Enable data entry with "Vertical alignment"
In here, lots of customers are using following layout with Excel for budgeting. Put on measures(Infocubes) on rows. However, BOARD is not allowed data entry with this layout. When I put on cubes on rows with vertical alignment, data entry is not possible. I expect strongly with implemented this on board.
Dynamic Axis Scale for Waterfall
When setting up a Waterfall it can happens that the middle bars are so small (compared to the starting and ending bars) that it is impossible to see them. Hopefully in the web the marker is plotted outside the bar, so it's visible, but the request is to have all the bar enough large to be visible. It would be nice to have…
Drill to Window/Popup
When I drill on a DataView a popup opens. When I drill to a screen a new screen opens (either in the same tab or an additional tab). It would be useful to be able to drill to a window so my new screen appears on top of the existing screen, but as a window. This way I can move the window around and still view the screen I…
Drill Through - Allow ability to hand-type SQL in "Manual" mode for web client.
1. What is your idea? I'd like to create a drill through that returns * fields of a table/view by referencing one or many Board objects in the web client. Right now I have to individually specify each field that is returned by a drill-through instead of a simple SELECT * query. 2. What specific problem are you trying to…
Drill down - allow developers to choose opening size of popups
When the drill-down is selected, and the popup window appears (rather than going to a screen), the user is often presented with the need to use the horizontal scroll bar to display the full width of the data displayed, or to click on maximise button ( [] ) in top-right of popup window. We, as developers, strive to minimise…
Disable BOARD Menu in Web Client / General Start-Screen
Hi, we want our users to navigate in our own structure. That’s possible and easy to build and administrate with the current tools. But when it comes to the Web Client we have the left site BOARD menu. I know that some of the options can be disabled, but not the capsules browser. We don't want to use the capsules browser. I…
Customise session timeout value
1) What is your idea? To be able to set the session timeout to be 20 minutes. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? We are trying to reduce the security risk for a system built using Board. Long (60 minutes) timeouts leave sessions vulnerable to reuse by people other than the user. 3) What workaround have you…
Hi It would be nice have a the possibility, directly from procedure panel, to open a window with a quick log for the current selected procedure. Not so detailed (we have the log files for this), just with the information of - running time (start-end datehour) - if completed with some errors or not - the user that have run…
Clear All cubes from procedure
1. What is your idea? Add a "Clear all cubes" procedure action so that it could be launched programmatically. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Since "once a member enters in an Entity, it stays in the Entity FOREVER", I'd like to build a…
Chart Improvements - Distinguish between blocks in layout and in legend
Some of our customers have the desire to specifically select the blocks that should be displayed in the chart itself and which should be displayed in the legend. Thus, it would be helpful to have a function that allows you to explicitly choose which blocks to display in the legend.
Chart display labels
I recently came accross a problem where I had data points at a very granuar level in time, i,e, minutes, in general I was recording four data points per day for a person, it was clinical data where it was patient blood suger readings, we wanted to create a chart for a two week period and a three month period so that we…
Please could I ask for support to have the Bullet Chart issues, outlined below, addressed so as to make the Bullet Chart usable in all the scenarios for which it was built? Image 1 shows how bullet charts in BOARD 11.x can be used. Image 1: Four stacked bullet charts. All are of uniform length and each is independent of…
Broadcasting: Subject, CC, BC and Body
Dear BOARDville citizen, we are not happy with the current Broadcasting function (using BOARD 10.3). Currently we are using Broadcasting to inform our user about updated report/screen in BOARD. For example at the beginnen of each month we are informing our cost center responsibles about an updated report after the…
Board Demo Zone
I want to recommend a New Board Demo Zone with the following characteristics: It is CloudBased. It means it it located on BoardCloud. It means that can be accessed from anywhere at anytime! It is an environment where you can demo "Any" Vertical Market (Example: Fashion Retail) or Any Vertical Function (Example: FCC.4.0).…
BOARD 11:  Optimised pop-out menus for display device
I would like to suggest that the pop-outs be optimised for low resolution screens such as Laptops and tablets as, currently, options are hidden which risks incorrect screen configurations and critical features being missed. An example of an ineffective pop-out on a low resolution screen is that of the dynamic selection…
