Add "Data Entry Dialog" as procedure action
1. What is your idea? I propose adding a "Data Entry Dialog" procedure action to enable the opening of a "Data Entry Dialog" during procedure execution. This would allow users to input values directly within a procedure logic/workflow. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario…
Looking for all Execution flow -> "Server command" steps in procedures with the Impact Analysis
Good morning, Recently we have been trying to solve an issue related to the server commands launched with some database procedures. We needed to find out all the procedures that have a step for launching an external process, like a python script for example. And now that the Metadata feature is not available anymore, the…
Board - Presentation, scheduling months with different days
Hi, We have from one off our clients been asked if it could be possible to select different days each month when you are in the scheduling screen under list. What thy need is to say that in: January we send the presentation the 5. February the 7. March and April the 10. If we had a "+" on the line and then could get a new…
Charts title on screen objects in design mode
Hello, It is a small detail but I realized chart objects as cartesian and pie charts layout titles are not displayed in the screen object section in design mode. It would be a nice to have to differentiate the graphs by its layout title just like dataviews and labels in case of having multiple cartesian charts or charts…
Copy Roles & Folder Profiles
Board 12.6 It would be nice to have the capability to copy a role or a folder profile, and easily extract to excel or csv the whole list. Is that maybe available in B14?
Report Header & Time Stamp
We will like to have board add a feature that allows end users to export reports to an Excel File with Report Header and Run Timestamp. This feature currently exist only when exported as a printable report (pdf). eg.
Enhancing Developer- and User-Experience with Dialog-Boxes
Dear @Product Management Team! The current message box only offers a limited number of options, even a question that could be answered other than ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ can only be asked sensibly with difficulty in the form ‘If you want (a), please press “Yes”, otherwise “No”’. This is not very user-friendly. So, on the one hand,…
Maskable frame / panel
Hi, We have often a kind of space or a frame dedicated to put all selectors + action buttons together on the left of screen, or on the top of the screen It could be great to have the hability to hide / unhide this frame. Then, thanks to responsive capacities it could allow to better view large dataviews or graphics on the…
Enhance interactive capabilities with modal screens
Dear @Product Management Team ! The idea is that the user's interactivity with the application could be significantly improved if developers had the option of defining modal screens. This refers to sub-screens that are displayed ‘above’ the current screen, can be resized and offer the same interaction options and…
Block format versus Row template priority management
Hi, Today the rule to manage priority between "Block Format" and "Row Template" is the following : It's important to understand the order in which Board applies formatting styles to the Data View, as this sequence determines how it will appear to the end user. First, the default Data View style is applied, then the style…
Number scaling : use the international convention k instead of K
Hi, In international conventions, "K" is used for "Kelvin" unity For "kilo-", we have to use "k" in lowercase letter It would be great to respect it when using "Number scaling" options Regards
Number scaling : set the scale in the header
Hi, Today when we activate a specific scale with the "Number scaling" option, we see the unity on each row. Display the unity only in the column header would be sufficent, like in this example : Regards
Permission groups / Metadata - Exclude members
Hi, Today we can write members to do inclusive selections It would be great to be able to have the following behaviour : - Default : all members are included from the selection - Possibility to enter members to exclude them from the selection Regards
Custom dispay order in bookmarks section
As a end user, I can create several bookmarks Today, I cannot change the displayed order of my bookmarks ; I cannot define which bookmark I want to see at the 1st position, 2nd position etc … In the following example, I have created 3 bookmarks. I created A, then B and finally C. I cannot move the bookmark C to put it at…
B14: Adjust the DataView Layout Editor - Configure a drill on last block option missing
Hi @Product Management Team, I think it would be great if the possibility to configure a drill action on a block in a dataview was available on every block. The last block in a layout can't be configured due to the "preview" button which obscures this feature: Best, Helmut
Option to save and create next step in procedure
Hi Team, Hope you're doing good. This idea is just to make the developer's procedure-building task/habit more convenient. Whenever we create a step in a procedure, we are supposed to save it and then again click on the plus '+' icon below that step to add another step. If we have an option of clicking a button as 'Next…
