YoY Growth
I am creating an application where I have to show YoY growth of every expense present in dataview. What's the best approach I can perform to add YoY growth percent below every expense without adding that member in the entity already used. Attaching the screenshot for the reference.
YoY Growth Calculation
I want to calculate the YoY growth of every expense mentioned in the cube and want to show it in the dataview. attached the screenshot of the view I want to show in the screen.
Upload file
I want to attach the user manual in the screen and also allow the users can also download the file.
Alternative of excel add-in
As users have the option to load bulk data using excel add-in but still there are some challenges that users are facing with excel add-in. Is there any alternative of excel add-ins in Board to load bulk data in proper format.
Programming language
Hi, which programming language was used to program the Board 12 Engine? C#? And which web framework was used to implement the Board 12 clients for the browser?
Personalized Selectors
Hi All! During yesterday’s awesome Board 11 demonstration (thumbs up, by the way!) we were shown how you can easily choose attributes to filter cubes and entities in the new web-based database designer. Adding a similar function for the non-admin users to use in a capsule would make working with Board even more flexible.…
B11 vs StandAlone partner licenses
Hello With the full web approach it seems stand alone licenses, commonly used by partners, are no more working. How they can connect ?
Calculation Domain Settings
I have been experiencing issues with writing new cells in target cubes after upgrading to Board 11. I am running the dataflow with the setting Limit calculation to tuples where values of at least one cube of the Layout are non-zero and then checking all the entities in the "Extended Calculation" dropdown. Am I missing…
ETL part Board 11
Good morning all, I have a problem with Board 11 in the ETL part always I have a problem in the last line of ETL he doesn't show it to me is this a board configuration problem? Regards,
Joining Tables in a Data Model
Hi, I am a little bit confused, I started to work on Board but the last version is quite different from the older one. To load a cube (number of employees per year), I need to join tables in my data model. I can't find how to joint, I suppose it's in the Data Reader but I do not undersand how to do so. I find this on Board…
Questions about MIGRATION BOARD10.5 to BOARD11
Hello Community, I need some advice before I upgrade. The conversion of the databases has to be done manually, at least in parts. This is described in the release notes. Extract from the RELASE Notes Database Migration The following activities must be performed to migrate a database to BOARD 11: Before upgrading to 11,…
Board 11: Custom Time Entities & Relationship
Hi all, I am trying BOARD 11. I have a problem entering semester data via SQL DATA READER. My data does not enter the Time Entities. * My Semester time entity * Time Range Entities * My SQL Data Reader * Preview query * Result valid record 1827 * But, my semester entity is still empty. Ganjil is my dummy data so that…
Screen point of view bar
Hi All, I'm new to Board and moving first steps in developing screens/report. Is it possible to create a screen with a bar which works as a "Point of view" selection? I'm trying to better explain: When the user selects a screen, before reading and calcuating data I Want the user to select filters for Scenario-Company-Year…
Dual Install BOARD 10 and 11
Hi, I was wondering with BOARD 11 now released - if it's possible to have BOARD 10 and BOARD 11 server installed concurrently on the same machine. We would like to try using the new BOARD 11, but still have clients on BOARD 10 and would like to be able to work on both on our own server. Is this possible? Thanks, Stephen
Board 11 has eaten my donuts!
My donuts have disappeared! All gone! Pies are still available in rough quantities. Who knows how to get back my beloved donuts ? Besides: Does anyone know how to transfer the format of one object to another? Does someone know how to change fonts (CI)? Help is welcome!
Relationships in BOARD 11
Hi! Is anyone else having problems with relationships in BOARD 11? We have started a total new project in BOARD 11 and we are not being able to determine relationships. Trying to do it manually, members of the entities are not displayed in order to set the relation: Here you can see we have members in these entities: And…
Board 11 Upgrade Path
Hi, It's fantastic that Board 11 is now available. Is there a documented upgrade path to upgrade from 10.x up to 11? Any notes to be aware of etc? I'm keen to test what I have built already, but want to follow the correct process first! Thanks
Virtual Cubes in Board 11
Hi All, After installing the latest Board 11 version; I tested the new feature of Virtual cubes. However, even if I use a very basic dataflow, it does not seem to work as expected. 1. I create a virtual cube by Country 2. I perform a dataflow which puts 2 in this virtual cube on every member. (I tested this step with a…
B11 vs Extract Cube
Hello in the yesterday's webinar I read that in the conversion from B10 to B11 the Xtract cube have to be replaced with a Extract layout. Is this a manual activity? Or the action is automatically adapted? If I convert a procedure how this action will appear at the end? what shoudl I do? I have thousands xttract cubes,…
Board 11: let's spark business imagination!
BOARD is evolving in order to be simpler, more powerful, more intuitive and more valuable. The most innovative and game-changing release, BOARD 11, is now here! Together with the new product version, we launched the new corporate brand and product logo which was designed to reflect our evolution. Additionally, we launched…
Creating a dataview (help) ?
Is it possible to make a table as such in BOARD (image attached) Could someone guide me in terms of what I should lookout for the in the development of the dataview. I will have data for the manager, employees, employee targets, current revenue, % target ( which is a column algorithm current revenue / employee target *100)…