Idea: allow developer to add 'trigger' or 'procedure' to the menu object that is run each time a menu item is selected/clicked. Why?: Currently the menu object is very limiting. You can only apply selection, or not apply selection. That essentially assumes that EVERY screen you wish to go to needs the identical selection…
Missing options in bubblechart
Hello, I'm writing about the bubblechart object; currently, it's impossible to increase the size of the bubble radius, and also of the bubble markers. The size of the bubbles can be determined by a certain quantity in the layout; the point is that the quantity seems to change only the relative size from one bubble to the…
Improve the 'Cube list' in dynamic selection
Hopefully this is already on the list for improvements somewhere, but currently cubes are ordered by their index number in the list for a Dynamic Select (web version), even though it displays their name rather than index number. I'm going to guess that almost no one uses index, and everyone uses names. It would be better…
Menu object - improved colour/font options
When using a Menu object it always highlights the 'parent' level in white when 'expanding'. This causes issues when your font colour is white....and sometimes you want your font colour to be white. The object doesn't offer enough control over the colour or the font to be able to get around this issue. You only get to…
Option to open screen without layout refresh in development
Our partners are currently developing customer's screens with the combination of a screen to filter data and a screen to show the result (dataview). In designing/checking the result in a dataview, Board automatically tries querying ALL the data since the filtering condition is not applied in the case when we develop a…
Option to disable 'auto updating' when developing in web
Currently whenever you do anything in the web it starts to auto update the screen. It would be good if there was an option to STOP this from happening (if desired) and only update manually (much like you have the option in Excel for calculation). It slows development down a lot in a few ways.* There are many times when I…
UX Improvement: Search function in layout editor
Hello, I would like to share this very simple idea that - I think - could improve a lot the UX, in particular for the developer. In the layout editor, there is the possibility to search among cubes, entities and more. This is extremely useful. But it would be even more useful if it wouldn't refresh everytime one drag&drop…
Label Object : Add padding options
In order to get a cleaner result and respect graphic charter easily, it would be nice to have the options to add padding in labels. Padding defintion in CSS : Workaround : use 2 Labels, one for the content, one for the border. This solution is hard to work with. For exemple when you need to move it as there is no grouping…
Link hide column option to other dataview in screen
The request is to allow the option to link the "hide column option" (new functionality available since BOARD 10.6) in one dataview with another dataview (which could be the same datablock letter in the dataview), similar to how we can link dataviews for the scrollbars. So when hiding a column in one dataview, the other…
Web Selection Popup - replace current selection with one new item
The selection window in the web is additive. I.e. when I select a new member the old selection is kept. However there are certain situations where I want to replace the current selection with only one member. Therefore I would suggest to add an option like in the vertical selector to replace the current selection with a…
test idea by tester intern
test blabla
Function to set fiscal year entity code
Hi everyone, If Board could set the Fiscal Year (FY) code when creating new DB, it would be more useful for users having FY other than the calendar year. Please take a look ! Current workaround on Board: 1)What we can do * Select the beginning month of the FY and set the FY description. 2)What we cannot do * Set the code…
Test Idea
Test Text
POTX template
For the Powerpoint Export there is currently no possibility to make it CI conform with the option to define an own template. To make this possible, this export function would be more useful for our customers
Option to hide automatically lines without values in a dataview
Context Very often in a dataview, we face the following situation: * we want to display a P&L value as a % of sales, in a separate column. * to do this, we configure a hidden columln with a "ReferTo" option on the Sales. * then setup a column with a/b, to display the %. Issue In this kind of situation, if a P&L line is…
Favourites to BOARD web client
Favourites to BOARD web client Can we have Favourites to BOARD web client so that frequently run reports can be tagged and accessed at ease?
Chat unread message notifier
Hello, The Chat function is an useful addition to Board Web but it lacks a feature found in other websites. When receiving a message in i.e. Linkedin the browser in the taskbar displays a notifier icon for unread messages on the tab or some websites are able to push pop-ups. Our customer said this functionality would…
Quickwin : redirect to login page when using a bookmark
Hi all, I'm posting this as an idea even if this should be a fix, in my opinion. But since Uwe Schlünz from Board support asked me to, here it is . Issue We have had this issue since the beginning (Board 10.0), but it's becoming more annoying as we have more and more users. When a user bookmarks the login page of our board…
Drill to screen selection
Hello, we think it can be useful to have a Drill to screen selection where it would be possible to choose the screens where it is possible to drill as we have for Entities. Best regards, Gabriele
Formatting more than one cell at a time in Web Row Style Template
row formattingformat In the win client you can select multiple columns and rows to format at the same time in the row style template. In the web client you can only select one "cell" at a time to format. We use the row style template to do row specific formatting for our financial statements. If we have to format one…
Screen Aspect Ratio in Board 11
We see an option to set screen to Aspect Ratio in Board 11. Currently it seems like the aspect ratio is not taking the top ribbon into account to size the screen area/dimensions. Hence the user needs to scroll, in case of fit to width or there is empty space in the sides, in case of fit to single page mode. I propose two…
Ability to copy/clone a presentation
We use presentations a lot and sometimes they have 30+ pages. Often users want to create new presentations similar to one that already exists. The easiest way would be to take an existing presentation and clone it, and then make modifications as needed. Instead they have to build the new presentation from scratch, screen…
Select in loyout
Hello Davide Giusti, we learnt that using the select in the Layout and using Keep instead of To this does not work if the entity is a leaf. It would be useful if this will work also for entity that are leaf. The Board manual does not specify this issue. Best regards, Gabriele
(Resolved) v10.6 Custom CARD Sizing Issue
******************** RESOLVED ******************** I raised this issue as an idea as I had mistakenly assumed that, with v10.6, a label could no longer be embedded with as layout. I further assumed that the CARD object was provided to replace this functionality. I have now learnt that one must select the 'configure layout'…
@logo in Reports
Hi, Unfortunately the @logo is not functional in the report builder. We have the company logo and would like it to show it in the header/footer of the report Best regards, Tomislav
Enhance the Availability of the Layouts to the Mask
Hi team, I have an enhancement request below. Request: Enable Data Layout in the Mask Purpose: Display the Entity Member regardless of its number Background: I was trying to output the entity which has only one member using label, but it says "All" if the entity has only one member. I received the suggestion from the…
Improvements for 10.6 WEB
A few nice improvements for 10.6 web: * Have an option to copy and paste block on the layout * On the Label/Button properties, when we select Goto Screen it should show the screens on alphabetical order * When we export a dataview to XLSX, using Page by, it could also have 1 sheet with the Total/Summary thanks
Save On Entry and Pasting data
Currently Board allows you to save on entry, however the feature can be prohibitive and laggy when a large amount of data entry needs to be completed. One way to over come this is to paste your data set into Board, however as some of you might know even that feature is limited. It would be nice to see the newer versions of…
Preselection for Entity Editor within a Container
Hi all, would be great to have a Option for Preselection of Entity-Member within a Panel (Entity Editor). Otherwise we see nothing until we select an element. If there are further questions, get back to me. BR Atilla FYI: with a normal pager you cannot have a independent selection of each chart. That is why you have to…
Radio Button
Hi, would it be possible to have a native radio button object to select a member of the entity? This tip is extremely useful, but a bit too complicated to implement : Radio Button Something super simple, like this, would already be enough: Thanks, Federico