mirrored Leaf in unbalanced Hierarchie
The unbalanced hierarchy is a strong function. Unfortunately, it is only possible to aggregate using a single tree. Hierarchy nodes Description Root Node A node that is not assigned under any node and has no parent node (predecessor). Node A node that has successors, which means all nodes except for leaves. Leaf A node…
B14 - Reset Selection to Screen default
Hello, with b14 a change was introduced, that the selection is not reseted to screen default, when switching from User View to Dev mode. Screen design. Makers and end users can quickly switch between Design and Play mode and can do so with a Selection continuously applied rather than being reset. Enjoy faster development…
Link Selectors/Pagers to Objects on the Screen to increase flexibility
1. What is your idea? Currently there is the possibility to have selections for all objects on the screen. In addition, only directly in the Layout can be done a selection for this one object. The Idea is, to give the end user of a screen the possibility to do different selections to different objects on the screen using…
Broadcasting improvement
Current limitations A broadcasting action cannot be set in a procedure to be scheduled (since it's a web aside action). in the broadcasting panel there's no possibility to set a condition to run or not an action there could be cases where I would schedule a bradcasting based on a condition (e.g. send the email only if an…
Homepage Trigger
Hello! I think it would be very useful to have triggers also on the homepage of the capsules. The client would like to modify the capsule navigation and the information available on the home screen depending on the type of user that enters the screen (relationship that we have stored in a cube). As we do not have the…
Handling of .cfg Files in Text File Data Reader
In Board 12 & 14, the Text File Data Reader has a limitation in how it handles .cfg files when a pattern filter is used in the "Connection" tab. This impacts the automatic mapping of fields and the correct configuration of the file settings, such as delimiters, headers, and other parameters stored in the .cfg file. Issue…
Enhancing User experience with the Bubble Chart object
Hi all, apart from my idea of keeping the dimensional colours in the bubble chart object I would like to make a few suggestions on enhancing user experience with the bubble chart. 1. Give the developer the possibility to change not only the chart's background as a whole, but make it possible to change the colour/label for…
Load information about users config from sub hub, roles, folder security
currently from SubHub I can extract a .csv file with main users information. It would be helful have same function from panels Role, features and folder securities have also the capability to schedul an expot of such files (not only manual export) Or have the capabillity to collect all these information through an API…
Enable data entry at a higher level when cube has 0 value
Hi, as the split and splat functionality goes, unless the cube 1 has some values, if we want to enable data entry at a higher level of aggregation than the cube 1 dimension itself, the data entry only becomes enabled if the cube as a value. To resolve it, we flow a very small constant number (by opening up the calculation…
Display value in procedure step "show message"
Hello, it would be helpful if we could display a value in the “show message”-procedure step as part of the message and ideally also change it. Example: Planned values from the previous year are to be transferred to the current year, taking into account an increase factor. As part of the procedure, the user would be…
Hierarchy of entities in the select tab
Hi all, I highly suggest to change the views of the select (by screen). Now it is by design so users can’t see the hierarchy of entities like in relationships section. It would be great to open the select in the screen and see the real hierarchy and not seeing entity by design. Thanks! Valentina
Split&Splat functionality extension to even/repeated distribution
Hi, I wish to have the split&splat functionality broadened, so it is not only able to split values according to the existing proportions, but have the ability to repeat the value, or to spread it evenly onto all leaf elements that are open for data entry. It would be excellent if developers could set what kind of…
Show certain layout blocks as single column, even with entities by column
Sometimes you'd want a certain block displayed as a single column an others displayed per element in the entities by column. This could for example be a budget for the year and than the actuals by month. The way we have always achieved this is kind of an awkward work-around. For the block that should be a single column we…
Integrate FlexGrid execution data in Logs
Hi all, currently we have no way to monitor performance of the layouts executed in a flexgrid object, which is key to understand performance issues and the use of the new object by end users. Idea : add a new log to track the following info on flexgrid layouts executions : dimensions used in rows number and nature of…