What is best practice for procedures database or capsule?
There are various benefits of capsule and database procedures. What is the recommended best practice for choosing to develop procedures in capsules or in the database? We develop applications for customers and maintain development and production environments. Capsule procedures offer the simplest promotion capability,…
cannot save capsule
Hi, I get the following error message when trying to save a new screen in an existing capsule: Tried it with the Admin User and as a Power User. Any clue how to fix that? Thanks Mathias
Need a Board Implementation Analyst in NYC
We are planning to build the dashboard tool by using the Enterprise Performance Management tool Board. The applicant MUST have verifiable experience with the Board tool – implementing dashboards and developing reports. Must have strong technical skills within the Board platform.
Restore Function Error
Hi, I just did a backup of one of my databases, did some adjustments afterward but then wanted to restorce my initial version. Now I get the message: The dropdown in the "Restore" menu shows a different name, assume that is the reason. Does anyone know where this is coming from and how I can fix that? Or is there a…
ASCII Reader file location
Hello, For an ASCII data reader protocol, I need to load a file on a company share drive. In the Path field I entered the location (\\servername\location) of the csv file. After clicking Refresh Board seems not to find the file. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Steven
column algorithm based on excluded cubes shows random values
Dear all, some of our salesman aren`t allowed to see margin. Therefore we`ve excluded the margin cubes in database security. This works very well. But, if we`re using this margin cube in a column algorithm it shows random values/ 100%. Here the example: Cube b= AE VK (orders retail price) Cube e= AE EK (orders purchasing…
Trend lines (average) for Charts
Hi there, I'm searching for a solution to add trendline in my charts. For example: I have a chart which shows the Sales per week. Every week is shown in a bar. Our Sales dept. is interested in have a trendline showing the average sales of the selected period (let’s say 4 month or 20 weeks) in the same chart. Changing the…
Web error using IIS
Can any suggest what this error below would be caused by? A customer running on-Prem is getting it but we aren't able to access their web so can't investigate it a great deal. The customer is using IIS and we provided them with the following to set it up…
Is it possible to kick off Board (Cloud) Data Loader using powershell?
Hi guys, I have a client who runs BOARD in the cloud and am trying to trigger a Stored procedure (Data Loader) using a PowerShell script which i would like to schedule using the clients enterprise scheduling software. Would this be possible? If not, what would be an alternate solution? Alternatively if there was a file…
data entry view
Dear Community, we are currently on shifting from Desktop- to Web-Client. Does anybody know here, if the "Edit Block" function which opens the "Data Entry View" popup is also available in the HTML-Client? I haven´t found it there and also no Information in BOARD HELP. I know that the "Calculator" isn´t available in…
Cumulated actual and forecast in one chart
Hello, we have a chart in Excel that shows the cumulated values of reached milestones (thick lines). Additionally we have a line that shows the cumulated planned milestones in the next weeks (dashed line). The reached milestones stop at the current week while the plan values are shown for the following 15 weeks. I created…
Procedure is skipping some steps
A week or so ago our overnight procedure has started skipping some steps - so for example it performs data reads 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 etc but misses #1 and #6. These data readers can be run manually and there does not appear to be anything wrong with them. They're not disabled in the procedure. Does anyone have any ideas on…
maximum number of axes
I am trying to build a report using a data viewer, however firstly I had to put entities in as axes so that they can be flattened out rather than having them in the data block, which just returned the total count in that entity. However I now find that if I have more than 2 entities in the axes the screen does not display,…
Screen URL - Open Screen after Login (WEB Client)
Hi there, if we try to open a screen in a web client by entering the specific URL in the browser BOARD Web Client will come up with the Landing page (Login-Page). After logging in the start screen of the capsule will open but not the specific screen I would like to open. Is there a way to get a URL for each screen to link…
How allow user to add a value in the suggested value in the pick list ?
Hi, I have a dataview with several blocks (cubes). For two blocks I have activated the suggested value option (which refers to an entity). I would allow user to add value if needed. Do you know how I can do that ? Thanks
How can I shift a capsule in a / another folder?
Hello, sometimes the folder structure changes. Now we figured out that the colleagues who are authorized to see only some special folders can also see al the capsules that are directly on the top (highest level) and have no folder. Now I have to shift all these work capsules into a "work" folder. How can I do that? I only…
Dealing with large SQL Views in Daily Load
Hi, looking for advice/best practice on how we can improve our daily load. Currently we have a couple of sql/datareader updates in our daily load which individually consume up to 10 minutes each. In total our daily load needs more than an hour, which is too long. Most of our reports in Board are based on monthly figures,…
flowing data from one particular year to another particular year ?
Scenario : i have a database . its time range is 2016-2024. have a history data for 2016,2017,2018 in source cube. i want to flow 2016 year data to 2023 in target cube how to achieve this ? Björn Reuber Pietro Ferrari Alexander Kappes please give me your inputs. Thanks & Regards, Ravi
Show inactive members
Hello, something happened and we are not able anymore to select Inactive Members option. On Customer function "Show inactive members" is available. On Products it is not available anymore. Where it is possible to set this finction? Customer Product Best regards, Gabriele
Blank Popups Board
Hello, Does anyone here understand how to deal with popups like the picture I shared this? My board popup is only white blank.
How to add images
Hello guys, I wanted to know how to add the logo of my company in the screen,or in general, how to add pictures in the screen. Can somebody help me? I wasn't able to find the solutions anywhere in the community. Thanks, Francesco
No Data in Web
Hi together, we are in trouble with a - for us - unexplainable error in the web client. Since we updated from 10.1 to 10.3 screen do not show data. The Win Client ist working fine. It is just the web client which shows a picture like this: The strange thing is, that the selectors are selected all entities. If the user…
Hi community, is it possible have an alert in a dataview with a cube text Regards Andrea
Broadcasting attachmends (E-Mail)
Dear all, we want to configure the broadcasting email function. License is installed and we can send "Text Notification" to email receipent with the broadcasting function. We try to send the screen as PDF and this fails with a mailer.exe error (screenshot). In the Board options I configured the smtp server informations.…
Create report function in Board Web environment
Hi community, when I try to use "create report" function from Board Web in version B10.3.0, system always returns this message: An error occurred ref 1538566066XHave anybody experienced the same issue?
Save calculations in entity
Hello, In a DataView I have a block that contains calculations on entities and cubes. I want to store the Totals of this calculated block in an entity. How do I do that? Best regards, Steven
Using split and splat with integers ?
Hi all, I am currently facing a very delicate problem with a budget application I'm working on. The objective of this app, in line with Board key features, is to use split and splat functionality and previous year data to provide a detailed budget file (by SKU, Sales Force and geography) that will then be uploaded to…
Translate time entities
Hi, is it possible to translate time entities? Especially interesting for user defined time entities. I tried the normal "localized" cube, but it didn't work. Best regards Marcel
[bug] Screen corruption after cube deletion
Hi, I have a screen with dynamic selection based on cube. Unfortunately, I forgot and I delete the cube. Now the screen is unusable. Every layout in the screen show an error - Database is modified by another user. My suggestion is that the screen should ignore the deleted cube. Hope other users will not encounter this…
Dynamic Row count in entity
Hello, I have a procedure that the user activates after a particular selection. A serie of calculations are executed and data is stored in entities. What I also need is the total number of rows of a DataView in an entity? How do I do that? Best regards, Steven