New Time function "Full Year Value"
Hi all, I have been looking for easy ways to manage this, but so far no satisfying solution. Requirement: In a given dataview, where the screen has a month selection (user is supposed to enter actual values for this month), I need to display as a comparison : * the year to date budget value (easy) * the year to date actual…
Log track of entities saturation and in case the MaxItem is reached
In B12 when the Max Item saturation is reached, Board gives no alert even if Data Readers fails to load data due to the impossibility to add new members. It would be nice to have this error and also to have it tracked in the logs (such as Data reader failure etc). Also having the saturation information monitored in some…
Interactive selections: adding a text
My idea concerns interactive selections. Indeed, in the actual system, it is not possible to specify anything as a sentence to guide users as we want them to check data. Thus, what I thought would be nice to add to the software is : the possibility to write a sentence just above the data proposed. In this way, if we want…
Save data entry automatically runs procedure
1. What is your idea? When using the standard save dataentry function on a screen (F9, from sliding panel, from WIN Client, from procedure, in advanced data entry) BOARD should be able to run a predefined procedure 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond…
Fix the duration in the Gantt-Chart (its off by 1 day)
Hi, it seems like the automatic calculation of the duration, which one can enable in the settings of the Gantt-Chart, is wrong by one day. For example, the duration for an activity from the 10.1.2023 to the 13.01.2023 is shown as 3 days, while in reality there are 4 days: 10,11,12,13. I assume it just calculates…
Show "Entity used in selection"
1. What is your idea? The Idea is, to show in the Entity list of the database a hint, if this entity is used in a selection (like “in use in a cube”). In addition, there should be information on which elements the selection are based on. Also where the selection is set (which Screen, Layout, etc.) 2. What specific problem…
Subcription Hub - Export of all columns
Dear all, In the SubHub, the export of data is very useful for analysis. Unfortunately, not all columns are exported, why ? It would be very helpful to have for example the last connexion date of the user ! In my point of view, this is the most important information to clear the users list and free some licenses. Thanks.…
In dynamic selections panel for time entities I suggest following improvements 1 have the possibility to set a cycle, e.g. last 3 years from current (as in the block functions) 2 have the possibility to set the "YTD months" based on fiscal year also 3 have such options available in SELECTOR object also, if referred to a…
Smaller, non-obtrusive tooltips
When there is a button (image) in a table, when you mouse over it, a tooltip pops up to explain what it is. However, the tooltip is enormous! It gets in the way. It can be extremely annoying. Imagine two buttons (images) in a table, you want to click one but when you mouse over, the tooltip of the other gets in the way. It…
Export Cube / Entity View to Excel
Hey, after adding the feature "Export Impact Analysis data to Excel" in version 12.3 it would be great to have a similar functionality for the Cube View and Entity View in the Data Model section. In my opinion this would make documentations way more easier especially for big data models. Kind regards Thomas
Dynamically display of time periods in headings
It would help us enormously if we could dynamically display the time periods of the underlying data in the headings in Board data views. Always just a descriptive text like "Plan year" and "Plan year + 1" is not user-friendly.
Dynamic Selection based on multiple cubes
Hi, sometimes when displaying for example a report showing sales and quantities it would be helpful to apply a dynamic selection based on both cubes (we could have items with sold quantities at zero sales value). Moreover it would be great also to have a dynamic selection based on a layout: in a report showing current year…
Datetime / Timestamp type cube
My idea Add a new type of cube : Datetime that store date and the time! Basically, it's the same as type date but support n decimal places to handle times like in Excel. Use case (exemple) : In my current project, users need to view the exact time when a task in the workflow has been completed and/or when a coworker has…
Corporate Identity Designer
In Board 10 we had the possibility to set Corporate specific colors and default formatting of objects. This was part of the System area "Corporate Identity Designer". This was a very handy functionality that should be re-instated. Too much time is being lost in formatting. Thanks.
Collapse unbalanced Hierarchy
As of current the user will see everything on the screen in one big table. It would be good to be able to collapse each grouping down so you can view the table at a higher level click a drop down which would then show all the members underneath that parent. Similarly to how the regular hierarchies function.
Auto-Updating Version of BOARD Office Add-In
Hi All, not sure how many community members are affected by this, but at least for me it would be a great help, if there was an automatic update function (just like we have in the client) also for the Office Add-In. The need to deinstall one version and install another every time you connect to a different Board Server is…
API - Entities max item number
1. What is your idea? Show through Board API "/public/{dbName}/schema/Entities" the max item number of each entity. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Monitoring the entities saturation 3. What workaround have you found and used so far (if any)? I…
Add Web Login Page customization
Hi all, it's not currently possible to customize Login Page displayed by Board Web Server (background and logo). It'll be a good idea to add this functionality to the "Theme" section in the Administration menu. Pietro
Add sum of remaining values in addition to total
When filtering the layout by let's say the top customers, I'd like to know how much am I missing. Right now using "Keep Totals" I can infer the rest of the values. But that is a tedious task, best done in excel. I'd like to have an option "add remaining sum" that would create a new row above the totals' row. The content…
Add an 'Exclude' to the select tab of a data view
Would like to be able to exclude using the select on a data view, similar to the way you can exclude from a screen. Business requirement - We have a request to show storm data separate from non-storm data on the same screen. Ideally, I could put two dataviews on a screen with different selection on each. Unfortunately I…
Active influence of marker value displaying
Half of the values are displayed above, and the other half under the line. Create a control to delegate the decision how to be displayed (all top, all buttom or mixed(default like now)) to the developer. There is no possibility to influence the display at the moment
Value Slider Object
Hi, In different occasions we have been asked to report on a specific measure/KPI, or to simulate a change in its value and see the impact on other elements of the screen, through a "slider" object (see image below as example). This kind of objects are getting widely spread into web-based applications due to their ease of…
Time Functions & Entity Description
I think it would be nice if the description of the entities in row / column considered time functions of the cubes (eg offset-1 on Month, with selected month Jan.18 shows Dec.17).
Append option on Reload all cubes
1. What is your idea? Create a new flag "append" on procedure action "reload all cubes" (Datareader > Database Reload > Cubes). With this flag it would be good to manage the append option of the reload all cubes. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to?…
Remove the capsule concept
Board is now full web solution. Therefor, is the current capsule structure still fitting? It had advantages in a desktop environment. But now, it's now lagging behind compare to other solution it terms of versatility. What we need : Every object currently in a capsule should be attached to a namespace that is store into a…
Nexel Enhancement - "Auto update algorithms"
Hi fellow community members! Question: Are you using Nexel for planning screens and did you notice that changing the order of blocks in the data layout will not be reflected in the Nexel-formulas? The consequence is, that every layout change will require adjustment of the Nexel-formulas and that can become quite tiresome.…
Dynamic time offset
There is no chance to label the layout blocks with an offset. If you want to show the previous year, the block has to be labeled with "PY" or similar. To handle it you have to implement a tempcube with the period entity and a capsule procedure which is triggered by screen open trigger like this: Then you can use the…
Dynamic Header Names
It would be great if the headers, mainly for dataviews, could be more dynamic. Variables like previous month, previous year(@Month, @PYMonth, @PreviousMonth) would be great!
More bigger scroll bar size
Hi, I have this request from several customers/prospects. Now, scroll bar is so small on Web client. It is difficult to hold and scroll. It should be more bigger for usability. Thanks!
@Selection on Blocks
One of the major issues we have with trend based dataviews and charts is having to use CY, CY-1, etc for current year and current year -1. This is very annoying to end users and causes us to "hard code" the years into the block header, meaning all reports must be updated each year, month etc. when we use block references…