loading data from the server I have the following picture: Employees of subsidiary A & B are all assigned to Sales Office 1. The problem is that this is not 100% correct, which relates…
Customize the Drill Through Table
Good morning! I have created some drill throughs but im not happy with the way the table looks like. Is there a way to customize them a little bit?