Beautiful Heatmaps
Heatmaps can be very powerful to make pairwise comparisons (e.g. when you have a list of scenarios). Unfortunately, we do not have many options for colormaps in BOARD right now, which limits their interpretation. For example, I think I would not be able to create the heatmap below in which I compute the difference btw…
B11: Rename procedure's groups
Hi, it would be nice to have the chance to rename a procedure's group without the need of creating a new group with the right name and then moving all the actions to the new group and then to delete the former group! procedure modelling procedure
B10.5/11 Wish - Click to add Entity to Data Reader
Hi, currently you have to drag every entity one by one to the blue mapping area in a data reader. As you can not drop it anywhere else this is really not necessary and quite time consuming for large data readers. It would improve development speed a lot if you could just double click / check mark (like in win client) an…
Select Based On with Temporary Cubes
The latest release notes for B12 Spring include the below statement. However it doesn't appear that Temporary Cubes are available in Select Based On Steps even though it says all steps. This would be a useful feature to add. The use of Temporary Cubes has been extended to Data readers and all Procedure steps
Add an Error handling group in procedure
I wish there was a special group named something like "CatchError" to catch error (i.e. like in datareader) and handle gracefully errors with a message box for instance Currently, users are left on their own to figure which step crash (since you have no way to handle error, you most likely will run the remain step anyway.…
Enhancement of Virtual Cubes
Initially Virtual Cubes are a fantastic feature of BOARD. They are only acitve during the runtime of a procedure, you didn´t have to take care of old values, they don´t waste performance saving data to harddisk, … If it would be possible using a Virtual Cube also for Selection Steps and IF Statements it would be fantastic…
Cube structure preview in Layout
In old board version ( < V10) if we go into layout we are able to see a preview on the entities defined for each of the cube. May be similar option can be provided in new version, so when debugging or reviewing a layout in screen or procedure we can get a preview on the structure for the cube.
Translation of screen folders (Localization)
Hi all, we're working with the Localization feature which works great for our purpose as we could translate entities, screen texts, screen names, and entity elements. However, as I was told by the support it is currently not possible to translate screen folders. In our case, as we work with screen folders in the menus,…
Suggested Value Enhancements
It would be very useful to have some enhancements to the suggested value functionality for data entry. It is difficult to enter data quickly with the current functionality as each cell requires a click and select from a list. It would be extremely helpful for users having to do large amounts of data entry on suggested…
Previous Selection
Hi all, have you also come across the desire to go back to the previous selections? Okay, Board will let you reset the selection on a specific entity and then you can select something else or you can use a vertical list and click on another member. But how cool would it be to be able to go some steps back? Example: I am…
New Object: Process Mining Graph
Hi All, a while ago we at SDG have started to analyze business processes using system log files and different process mining tools. Since process mining has become quite a hype and many of our customers use Board, it would be a huge benefit to have a process graph as a new object within Board. For obvious reasons, I cannot…
More detailed database logging for compliance
As we grow every year and acquire bigger customers who have governmental or agency obligations, we are getting more questions around the accuracy and detail of the various Board logs. A couple of ideas based on customer feedback are outlined below: 1. The ability to show the detail if the line in the procedure completed…
Hi community. My environment is based on sevaral databases, mainly set by function, and there're various procedures to move data from one db to another. Such processes are managed using cubes/trees export and reload. But in my opinion it would more comfortable have a kind of "internal connector" that allows a direct…
Launch Broadcast command from a scheduled procedure
Hi to everyone, it would be very useful to have the possibility to launch the Broadcast command within a scheduled procedure on the On-Premise environments. Currently, the Broadcasting can only be scheduled through the appropriate scheduler in System Administration-->Broadcasting with obvious limitations such as the…
Make Reverse Rules have full functionality
Hi, currently Reverse Rules have the following limitations: 1) Does not work if there are multiple row entities (the normal rule still works, if the level 1 entity is not a parent hierarchie of the rule entity -> reverse rule doesn't work) 2) Only works, if "Show all" is enabled on rows 3) Reverse rule doesn‘t work if rule…