Option "Disable Unbalanced Hierarchy" should work "per block" and not on all the dataview blocks
We have switch our main entity "P&L" to unbalanced. This entity is used in hundreds of dataview. Some dataview are pretty basic and unbalanced is working as expected. However we also have a lot of medium / high complexicity dataview with hidden factors cubes, or tech cubes. In that case, some business cubes need to have…
Rest API - Run procedure with a selection
Currently it's possible to post argument to define the selection to the query you want to run as shown below : It would be very usefull to do the same to launch procedure when use to schedule. Documentation : https://www.boardmanual.com/subscription-hub/index.htm#t=1_Users/Client_API.htm
ToolTip on Row heading
It would be good if there was a way to get a tooltip to show on the Row heading column. There are times where the tooltip to be displayed relates to the entire row and not just a particular block, in these instances it would be very useful to have the tooltip show on the row heading/entity. At the moment the only options I…
trigger broadcast functionality via procedure launcer
Our customer has the broadcast license and is currently sending content critical time-controlled status reports. We would liked to trigger this automatically at the end of the data preparation with the Procedure Launcher and not (necessarily) delayed (since the data preparation has to be finished) by the broadcast…
Extract user's roles/rights from Database
Hi, It would be nice to have a fast accesable option to extract the user's roles and rights in a unified way from tne database. Not merely the Database security profiles or Folder profiles but also the values (from blocking cubes ) set for each user on entities like Product or Customer. Currently our customer extracts the…
Integrated technical documentation functions
1. What is your idea? The Idea is, to have the possibility to directly document the application within Board. For example: Entity Comment possibility for each Entity technical name Cubes Naming Convention field / technical name possibility to comment (maybe overall and in addition on Cube Version level) Value explanation…
extract all cubes > create log
Hi, when you execute an "extract all cubes" procedure action, no log is created. it would be really useful to have a detailed log about all the cubes extracted, in order to be able to check if everything worked as expected. consider that the "reload all cubes" already creates a detailed log on the reloaded cubes, so…
IBCS Standards
I would like to suggest to enrich the dataview and graph settings to help building a BOARD application using reporting standards as suggested by the IBCS® standards (International Business Communication Standards). These standards aim at providing a consistent reporting set for the user, so that he can very quickly know…
Admin portal scheduled procedure error message
This error seems to be the default when a procedure scheduled from the admin portal fails. Would be useful if the error message was more descriptive of the error.
Overview ApiQuery calls (# of requests) in Cloud Administration Portal
Hi all, it would be wonderful to have an overview in the cloud admin portal how many API requests you actually use per day. Since there is a limit of 500 requests per day, this would help the customer understand if they need to think about increasing the limit soon. Thanks a lot!
Formatting options for Menu object
In order to make Board applications even more beautiful many POCs or pre-sales demos make elaborate use of labels to create a menu that gives the user the feel of workflow. See below example. If the menu object had some abilities to configure the style and formatting this could concievably be done with the menu object.…
Cloud Hosts- Planned Maintenance Schedules
Scheduled maintenance for OS level updates takes place on a fixed Sunday of each month on each Board Cloud instance (unless otherwise communicated by Board). Details of the schedules can be found here. Currently, details of this window are not displayed to administrator users anywhere within the platform which can often…
Extract/Import Trees Unsorted
Hello, I'm sure any admin of BOARD has faced the issue needing to refresh Development Cubes/Entities with new info from Production. I'm sad to say that this process is FAR less straightforward than it would seem. It is very frustrating to always have to follow the steps of : A) Remove all sorting of entities (Production)…
Do not replicate entities when we flatten the entities by row
When we have multiple entities by row and we flatten at a certain level, we would like not to replicate the members of an entity and merge the cells with this entity, as in the image attached.
