Setting time range and time entity relationships
Once a year, I plan a task to extend the time range by one year. I tried extending it by a year, which resulted in unexpected changes to the time entity relationships. In the example below, the number of child entities Month for FY=2023 should remain 12, but has become 3. Before the time change After the time change I have…
With the new version of Board, doesn't give me the auto-save password option anymore.
After a new install of my laptop + new version of Board I no longer get the auto-save password option anymore. I'm using google chrome, everyone else with the team uses Okta, but I'm using username and password to login.
Level 200, Step 14 in Upload Sales Planning data
Can you please help? I could follow till step #3 in #14 It is not very clear to me from step 4 Create and add the two Data View objects below within the tab object and further steps.
Nexel crossview : Copy all rows from dataview A to dataview B ?
Hello Do you know if it is possible to paste value from dataview A to dataview B using Nexel Crossview ? Just copy / paste all values row by row. I'm trying to use this formula but with no sucess : =[#A;@a;*;Range.Vertical] =[#A;@a;*;*] Also should I use single formula or deep formula ? thanks julien
Hello, What is the best way to have the total (yellow part) of the column MONTANTSAISIE? small precision: this is an entity data and not a cube one.
Data View text - not able to use Delete keyboard button
Hi, is there a reason why only the backspace of the keyboard to delete text a dataview with data entry enabled?
Rename Row Total as Grand Total
Is there a way to rename the rows totals showing up in data view as "Grand Total". The way I know is to add an algorithm, use rt(block) and rename it as Grand Total, but is there a way without adding a new algorithm block?
Dynamic Selection on Time Period Question
Hi, I have a question regarding report selectors. When you go to the selector and select a time period say "weeks" you are able to click "Dynamic selection" button. This option allows you to show "Enable Dynamic selection" on current date or based on cube with option of period, year to date, previous period and offset.…
Level 200 Modul 203
When is time to add the "Temporary cubes" seems like the system doesn't find anything so it keeps loading… So I can't set up the procedure.
Using select or sorting on Data View with data entry
I have a single entity for training videos I created. I created a blob cube to and made a data view with data entry on so I could upload the videos and have users download them from there as well. However I have different types of videos and would like to be able to use the select function on the object and not the screen…
Issue with Smart Import file upload.
Hello, I am trying to use the smart import feature and am having some issues with the file upload. Basically when I try and upload a file I'm getting validation errors on my data. However when I do a copy and paste into the import table the data is accepted. The data is around 1750 rows so copying and pasting the data is…
Pinboards in Win Client vs Web
Hi there Am I correct in saying that the Web version does not have Pinboard functionality? If so:- What is the equivalent functionality in the Web What happens with the Users pinboard system files during the conversion process? Do they simply become redundant? Thanks Christian
Unable to Create Virtual Cube
Hello all :) today one of our Procedures threw the following exception: does anybody know this error? Thank you Kind REgards wolfgang
Chart label Conditional formatting
Hi there, any idea how to show positive and negative numbers in a chart in different colors? Thank you, Maik
Maintain Row Templates for Unbalanced Hierarchies Automatically
We have an unbalanced hierarchy that comprises of four levels for which we would like to apply different formatting in data views at the individual levels. The hierarchy changes very frequently and contains thousands of members that are essentially managed by end users. As such, manual maintenance of a row template is not…
Enable Data Entry on Flex Grid
Greetings, A good idea to enable data entry on flex grid. thanks
Nexel - Can the formula be triggered on value change of another column
Hello A column X (nexel formula has been created) has to be calculated when im changing a value on another column (no save data entry). When i change the value bud-de-% Increase, the formula is not being triggered on Column CY Budget. Does nexel works only on SAVE DATA ENTRY? Thanks
what are available tools in board for User journey track of Board ?
Currently we are looking for a solution, To track board users tool monitoring. As board developers we want to understand and track board user journey track. On which modules our users spending more time, what screens are used the most? At which screen the users is facing the response time lag and other. If you have any…
How to deactivate Color Alert in Totals
Hello everyone, we use the color alert in a table. This works just fine for the individual elements, but the total is not shown as a block color but in green or red font. This is difficult to see due to our default color scheme. Is it possible to display the total in black font and the remaining numbers per element still…
Using Analytical Function: Linear Regression
Hello, i want to add in my chart a linear regression per each year to identify a trend. LayOut: The Linear Regression is showing the same Figures as column CY. What do I have to consider to make it work? I would like to add the analytical function per Year. Aim: (Excel - linear trendline)
Level 100
I have two cubes (A and B). With a Data view, cube A looks something like this; and Cube B looks something like this; I want to generate a 3rd table which SUMS both tables. Like 29(in red) from 1st table to 3(in red) from 2nd table. I did this at the level of database using SQL. However, I need to do this in board. Any…
End User Documentation - Board Excel Add-in
Hello Board Community, Is there any documentation about the Board Excel Add-in for End Users that you may provide? Our system is on version 12.4. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Leico
Roles and Folder Security Profiles
When copying over data models from production to the sandbox, the user Roles and Security Profiles did not get copied over. It's fine since I don't need them in the Sandbox environment, but when we go to copy the sandbox back over to production, I don't want it to overwrite or erase the profiles I have. Can anyone shed…
Use Nexel to refer to previous line value
Hello, I am trying to use Nexel to work on a dataview but cannot manage to figure out how it works, and the nexel documentation on community is not detailed enough. I am trying to replicate that excel formula in nexel, can someone help ??
URL Commands
Hi Community we are on BOARD 12.4. Is it possible to use URL commands to jump into a screen via link with a selection on one entity? THX
Smart import object - Upload button
Hi, We have loaded a file using a Smart Import Object. We have pasted values typing CTRL+V. They were about 15K lines and took more than 5min. To improve waiting time we wanted to try the Upload file button but although it is activated as you can see below… It does not show up when we are in the Play mode: What do we have…
Showing Labels and Values in a Bar Chart
Hi , Is there a way to show labels and Values in a Bar Chart Thanks, Maik
Levell 100; Visualization
I have a cube whose result is 65.30, I want to display this number on a screen as 65.30%. I have tried all the visualization types in board, but still Can't figure this out. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks
Extend the Time Range
Hi, I need to Extend the To Year and I tried to follow the How to Guide: How to change the Time range in GCR But I don't have or I don't know where to find the different elements you quote in the text: the location where this file should be placed (%Conso_Dataset%\Standard_Entities\Tree Month.txt) and the procedures ADM-…
Cubes not populating
Hello everyone, I created a couple of cubes and none seem to have been populated. All have a file size of 0.0kb. I carefully followed all cube creation steps. Any ideas will help. Thans