Having the Ability to Drill Down When Using Vertical Block Alignment in the Data View
Hello Currently, the drill-down feature is unavailable when using vertical alignment in the Data View. I suggest adding this functionality in the upcoming updates to enhance efficiency and improve the overall user experience. Thanks, Akrem
Selection status of a step in a Procedure without running it
Dear Community, I think it could be very helpful to have something to track what is the selection status until a step of a procedure. It should act like the breack point while debugging but whitout running the procedure because it's not always possible to do that.
Debugging training
Hi all, In many occasions new BOARD developers/consultants don't start a project from scratch, they start from an already built solution and they need to solve issues or to evolve it. From my point of view, the "debugging" is as important as the construction, so I ask for an specific training in the academy with the…
Board Public API: Include "maxItemNumber" as well
Currently the API only returns the number of items when using "/public/{dbName}/schema/Entities". Can this please be extended to include the "maxItemNumber" as well? Then we can track when the entities are full. Unfortunately, it often happens with our customers that the entity fills up and we don't notice. The frontend…
Rest API: Additional output/storage formats for REST API call (e.g. temporary cube)
The only output format (right now) for an REST API call is to save it to an CSV file. This CSV file can be used to load an temporary cube. A direct load (without saving the file to disk) into a cube / temporary cube would be a great enhancement.
Probably The Best Alternative to CSV Storage: Parquet Data
1. What is your idea? Board support a lot of datasources. Probably the most used are csv files. However, with ever increasing amounts of data, working with csv files becomes a pain. Parquet files can be an alternative. Head-to-head comparison CSV Parquet Row-based storage format. A hybrid of Row-based and column-based…
Execution of single procedure steps for testing purposes
For testing purposes it would be helpful if a single procedure step could be executed by for example right-click on the step. As a consequence it would not be necessary to either deactivate all the other steps or to create another procedure containing only the step which is supposed to be tested.
Hello, It would be very nice, if, from a screen of cubes, entities, DR or procedures, we could have a button for exporting properly in excel (choosing columns to be exported if possible ( just name, or name + code + date + size ….) Thanks for your attention😊
When we change the name of a procedure, we need to find all the procedures that call the modified procedure in order to update the new name, If this is not done, the procedures will not execute correctly. Doing this work is very tedious We understand that this request has already been made, but that Board considers the…
Hello, Would it be possible to access the menu "view all subsciption" before being in a menu, as it shows all subscriptions wherever they come from ? It would also be useful to have a link to open the source from this page. Thanks for your attention 😊
Save filter values in selection
We would like to have the ability to set a permanent filter value when a selection is made on a screen. This selection should remain even if the entity values are deleted. This is currently not the case. For example, if customer XYZ is currently filtered on the screen and the customer is deleted from the entity, the filter…
Administration: More management options for all users presentations
It would be good for us as administrators if we had more management options for all users' presentations. E.g. an overview page showing which presentations are available and with whom they were all shared, if necessary the possibility to change assignments here as well. As a current workaround, we register on behalf of the…
Delta Lake for read/write parquet files
What is Delta Lake? Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer that brings ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) transactions for big data workloads. Key features of Delta Lake Feature Description ACID Transactions Data lakes are typically populated through multiple processes and pipelines, some of which…
Disable the sort action on the DB Log
Hi Team, We faced this issue multiple times with many partners, where the database logs are being sorted (either by mistake or to check something). Group by logs could be useful, but the database logs sorting always adds to the confusion. thanks, Aniket
Possibility to schedule a task several time par day
Today the lowest level of recurrence for a scheduled task is the day, so it is quite hard and boring to schedule a task every hour, or every 15 minutes for ex. It would be great to have the possibility to schedule a task several time par day.
REST API call connection timeout
Currently REST API calls are using a "fixed" connection timeout of 100s. If connection to the endpoint is not established within this time limit, the call is ended. It would be great if the timeout could be extended/paramterized.
Share bookmarks with other users
it would be great if there is a possibility to share bookmarks with other users (similiar to share function in presentations)
Notify if max item number reached
In desktop client, there used to be a pop-up message appearing in case a max item number was reached and that the Administrator was to be contacted. It would be great if some kind of notification would show up also in web (without the need to access the proper Relationships page), because if noone accesses the…
Dynamic Filter Parameter in Sap Connector
the idea is to make more parametrical the theobald sap connector. right know is not possible to link a selection made at screen level (example with a selector) to the data reader allowing to reduce the dataset to be loaded. so for example if we are loading large dataset the loading process will take a lot. the parameter…
Add sorting information to Entity-Export
We currently get information about the members of an entity to be extracted as Code/Member for standard entities and Code/Member/Parent for UBHs. Unfortunately, although there is an option to sort entity members by "Custom" (and we can import the sorting order for those entities), the sorting order information is missing…
Add option to set all 'Modes' in a Data Reader to 'Add New Item' automatically
Hi, I think it'd be useful and efficient a have a button to switch all the modes automatically from 'Discard New Item'/'Read' to 'Add New Item'/'Replace'. This would be very useful in new data models or when loading a new entity/hierarchy as you do not have to manually change the mode for each field area in the data…
Refresh user monitoring area
Hi community. It would be great if the user online status could be refreshed. It seems to not really show real data for the Last Login and Last Logout columns. (b12.6 cloud)
selection box - enter multiple search values
As it' already working in the data view search function, it would be really great if it's also possible to enter multiple search values in the selection boxes —> e.g. Country Selection and I want to enter AT;DE;CH in search for not needing to do it for each country separated.
"Save as"-option for cubes
Procedures, Data Reader, Screens can easily be duplicate by using the "Save as"-option. This functionality would be helpful for the creation of cubes as well.
Default Formatting for Dataviews and Other Objects
Hello, It would be great if we could set the default formatting for toolkit objects just like we used to have in the windows client with the corporate identity designer. Right now we have to copy/paste every single time which isn't centrally managed and leads to inconsistencies.
Add pop up button that directs to data reader steps in procedures
Hi, I was wondering if we could please add a button similar to the "call procedure" step which links to and directs the user to the procedure that is being called for the data reader steps. The proposed button would look something like this and would open a new page that links directly to the data reader that is being read…
Enable "@[entityname]" for the file path/file name in Data Readers and Extract Steps
1. What is your idea? Enable "@[entityname]" for the file path in Data Readers and Extract Steps also. For the new REST API call step this is already possible. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? If a procedure is used for the export and subsequent…
PDF Export - Suppress blank pages
Issue: When exporting reports using the Export PDF feature, subscription, or broadcasting, there are blank pages that the customer doesn't want. Proposed Solution: Add an option in the export PDF setup to automatically suppress blank pages - like the "Preview page" and "Select" ones. In one of our cases, for example, this…
Increased flexibility when using dynamic selections
Hi, it would be helpful to be able to use one or more conditions when using dynamic selections. This means, after having selected a cube, to have the option to create a condition with regard to the values in the cube, for example "=1" or ">2" or "and(>2,<5)".
Clear cubes selectively
In addition to clear an entire cube it would be convenient to be able to clear a cube selectively, for example: select one or more elements of an entity or select elements of more than one entity before clearing the cube.