Not to show unnecessary repeated details from last data row in grand total
Details from last data row shown in grand totals (see above). As suggested by helpdesk (ticket 00080530), I have managed to hide these unnecessary repeated text by using workaround - using a font color that is the same as the background color. This is a known limitation of the software, and it is totally UNNECESSARY to…
Maintain cursor in the selected dataview cell after screen refresh
In large dataviews with many columns, when a user has a cell selected (in one of the columns to the right after scrolling the dataview), we would like them to be able to run a procedure from a button, and that after a screen is refreshed, the dataview would not jump back to the first column, but would show the dataview as…
Predefined PDF-Export
My client has a requirement to export their P&L report, balance sheet report and other reports as a PDF. The structure of the report has 3 elements: Report information: Name of the report, name of the company, additional information such as "YTD view" and "Disclosure in TEUR" (position: top left). Logo: Logo of the…
Export a layout to ASCII file in "append" mode
Hi, A very simple request I have regarding the "export layout to ascii" function in the procedure : currently there's no way to append to a file rather than replacing it. However it would be very useful to create a specific log for a procedure and provide technical reports at the end of a dataflow (such as a control…
Export to excel from HTML5 with layout
I have been asked if the export to excel from the HTML interface can contain the layout details. So when you connect using the BOARD Add in on the exported data view, you can open the layout in Excel and the configuration is there. When you export to excel from the BOARD client, the layout configuration is available when…
[Cloud] Scheduled backup of capsules for life cycle management
Currently you have to manually backup capsule in Cloud for life cycle management purposes of your projects. It's not possible to schedule a backup of capsules toward the Shared Azure Storage like it's possible to do with database backup The idea is :* to schedule the processus from cloud portal either by calling a Board…
Suppr keyboard key
Be able to use the suppr keyboard key to suppress figures in BOARD cells
Set a password at screen level in the menu object
It would be useful set a password at screen level, that will be requested when an user try to access to the screen from menu object. The pw setup can be managed from sitemap settings. As alternative it could be set from the screen setup: in this case it will be requested not only from the menu but also when the screen is…
Export to Excel - improved file-naming
It would be useful to enhance the functionality of exports to excel (and pdf) to enable more meaningful filenames to be created. My suggestion is that there should (in Web) be 2 new properties associated with each object, for which export to excel (and pdf) would use as part of exported filenames. This would improve the…
Export multiple layout in one Excel Sheet
Hello, it would be really useful to give the possibility to export all the dataview contained in one screen in one Excel sheet. thanks
'Exit Screen' Procedure step to close tabs in web client
I am proposing a web client behaviour for the existing 'Exit Screen' procedure step. Currently this procedure step has no action in the Web Client, however within the Windows Client, upon execution of this step, the current open screen is closed fully, rather than navigated away from. It would be ideal if this step had the…
Entity: possibility to manage several descriptions by member
It would be very useful to be able to allocate to an entity member a second or third description (e.g. short desc / long desc. / extra-long desc), and then be able to select one of these in screen objects (dataviews, labels...).
Entity order / user view
In the database settings you can define the user view / order of entities. However this only affects the entity pane in the layout configuration! The entity order should also affect the entity order in Pager/Selector menu as well as Drill Down and screen/layout selection window.
Entity format with multiple entities within a dataview
There are situations when the customer asks for entity format to be applied when there are multiple entities by rows (for example parents of an entity or groupings of different ones). As we all know, the entity formatting works only when we have a single entity by row, and the moment another entity is added there is a…
Entity - Max Item Number to select
Dear, When building our capsules and screen we have found that we have to limit the amount of entity members that are selected by the users to ensure that the Data View are properly displayed. If too many entity members are selected the Data View can go into "Oops" (and in Board 12.1 it can lock the Running Tasks screen in…
Enterprise Ready - Active Directory Check vor AD-Users from AD Groups
Hi guys, in big organisations I often have the issue, that the whole user Management is done via Active Directory. It's great how to easily add users to BOARD via a Windows AD Group. But as time goes on, People Switch the Departments, and also move on in the AD-Groups. I know it might be an issue to "just" delete the…